Shooter: Gophers admin, coaches & civic leaders heading to AZ to meet with T Denny


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Nov 11, 2008
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Shooter: Gophers admin, coaches & civic leaders heading to AZ to meet with T Denny

per Shooter:

Top Gophers administrators, coaches and civic leaders are headed to Scottsdale, Ariz., to visit Minnesota grad T. Denny Sanford from St. Paul, hoping the multimillionaire philanthropist will become the lead donor for their $190 million athletics-facilities improvement drive.

Go Gophers!!

As long as there is no pay for play, I hope he donates. We need to get the project off of the ground.

Go down to Denny and ask for the entire 190 million dollars.

on Sid's radio show Sunday, they had the chair of the Board of Regents on. He said their fundraising is "going very well," but of course, didn't give any actual numbers.

Here's my view: if fundraising really was going very well, the U would put out (or leak) the numbers to let prospective donors know about the momentum in the fund drive. And, if they had a lead donor lined up, or even some significant corporate or personal donations, the word would get out.

Until I see or hear some real numbers, I am going to remain skeptical.

on Sid's radio show Sunday, they had the chair of the Board of Regents on. He said their fundraising is "going very well," but of course, didn't give any actual numbers.

Here's my view: if fundraising really was going very well, the U would put out (or leak) the numbers to let prospective donors know about the momentum in the fund drive. And, if they had a lead donor lined up, or even some significant corporate or personal donations, the word would get out.

Until I see or hear some real numbers, I am going to remain skeptical.

It is going so well that they're begging the only guy they ever beg for more money. There is no vision or creative fundraising going on. It is all about begging until Sanford pays us to go away. It looks more and more like these people couldn't organize a one-car parade.

Do you realize how often I parade around in one car. If I could do it....

Do you realize how often I parade around in one car. If I could do it....

When I was a lot younger, several of us used to parade around one car at a red light.

We haven't heard from Lou Nanne or any of the big boosters he is courting other than TD Sanford. Are they doing this all behind the scenes?

You'd think they want to get the general fan dome involved in some sort of grassroots fund raising campaign in addition to corporate donations and big boosters. Public visibility you'd think will help general excitement. No reports on amount raised or any fundraising. Nothing.

You'd think there is a little sense of urgency here before we lose JK or RP.

We haven't heard from Lou Nanne or any of the big boosters he is courting other than TD Sanford. Are they doing this all behind the scenes?

You'd think they want to get the general fan dome involved in some sort of grassroots fund raising campaign in addition to corporate donations and big boosters. Public visibility you'd think will help general excitement. No reports on amount raised or any fundraising. Nothing.

You'd think there is a little sense of urgency here before we lose JK or RP.

My guess is after the Sid/Strib fiasco a few months back, they have gone into a bunker. They want no further misinformation out there.

This bugs me. Unfortunately we probably have no choice, but I'm so tired of Denny playing these games with the U. It's like he's playing the "really hot girl who incessantly flirts" role. He's been courted and wooed for years with mediocre at best results. Anytime something happens that doesn't go his way, he pouts and goes elsewhere to donate his money. I know there are few options for the U, but Sanford really irks me. I guess these are the games you can play when you're uber rich and there are no other known potential big boosters.

When I was a lot younger, several of us used to parade around one car at a red light.

I've seen that done! If we get T. Denny involved, I bet we could still do it and get him to fit the bill for the upgrades, while having fun parading about the car.

I've seen that done! If we get T. Denny involved, I bet we could still do it and get him to fit the bill for the upgrades, while having fun parading about the car.

We had people laughing like hell at us, and then a car came thru the green light with full moons shining!!!

Lets face it folks, we've trust Jerry Kill so far. Lets trust Louie to get things done as well. He has done well in life for a reason.

Hopefully giving T. Denny one last chance to be the lead donor, then rolling this thing out with a number of strong donors and an opportunity for us small donors.

I disagree with most of the anxious comments. Anyone who knows anything about Lou Nanne realizes he WILL get the job done! Everyone wants it NOW! Nanne knows everyone and is an astute businessman. Be patient guys. The final result is gonna be great!

I disagree with most of the anxious comments. Anyone who knows anything about Lou Nanne realizes he WILL get the job done! Everyone wants it NOW! Nanne knows everyone and is an astute businessman. Be patient guys. The final result is gonna be great!

You're not necessarily wrong, in fact, I'm probably inclined to agree with you. It simply looks bad when we have no information regarding fundraising (possibly a bad sign), and we're begging the same guy we begged before Nanne. It looks and seems like nothing has changed or improved.

You're not necessarily wrong, in fact, I'm probably inclined to agree with you. It simply looks bad when we have no information regarding fundraising (possibly a bad sign), and we're begging the same guy we begged before Nanne. It looks and seems like nothing has changed or improved.

Perhaps it is up to you to "beg harder..."

If this is going to happen, it is going to take some time. They won't go "grass roots..." (asking for the $$$ 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 5000 and 10000 donations until they have their lead donors and at least 85% to 95% of the money raised.

It also depends on just how committed the "top of the food chain" in the administration is. Are there any academic needs pressing?

It's up to the current coaches that are drawing pretty damn nice wages to get out there, work their tails off and get MORE Big Ten Conference wins to help their own causes regardless of some multi...multi...multi million dollar demands that some fans have. No matter what, the new taj-ma-norwood digs are not going to buy championships. They won't hurt. But, they are not the "one..." mystical ingredient missing.

If Sanford gives big, he gives big. If he doesn't, he doesn't.

Find a way to beat iowa, Michigan and for God's sake, beat the stinking badger in football this year. Win the border games and the trophy games. That will do more to jump start the football program...and wouldn't hurt the hoops program at all either to beat those three teams!

T. Denny could help a bit...but...he is ONLY T. Denny. Win MORE Conference Football and Basketball Games. That is the answer. That will raise more money than all the "begging" in the world. Start competing at least equally with our border battle teams. That has been missing too often during the past ten years and longer. And, for God's sake: keep the Men's Hoops program from shooting the entire athletic department in the foot with scandals. In the past 3 or 4 decades, that has been a killer... for good will for the U of M athletic department.

The whole "begging the same person" gripe can be summed up with one thought.... It's called selling, and when does selling start? When the customer says no. Otherwise it isn't selling, we don't call the cashier a salesmen do we?


per Shooter:

Top Gophers administrators, coaches and civic leaders are headed to Scottsdale, Ariz., to visit Minnesota grad T. Denny Sanford from St. Paul, hoping the multimillionaire philanthropist will become the lead donor for their $190 million athletics-facilities improvement drive.

Go Gophers!!

Nice to see that Shooter remains T.Denny's personal traveling secretary!

<img id="ums_img_tooltip" class="UMSRatingIcon">

Nice to see that Shooter remains T.Denny's personal traveling secretary!

<img id="ums_img_tooltip" class="UMSRatingIcon">

Sometimes being the traveling secretary results in getting slugged, re:the late Billy Martin when Twins manager.

We haven't heard from Lou Nanne or any of the big boosters he is courting other than TD Sanford. Are they doing this all behind the scenes?

You'd think they want to get the general fan dome involved in some sort of grassroots fund raising campaign in addition to corporate donations and big boosters. Public visibility you'd think will help general excitement. No reports on amount raised or any fundraising. Nothing.

You'd think there is a little sense of urgency here before we lose JK or RP.

From today's DL report:

5) Sid said he understood Coach Kill is an active participant - including at Kill’s house - in fund raising for new athletic facilities at the U: “We’re doing some things at our house and throughout the Twin Cities,” said Kill. He strives to illustrate the importance and direction they need to go in improving the school’s athletic facilities.

The best fundraisers are the ones that are behind the scenes. Most donors like to remain anonymous, especially in the age of morbid political correctness. Denny seems to go in and out of his ego trip.

Most who complain about a lack of "public progress" aren't donating a dime themselves. The U Fund will take any donation amount from anyone at anytime.

Also, I'd say the chances of "losing JK" diminish every day.

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