Shooter Now: Maturi says AD's job has become more of a business

I do appreciate that he is smart enough to recognize that he wasn't the right guy for the job anymore.

"Joel Maturi, who this June after 10 years as athletics director at the University of Minnesota will leave his position, will be available to advise school president Eric Kaler in naming his successor."

Thanks, but no thanks.

Maturi could have been a fantastic administrator at an elite college or high school.

Alas, his mistake at the U was to assume his job had real dignity and meaning.

well, no shiite maturi. it is NEVER going to be this silly, egalitarian ethos you purport where women's sports and non-revenue olympic sports are equal to football, men's basketball and to less of an extent men's hockey in big ten country. never will be. never should be.

so go cry me a river maturi. you sold-out to the everybody gets a trophy, we must support 22 non-revenue sports crowd from almost day one. and to your own detriment.

"Joel Maturi, who this June after 10 years as athletics director at the University of Minnesota will leave his position, will be available to advise school president Eric Kaler in naming his successor."

Thanks, but no thanks.

here, here. i certainly hope that maturi does not have any legitimate say or input into the decision of which guy is hired for AD. and i hope president kaler does not ask him for it. just go away already maturi. you are as annoyingly persistent as a gnat.

Shooter Now: Maturi says AD's job has become more of a business

The AD's (and Presidents) of Michigan and Ohio State figured this out in the 1970's....
Yup. When I was reading "War As They Knew It" about the Bo/Woody 10 Year War I was very surprised to see just how forward thinking the Michigan athletic director at the time, Don Canham, was about marketing/making money for the athletic department "way back when".

Like I said, I'm glad to see Maturi isn't an idiot. I am however, annoyed that he never felt that it might be bad for the U to continue to have the athletic department led by someone who knew they were no longer the right fit.

Yup. When I was reading "War As They Knew It" about the Bo/Woody 10 Year War I was very surprised to see just how forward thinking the Michigan athletic director at the time, Don Canham, was about marketing/making money for the athletic department "way back when".

Like I said, I'm glad to see Maturi isn't an idiot. I am however, annoyed that he never felt that it might be bad for the U to continue to have the athletic department led by someone who knew they were no longer the right fit.

On a certain level I'm having a hard time reconciling the first part of the bolded segment with the second part. From my perspective, the fact that he realized he wasn't a good fit and still continued on tells me he may very well be an idiot. Either that or self-centered. Not trying to start up a hornet's nest here, but I'm wondering how much Joel actually realized he was a bad fit versus somebody actually telling him "you're a bad fit."

On a certain level I'm having a hard time reconciling the first part of the bolded segment with the second part. From my perspective, the fact that he realized he wasn't a good fit and still continued on tells me he may very well be an idiot. Either that or self-centered. Not trying to start up a hornet's nest here, but I'm wondering how much Joel actually realized he was a bad fit versus somebody actually telling him "you're a bad fit."
Completely true. Also, the timing of the realization matters. If he figured it out 2 years ago he might have talked to President B and was told he didn't want to hire a new AD at the end of his tenure and that Joel should stay on until the new Prez was hired.

In the end, it doesn't really matter. It's frustrating because in an ideal world this realization would have been made and acted on by several key folks much earlier in JM's tenure.

The prexy of the U of M always gets what the prexy of the U of M wants. The prexy's of Michigan and Ohio State wanted to stay at the HEAD of the Conference way back i the late 1960's and early 1070's. The prexy's at the U of M just wanted to hang on and collect the shared revenue checks from the Big Ten for Football and Basketball. It was the Big 2 and little eight for a while in the Big Ten. Then, a few Big Ten prexys decided that THEY wanted to move up closer to the Michigan/OSU levels of competition. MSU, iowa and wiskydeveloped "new attitudes" at the presidential level and made committments to improve their revenue sports programs.

prexy k can make a move for the Gopher revenue sports towards higher levels competition IF he is willing to make the committment and IF he is willing to make excellence in ALL things his driving force and his credo that he bases his administration of the University of Minnesota upon. Does he have the drive...the strength...the courage to do what needs to be done? Does he have the will? Does prexy k REALLY have what it will take to bring excellence to the University of least compete with the other Big Ten Institutions on a very high level in the classroom, in the research fields and in the most highly visible revenue sports?

The prexy's of the U of M have been content to have the major revenue sports be lower-tiered member of the Big Ten Football and Basketball food chain. The shared revenues have been nice...BUT...the desire to compete by the part of the prexys of the U has been pathetic... And it has been 45 years since the Gophers even shared a Big Ten Football Championship.

The problem has always been residing within the office of the president of the University of Minnesota. The University of Minnesota prexy ALWAYS gets exactly what the University of Minnesota pexy is willing to settle for...

; 0 (

Maybe prexy k will be a differfence maker...or...maybe he will be just like all the others...

We don't get to choose the, obviously, we don't have to blindly follow the prexy...

; 0 )

If only university presidents all wanted to be champions, then every single university would be champions every single year. They could just click their heels three times and say "there's no place like first place, there's no place like first place..."

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