Shooter Now: Maturi planning to stay with Gophers

Let's hope Kaler doesn't have the same plans.

Part of me wants to know what will happen under the new U president before placing it all on Maturi's shoulders. Basically the U's problems did not originate with Maturi, but have been going for a long time. In the overall sports department, Maturi has definitely done some good, though they could use to scale back some on non-revenue sports instead of feeling they need to make everyone happy.

Part of me wants to know what will happen under the new U president before placing it all on Maturi's shoulders. Basically the U's problems did not originate with Maturi, but have been going for a long time. In the overall sports department, Maturi has definitely done some good, though they could use to scale back some on non-revenue sports instead of feeling they need to make everyone happy.

No one person is responsible for everything good or bad with the U's athletics. But it is time to trade Maturi in for someone who is willing to be proactive instead of reactive, embraces creativity, recognizes that the "business" side of college athletics is a critical part of their job (but also knows that doesn't mean you have to turn every break in the action into a chance to run an advertisement), and doesn't give off the impression that mediocrity is even somewhat tolerable in the big 3 sports.

I'm hoping this is for the next year only.
That's all I'm going to say right now to avoid Maturi rage kicking in.

Exactly right. He has brought administrative competence and improved the support of the success of athletes on campus a lot-no small fete, but we need someone who will proactively raise on-field expectations, and set priorities for sports that actually pay bills. That is not him, he does not actuallly believe we can compete in football; if Coach Kill gets it done, Joel will be the most surprised guy in Minnesota. The deterioration fo the hockey program is a disgrace, the basketball program pays the bills-Tubby has to make whatever changes are required to get the players required to succeed, and football should be paying a lot more bills and would if we had a legitimate program. This staff has to get whatever support is legitimately required to put a genuinely competitive team on the field. We get enough money from the BigTen network there is no excuse for it not happening, now. Not all sports are equal, some pay bills ,and some just spend money. If the baseball team (or softball team) can't take a spring trip, that is the breaks, they pay zero bills, and they will never win another national championship, in fact they have a really low probablilty of ever getting to the College World Series again. Building them a multi-million dollar stadium is a joke. The BigTen should drop baseball as a conference, it is completely stacked in favor of Southern schools.

The incompetence within the administration....

CONTINUES. At least prexy b has been ditched, but, he already has dictated to Prexy K that the inadequate revenue sports administrative leadership will continue in the direction that evolved during the past 10 years under badger joel macturi. The nightmare and the incompetence coming from the highest levels of the administration at the Universtiy of Minnesota will continue. Out with the old with the new one who is essentially the SAME as the old one. NOTHING has changed...Not only were the first two seasons in the new stadium the arrival of a new prexy at the U does NOT indicate any type of relevant change will occur within the athletic department related to the role of the revenue sports needing to be more competetive than they have been during the past five years or longer. I am, indeed worried about the leadership at the University of Minnesota for academics, adequate fundraising and endowment building...AND...direction for the athletic department. This IS a sad day for the University of Minnesota administration and it's future. It would indicate that the lame duck prexy b has imposed his will and his failed agenda and in essence has set the agenda for the U of M for next decade or longer. IF he follows the lame prexy b's would appear that he is merely another in a long line of "prexy b-Malcolm Moos...Hasselmoe (sp?) type" clones. They have brougt in an unknown commodity in prexy k and the way in which he is arriving makes me skeptical about the possibility of the University of Minnesota revenue sports ever living up to their potential due to lack of administrative leadership with vision and the desire to have these programs achieve a highly competetive state within the Big Ten Conference. IF badger joel macturi is extended...this is a disaster....UNLESS charlie walters has it ALL WRONG... ; 0 )

Prexy K has just been demoted to prexy k as far as I am concerned. He will have to prove he is anything more than a prexy b with a last initial just a bit further down the alphabetic order... There will be no Pat Richter moment and there will certainly not be a Donna S. type committment to the revenue sports programs.

Three more years of badger joel macturi? (I am sure he will be offered a two year contract extension by the inexperienced prexy k. prexy k will stick it to old, loyal season ticket buyers any and EVERY chance he has. He will start by insuring us MORE badger joel macturi. ; 0 (

Not all sports are equal, some pay bills ,and some just spend money. If the baseball team (or softball team) can't take a spring trip, that is the breaks, they pay zero bills, and they will never win another national championship, in fact they have a really low probablilty of ever getting to the College World Series again. Building them a multi-million dollar stadium is a joke. The BigTen should drop baseball as a conference, it is completely stacked in favor of Southern schools.


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Can someone point out where Kaler states that he believes that it is in the best interests of the program to retain Maturi?

From how I read it, Maturi states: "Right now I'm real happy doing what I'm doing, and who I'm doing it with, and looking forward to the 2011-12 school year," he said. "I don't anticipate any change."

That is a far cry from Kaler stating publicly that he plans on retaining Maturi.

I want the Gophers to win in football...I have been a huge fan going back to Lou Hotlz and Gutey...but I am tired of baseball getting beat up on this board from certain is a simpleton's logic to assume that Wisconsin got powerfull because they dropped baseball...they won because of a solid coach, athletic director and president...not because they dropped baseball...they dropped baseball, unfortunately, because the department was in the red...the Gophers have the location, facilities and coaching staff to they just need the upper level leadership...leave baseball alone....on another note, the new baseball stadium is coming from private donations and not the cannot just take that money and spend it elsewhere.

Wren, I was just starting to gain a little respect for your opinions/posts as of late and then......your last post! I think it set you back at least 2 years in the "respect" department. Funny thing is, I'd love to sit down with you someday, have a few beers and share a few laughs and pick your brain, I've never viewed you as a bad person just someone who is uncontrolably passionate about things with harsh and uber subjective opinions.
Take a deep breath and give prexy K a chance, will ya.

Can someone point out where Kaler states that he believes that it is in the best interests of the program to retain Maturi?

From how I read it, Maturi states: "Right now I'm real happy doing what I'm doing, and who I'm doing it with, and looking forward to the 2011-12 school year," he said. "I don't anticipate any change."

That is a far cry from Kaler stating publicly that he plans on retaining Maturi.

Thank you. At least one person who demonstrates something called "reading comprehension." Good grief, Walters throws out a piece of his typical crap that tells you nothing and some people start getting all worked up. Kaler has a brain, and I'll be really surprised if he can't figure out that it's a good time to make a change. He'll do it so Maturi leaves with his dignity intact, and he deserves that.

bjm deserves nothing...

They have set him up to go over ten years in his tenure and his retirement package is growing with each year he is extended. The University of Minnesota can NOT afford to fund those kinds of "rich" retirements for people such as badger joel macturi who have driven the revenue sports into the lower levels of the Big Ten Conference in terms of competetivness. JUST look at the records furing the past five years and longer. The trend line has been lower...and lower...and lower with Men's Hockey, Men's basketball and Football. bjm must be held accountable for the disaster that opening the new stadium has become. Going into the third season, the joint isn't even sold out with only a 50,000 seat stadium.

Coaches get fired...inadequate athletic directors just get bigger and better golden parachutes. What on earth is going on over at the University of Minnesota???????? What a disaster...
IF we don't let prexy k KNOW in no uncertain terms just how angry and upset the season ticket holders are about the continued direction of the revenue sports management...don't EVER expect prexy k to "get it..." IF the wheel does not squeak...he will just assume that things are the way that the season ticket buying public WANTS things to be. Bitch...complain...make noise...tell it like it is and let prexy k know that you think that badger joel macturi has been around entirely too long already. IF you quietly "sit there and just take it..." the administrators are going to totally IGNORE anything going on with the revenue sports programs at the University of Minnesota. These "administrative" types like to hob-nob but they could care less about the things that matter to the peon long-time football season ticket holders. Make it UNCOMFORTABLE for bjm and for prexy k. Turn the heat up. Let him know that you are mad as h and don't want to just let things stay just the same way they have been for the past five years or ten years or twenty five years. Give prexy k a piece of your mind!

It is time for Reusse, Souhan, et al to start pointing out all the rewards badger joel macturi has been given for driving the revenue sports into a cement wall at 90 mph. Let them start pointing out his many screw-ups with the football program. Let them talk about how pathetic it is that in the third season, TCF BANK STADIUM is not sold out...due totally to badger joel macturi's inept handling of the coaching situation. Hopefully Coach Kill is going to succeed in restoring the football program to a competetive level in Big Ten play. Hopeuflly Tubby can bring the hoops program to a competetive level within the Big Ten Conference. Hopefully, the Hockey Program can be competetive within the new Big Ten Hockey Conference. bjm MUST be thrown under the bus NOW...There must be consequences for inept and inadequate leadership for the revenue sports programs at the University of Minnesota...and that comes from the office of the ad.

; 0 )

; 0 (

Kaler is a pretty big sports fan and in particular a huge baseball fan. FYI

I want the Gophers to win in football...I have been a huge fan going back to Lou Hotlz and Gutey...but I am tired of baseball getting beat up on this board from certain is a simpleton's logic to assume that Wisconsin got powerfull because they dropped baseball...they won because of a solid coach, athletic director and president...not because they dropped baseball...they dropped baseball, unfortunately, because the department was in the red...the Gophers have the location, facilities and coaching staff to they just need the upper level leadership...leave baseball alone....on another note, the new baseball stadium is coming from private donations and not the cannot just take that money and spend it elsewhere.

People keep mentioning that Wisconsin doesn't have baseball, but they forget to mention that Wisconsin has men's soccer, which we don't have.

They have set him up to go over ten years in his tenure and his retirement package is growing with each year he is extended. The University of Minnesota can NOT afford to fund those kinds of "rich" retirements for people such as badger joel macturi

Coaches get fired...inadequate athletic directors just get bigger and better golden parachutes.

Your raging jealousy is thoroughly transparent.

The University of Minnesota has MASSIVE financial problems facing it heading into...

the future. How the administration spends money on "entitlements" for over the hill, inadequate, over-matched athletic directors who have overseen the trashing of the revenue sports really is not any kind of jealousy, is a question EVERY person who hopes the University of Minnesota will be solvent, relevent and a positive influence on the future of the state of Minnesota should be paying close attention to.

I have noticed that you have always appeared to be quite an apologist for badger joel macturi dopodoll. Do you work for him? We will have to look into the plight of the revenue sports during his tenure. What is the trend line of football, basketball and hockey during the last 10 years...5 years...2 years...1 year under badger joel macturi?????????????? What is his attitude about the long-time season ticket holders that he now is seeking to extract extra charges from for them to maintain their current relationship as U of M hoops and hockey season ticket holders????????????

Men's hoops and hockey results have been extremely poor during the past several years. badger joel macturi has done a horrible job with the revenue sports. He is resposible for the record of the revenue sports programs.

How many Gopher Fans want to see badger joel macturi continue on into the future as the athletic director??????????

I have noticed that you have always appeared to be quite an apologist for badger joel macturi dopodoll.

Feel free to name one instance. I'll be waiting.

Simple minds offer simple solutions.

Typical wren off the wall comment

Wren seems to believe that if you challenge him on anything that makes you an apologist. He seems to be unable to comprehend is that it is often his intellectual honesty that is being challenged. It appears that he is totally oblivious that the rules that he thinks we should be following should work both ways. For example, in any discussion of Mason and Weber that question wren's belief about them are totally improper but any comments that wren makes on a subject is okay. This is a man who is lacking in basic intellectual honesty. That is often the case for people who only want to proselytize their personal agenda. Just read the comment below from wren to see what I mean.

I have noticed that you have always appeared to be quite an apologist for badger joel macturi dopodoll. Do you work for him?

What an intellectual giant we have in wren.

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