Shama: Tubby: No Contract Extension Now; Financing Plan Still Needed for Facility


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Nov 11, 2008
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Tubby Smith: No Contract Extension Now

Tubby Smith told Sports Headliners talks about a contract extension between himself and the University of Minnesota have ended for now. He wants to focus on the season ahead and pursue a new practice facility.

A possible extension has been public knowledge since the end of last season and even last month Smith told Sports Headliners an extension agreement might be signed within 24 hours. However, representatives involved in negotiations didn’t finalize an agreement, and the coach wasn’t definitive as to why.

Smith said he isn’t upset and is very comfortable with his contract status. “I’ve got three years on my contract,” Smith said. “It’s nothing I am concerned about. …I know coming off the year we had last year ─ hell ─ I wasn’t expecting to get any extension anyway. That was something that was talked about. It wasn’t me bringing it up.”

Smith, who with base salary and incentives can potentially earn over $2 million this season, said money wasn’t the issue with the extension. So what was?

What likely is a factor from Smith’s perspective is whether the University is going to build a $20-plus million practice facility to match what other major college basketball programs have. It’s probable, too, that Eric Kaler, the new University president who began work on July 1, needs more time to assess the athletic department, including the basketball program, before making long term commitments.

Smith certainly wants to see the Gophers athletic department and University make a “commitment” to the practice building. The lack of a facility is limiting the “progression and development” of the basketball program, according to Smith.

State-of-the-art practice facilities have become major assets in the recruiting pitch of college coaches. The need for such a facility is probably even greater at Minnesota than at most schools because the Gophers both practice and play at 83-year-old Williams Arena. While it’s an exciting place on game day, the arena is a drab looking facility when empty.

Smith, the former Kentucky national championship coach, came to Minnesota in 2007 and said he’s “pretty comfortable” with his situation here, but it’s imperative that the program have what’s needed to be competitive. “The one thing I saw when I first got here was that we lacked the facilities that other major programs had to be successful,” he said.

Financing Plan Still Needed for Facility

Smith suggested the possibility of a financial package that will both renovate the arena and build a new practice facility. How to finance it? Smith’s ideas include perhaps a combination of large gifts from donors and use of basketball game day parking revenues that are now retained by the University and not the athletic department.

The Gophers coach knows winning will help make the facility a reality. He acknowledged a Big Ten championship would make a difference, but the Gophers are coming off a 17-14 season. It was the first time in 18 years of coaching that a Smith team didn’t play in a post-season tournament.

Two of Smith’s first three teams made the NCAA tournament, with the other participating in the NIT. He wants to compete for championships and had hoped his program would be further along after four years. But he’s upbeat about the coming season that starts with a regular season game against Bucknell on Friday night after the Gophers conclude their exhibition schedule versus Augustana at home tonight.

This is also a newsworthy week for recruiting since college basketball teams can sign prep players to national letters of intent starting on Wednesday and continue through November 16. “We’ll sign two, maybe three (players),” Smith said. “We’re excited about the guys. …”

Coaches can’t talk about specific recruits now but it’s known the Gophers have a commitment from Rice Lake, Wisconsin shooting guard Wally Ellenson. Another player who might end up being a Gopher is Charles Buggs, a power forward from Hargrave Military Academy in Virginia.

Go Gophers!!

I remember reading awhile back that the U wasn't even going to look at blueprints for a practice facility until the new baseball field is done and ready. Is this still true, or have they surged on in fear of losing Tubby?

Included in the Twins bill was 40 million for a hockey rink for UMD

No reason we can't enough for a practice facility in Vike stadium bill.

Included in the Twins bill was 40 million for a hockey rink for UMD

No reason we can't enough for a practice facility in Vike stadium bill.
I thought there was no chance the Vikes get a stadium.

It's too bad that this hasn't become a bigger issue in the Minneapolis media. The fact that schools like Iowa, Iowa State, and Nebraska have or will have practice facilities within the next year and Minnesota will not should be looked at as an embarassment. I am sure that if the Gophers were to lose games to one of those schools, the local columnists would be quick to point out how bad a loss it was for the program.

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