Shooter: Maturi says he's unaware of the status of a contract extension for Tubby


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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"Gophers athletics director Joel Maturi said Saturday he's unaware of the status of a contract extension for men's basketball coach Tubby Smith. There's a rumor that it's been put on hold.

"He's got three years left on his contract; we're in good shape," Maturi said."

Go Gophers!!

"...he's unaware of the status of a contract extension for men's basketball coach Tubby Smith."

This is all the evidence needed to prove that Maturi is completely inept. Hopefully President Kaler agrees.

Raise your hand here if as a boss, you know the status of your top direct reports employment status.

My #1 priority for a new AD is that he knows the status of his coaches contract extensions, especially guys like Tubby, Kill and The Don.

"...he's unaware of the status of a contract extension for men's basketball coach Tubby Smith."

This is all the evidence needed to prove that Maturi is completely inept. Hopefully President Kaler agrees.

And how many multi-million dollar contracts have you been a part of? Could you give us a step by step breakdown of the process?

And how many multi-million dollar contracts have you been a part of? Could you give us a step by step breakdown of the process?

It's pretty obvious that if you asked Maturi that very question, he wouldn't be able to count Tubby's current contract extension. Sad I'm sure we agree.

I am not a Maturi fan (stupid gamble on Brewster where Maturi implied his job was on the line and than total lack of character by not resigning when he admitted the hire was a big mistake. Sorry, admitting it was your fault is not enough.). However, I have to believe Maturi knows exactly the status of Tubby's contract extension. This is another example of Maturi sticking his foot in it. If Maturi did in fact indicate he did not know the status, he should have said instead..."we are working on the contract extension, but these things are complicated and they take time...blah, blah, blah...we love Tubby... blah, blah, blah".

Maturi is just not good at the PR part of the job. He should never, ever speak to the press.

Perhaps, the new president wants the next AD to decide about terms / length of Tubby's contract extension.

I think it means Joel is out of the loop because he's a lame duck.

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