Shooter Now: While Vikings build stadium, Gophers 'here to help'


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Nov 11, 2008
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"The University of Minnesota is expected to allow the Vikings to use TCF Bank Stadium for one season if necessary while a new $975 million Vikings stadium is constructed on the Metrodome site

"My understanding is that it's for a year, but I don't know if that's been finalized," Gophers athletics director Joel Maturi said.

Best bet is that a new stadium wouldn't be ready for the Vikings until the 2016 season.

Maturi said Vikings games, generally played Sundays, wouldn't be a problem for Gophers games, which are played Saturdays.

The Vikings would be expected to pay for upgrades, such as additional seating, to the Gophers stadium, as well as rent and other expenses.

"(Former) President (Bob) Bruininks and now President (Eric) Kaler have said very openly, very publicly that 'We're here to help,' " Maturi said. "We did it on an emergency basis 17 months ago."

The Vikings lost to the Chicago Bears 41-14 at TCF Bank Stadium in snow on Dec. 20, 2010. The game, the last for Vikings quarterback Brett Favre, was played at the university because the Metrodome's roof had collapsed a week earlier in a snowstorm.

Meanwhile, don't be surprised if the NFL, while a Vikings stadium is under construction, includes the team for an overseas game or two as part of its annual initiative to showcase the league worldwide."

Go Gophers!!

Business (read: bars) in Dinkytown and Stadium Village have got to love it. I'll be curious to see, if it happens, how the revenue to the U is structured. Come share our stadium for a year, but pay pay pay.

Business (read: bars) in Dinkytown and Stadium Village have got to love it. I'll be curious to see, if it happens, how the revenue to the U is structured. Come share our stadium for a year, but pay pay pay.

Damned right!!!

No permanent additional seating please and make them pay out the nose. That is all.



They will pay. Illini got 10% of the gate and half of the parking/food. New heating coils will be nice. Hopefully the University takes this opportunity to showcase the stadium and gain some more season ticket holders.

This is a win-win-win. If you don't get the reference, shame on you!

As a Viking AND Gopher fan, this is awesome. I get to see my favorite NFL team play in my favorite stadium (TheBank) and my favorite college program will be banking money and exposure!

Wasn't there a thread about the deal they worked out awhile ago?

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