Shooter = Media Terrorist


Active member
Jan 7, 2009
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I can't take it anymore. From his "Now" column today:

"Support for University of Minnesota interim football coach Jeff Horton for the permanent job is growing, some of it from financial contributors, a little birdie says. Even some Gophers players have approached athletics director Joel Maturi to support Horton, whom they regard as well organized and no-nonsense."

How many times does it need to be said: good guy, good job in a tough spot, we appreciate it, but "thank you and best of luck."

Can't blame the players one bit. I sure they don't want to learn another new system and start from scratch. If they had played better against PSU or MSU then they would have had a strong case.

I don't blame the players at all. I blame shooter for trying to put out this idea that there is this wave of support to have Horton retained. No, there isn't! Sure there may be a couple of people here and there, and more now than there were this past Saturday morning, but there is NOT some big grassroots wave of support for this. Shooter should do a little research and look at the grassroots efforts pushing for Leach - right or wrong, that is where I would say "support is growing". The mere thought of Horton being retained as Head Coach (QB coach? cool) makes me ill.

This is the definitition of the media having its own objectives (ie, Rosen and others with Trestman).

Oh, what the heck? The media...the players...and so many fans on this board...

are all pushing for which ever coach out there they may like. It's a joke. Just hang on to your horses and see what happens. There will be a lot of people who act all ticked off and hold their collective breaths until they are blue in the face if they don't get the one they want. Just remember: " can't always get what you wanted..."

After we have seen a year or two of the new coach, then we can rate him (or her, I suppose) on the Big Ten record. Then we can either praise or curse the lame ducks who are conducting this coach-hunting expedition. We will know if Dave Mona was able to "mona-ize" and spin the coach who finally is hired or if he merely tried to put lipstick on the pig and tried to sling and sell the hire to the unsuspecting public.

But, what the heck, everyone who has a favorite target coach is no different than anyone else who has a favorite one...or two...or three. Everyone pushing a specific name is just as guilty as the next one pushing a specific name. Good luck to everyone in getting the coach they may want. But, be careful, you just might get the one you want. The question really is will the program: "...get what it needs..."

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