Shooter: Dome vs. TCF Attendance

Remember - the "attendance" reported for sporting events is tickets sold, not an actual turnstile count of people at the game. At the end of the baseball season, the Twins were still reporting "crowds" of 20,000+ when the actual number of bodies in seats was barely above 10,000. Somebody with more time and computer savvy could probably find this out - but it's been years since the "attendance" numbers were based on actual turnstile counts.

Having said that, it would be interesting to see if anyone has actual numbers on student attendance at games in the dome vs. TCF. My unscientific eyeball count and memory tell me that there were more students at games in the Dome - at least that's the way it seemed to me.

Student tickets under Mason went from 3000 to about 10000


thinking about it Memorial Stadium was a virtual carbon copy of Purdue's ross Ade Stadium

Well, they DID open in the same year.. wonder if they were designed by the same firm? Similar style due to the time period? It is a bit eerie how close they look...

As I recall, Memorial had some serious structural problems to the point it would have been very expensive to keep it functional.

Well, they DID open in the same year.. wonder if they were designed by the same firm? Similar style due to the time period? It is a bit eerie how close they look...

Almost all of the original modern-era big ten stadiums opened within a few years of each other in the 1920s. I believe Memorial Stadium opened in 1923 or 1924. Prior to that the Gophers played on Northrup Field.

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