Shannon Brooks got 10 carries, Cacoh sealed his fate


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Tracy Claeys did himself in today. Unless Minnesota goes on some insane run he is finished.

Minnesota ran the ball less than 3o times today. If we had run the all 50 plus times we would have won.

Was Shannon Brooks injured? Shannon Brooks is a monster and he hat ten , that is right , ten carries total.

Shannon Brooks needs 25 carries a game.

See you later TC and Jay Johnson. They got too cute and it cost them. FU

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Regardless, team needs to run the ball 50 times a game and Brooks needs to get more of the carries. TC fired himself today unless something changes soon. Ironically hiring Jay Johnson as OC is what did him in. It was very clear with all the "cute" offense program we were going to lose, unless we got lucky or the D did it.

Limegrover without Kill was far superior to Jay Johnson.

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If we would have just run the ball everyone would be b!tching about why didn't we try to throw the ball. The last 5 years everyone complains about how much we run it. And now today we are complaining about not running it enough. I'm beginning to understand how crazy us gopher fans are.

I think 5 of the 10 carries came on TD drive.

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If we would have just run the ball everyone would be b!tching about why didn't we try to throw the ball. The last 5 years everyone complains about how much we run it. And now today we are complaining about not running it enough. I'm beginning to understand how crazy us gopher fans are.

It was pretty clear that the only offensive thing working today was Brooks carrying the football. What Gopher fans bitch about with play-calling is the refusal to continue things that work well, and the refusal to stop doing things that don't.

If we would have just run the ball everyone would be b!tching about why didn't we try to throw the ball. The last 5 years everyone complains about how much we run it. And now today we are complaining about not running it enough. I'm beginning to understand how crazy us gopher fans are.

Do you think Shannon Brooks getting 10 carries against the nation's 86th ranked run defense is good or bad?

Brooks carried on 4 of the 8 plays on the TD drive. He carried on 6 of the other 54 plays.

I totally agree.

And when we desperately needed a first down at the end of the CSU game, who gets the ball in the final series? Beebe and McGrary. Punt!

It was just as bad or worse last week. Same questions and we were also ahead then too! Play to your strengths. Attack weaknesses. Neither Penn St or Iowa could stop Brooks...and I'd like to see if they could stop McCrary either...he's a load.

I have been following Gopher football for 48 years. Today I saw the poorest OC and poorest senior QB play since I set in Memorial. Please, please Coyle do something about it.

I have been following Gopher football for 48 years. Today I saw the poorest OC and poorest senior QB play since I set in Memorial. Please, please Coyle do something about it.

Lol. Ridiculous.

Do you think Shannon Brooks getting 10 carries against the nation's 86th ranked run defense is good or bad?

That's not the point. Of course they should have fed him the ball more, from his first touch he seemed to be the only offensive player that came to play today and was energized. The rest of our offense looked like they had the flu. Just saying if we would have run it all 3 downs people would be b!tching about not throwing it like they did when Limey was the OC. It's a lose/lose.

I should have followed my rule of not posting here for 48 hours post a loss. So irrational around here until people cool off.

There is no way to justify SB23 getting just 10 carries. Dude averages over 6 yds/carry (5.5 today), carries the ball 50% of the time on our only TD drive and somehow we give him 6 carries the rest of the game combined? No way to justify that.

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Yeah, the play calling was atrocious. I had bigger issues with the play calling today than I did during the entire Limey tenure.

That's not the point. Of course they should have fed him the ball more, from his first touch he seemed to be the only offensive player that came to play today and was energized. The rest of our offense looked like they had the flu. Just saying if we would have run it all 3 downs people would be b!tching about not throwing it like they did when Limey was the OC. It's a lose/lose.

I should have followed my rule of not posting here for 48 hours post a loss. So irrational around here until people cool off.

You are clearly the irrational one in this case.

Subject line typo

Regardless, team needs to run the ball 50 times a game and Brooks needs to get more of the carries. TC fired himself today unless something changes soon. Ironically hiring Jay Johnson as OC is what did him in. It was very clear with all the "cute" offense program we were going to lose, unless we got lucky or the D did it.

They don't deserve to have their titles spelled correctly..

And we put #22 in for the first play. Why?

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That's not the point. Of course they should have fed him the ball more, from his first touch he seemed to be the only offensive player that came to play today and was energized.

I should have followed my rule of not posting here for 48 hours post a loss. So irrational around here until people cool off.

So we agree, but I'm irrational?

So we agree, but I'm irrational?

Yeah. That other guy is making zero sense. Yes, we complain about the Gophers not throwing the ball when the RUTM is not working. But when the run is working tremendously, of course we want to see the run more! It's not difficult; holy crap.

Yeah. That other guy is making zero sense. Yes, we complain about the Gophers not throwing the ball when the RUTM is not working. But when the run is working tremendously, of course we want to see the run more! It's not difficult; holy crap.


Is it possible that Iowa saw how ineffective the Gopher passing game was and basically sold out to stop the run and just dared Mitch and the receivers to beat them with the pass? It seemed like there was a point in the second half where the run wasn't going to be effective and we weren't able to adjust.

Is it possible that Iowa saw how ineffective the Gopher passing game was and basically sold out to stop the run and just dared Mitch and the receivers to beat them with the pass? It seemed like there was a point in the second half where the run wasn't going to be effective and we weren't able to adjust.

Not as much as you think.

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