Shama: The Gophers have sold 253 new season tickets since Fleck was hired


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Shama:

The Gophers have sold 253 new season tickets since Fleck was hired, according to an email from an athletic department spokesman. who noted no “aggressive ticket push” has been made so far to sell tickets.

Go Gophers!!

That is about as impressive as a speech from Kiffin...

253 seems like a tiny number. And how's it possible that the U hasn't started an "aggressive ticket push" yet? Maybe they haven't decided if they're going to roll back the donations for next season yet. But it seems like these things could have been done already.

Only the University of Minnesota. . .

Hire a young, energetic coach who was hired, at least partially, to bring some energy and excitement to the program with National Signing Day right around the corner and you decide it's not a good time for an aggressive ticket push.

Welcome aboard PJ, the biggest culture you have to change is with the school administrators.

It's February. I'm sure they'll use this recruiting class as part of the pitch whenever they start the ticket push.

I think folks here greatly overestimate the impact of PJ and ticket sales.

I'm sure folks are interested, but committing to season tickets is no small matter for most folks.

I think there is a potential for developing a much larger season ticket holding fans.... but only Wins will really tap that.

s***, this is pointless. They do not even know at this point how may existing ticket holders will be renewing.

s***, this is pointless. They do not even know at this point how may existing ticket holders will be renewing.

Hey you should buy season ticets!

Great where can I sit?

Well these places... or maybe others... later.... just give us monies!

"253 New" is kind of misleading? Is that 253 People as in one per seat?? Could it be 253 people that have bought 2- 4 seats?

If it's the later, that's a lot of new season ticket holders.

Also whats been the fall out from old season ticket holders are they not renewing because of the scandal??

Whatever it is...ticket sales were going in the other direction since Kill quit. Sure it is a small number but my gosh we needed to stop the hemorrhaging.

Will just point out that poor ticket sales was one of the reasons given for firing Claeys. Therefore, I assume that the new Coach is expected to somehow help generate more ticket sales.

"253 New" is kind of misleading? Is that 253 People as in one per seat?? Could it be 253 people that have bought 2- 4 seats?

If it's the later, that's a lot of new season ticket holders.

Also whats been the fall out from old season ticket holders are they not renewing because of the scandal??

You are looking at 253 new individual seat holders here.

It's February. I'm sure they'll use this recruiting class as part of the pitch whenever they start the ticket push.

The most the average Joe is going to care about this recruiting class between now and August is today.

The most the average Joe is going to care about this recruiting class between now and August is today.
If you're calling someone in Wayzata, can sell the fact that former Wayzata player Demetrius Douglas signed. If around Hopkins, can sell the chance to watch Boye Mafe. I'm sure folks around Marshall would consider buying season tickets now that two Marshall grads are on the roster.

Sure, if you approach selling tickets like a grumpy old man, I'm sure you wouldn't generate any excitement in potential ticket buyers. But I can't see that being the case.

Season ticket sales were down because of some structural issues that have been talked about a lot here -- price hikes (biggest), people staying home to watch on TV, excitement around U.S. Bank Stadium, and a boring 2016 home schedule. Not the coach. People didn't decide to not show because of Claeys, and they won't decide to show up for Fleck until that means showing up for an exciting winner. Any oomph that may have come from Fleck is counterbalanced by the goat rodeo of December and the next impending price jump.

People liked Jerry Kill a lot and he had some good teams. It was still a struggle to sell out a game with cheaper tickets that wasn't Iowa or Wisconsin.

But yeah, the AD should be out there selling harder with the Fleck hire. 253 is hardly a surge.

If you're calling someone in Wayzata, can sell the fact that former Wayzata player Demetrius Douglas signed. If around Hopkins, can sell the chance to watch Boye Mafe. I'm sure folks around Marshall would consider buying season tickets now that two Marshall grads are on the roster.

Sure, if you approach selling tickets like a grumpy old man, I'm sure you wouldn't generate any excitement in potential ticket buyers. But I can't see that being the case.

LOL. OK. I'm not coming at it like a grumpy old man. This is just common sense.

Today, discussion about recruiting class is all over both newspapers. I am sure PJ Fleck will have a press conference that is likely streamed on KFAN. I'm sure they will be discussing our recruits a ton today. I am almost certain that NSD is one of the busiest days on Gopherhole. Demetrius Douglas is just as much from Wayzata today as he will be in two months. Boye Mafe is just as much a Hopkins guy today as he will be in two months.

I'm not saying you can't sell tickets any other times, I am saying that the buzz for the 2017 recruiting class will probably never be as loud as it is today.

253 does seem like a small number but it's also a very slow time of year for football ticket sales.

They will need to hit the students hard in April and August. Maybe offer some special deals as part of their annual Gopher Chalk Talk road trip around the state in June or at the State Fair in August.

Both Wisconsin and Nebraska on the home schedule as well as Michigan State and an improved Illinois team. Very attractive home schedule this year. Ultimately, it comes down to winning, especially the rivalry/trophy games. If you can start winning on a consistent basis and beating some of your rivals, the fans will become engaged and excited about Gopher football. I still remember how packed that Metrodome was on a Friday night in October 2003 for the infamous Michigan game. Also remember a few games with Wisconsin at a filled up Metrodome.

I know it's not easy for season ticket holders, but if they need to offer the $20 deals we saw in past years to help fill the stadium, I am for that. Anything to get the stadium filled up at this point would be a good thing. Maybe find ways to make season tickets more attractive as well. I don't know what they currently offer for season ticket perks and benefits.

A reference number would be nice.

How many season ticket holders do we have, what did we have at this time last year as far as new purchases, is this a "net change" said differently are we +253 or were there 100 that didn't renew and we actually have 153 new seats or the other way around.

253 is such a random data point especially considering it's such a small one.

Whatever it is...ticket sales were going in the other direction since Kill quit. Sure it is a small number but my gosh we needed to stop the hemorrhaging.

"Since Kill quit." So one season.

Also coming off a disappointing 5-7 season with about as bad a home schedule as is possible. I agree that attendance was disappointing last season, but it will be much higher next year just by adding Wisconsin, Nebraska and Michigan State.

253 seems like a tiny number. And how's it possible that the U hasn't started an "aggressive ticket push" yet? Maybe they haven't decided if they're going to roll back the donations for next season yet. But it seems like these things could have been done already.

It is incumbent upon Mark Coyle to spearhead the push. It will help if they rollback the donations to win back former season ticket holders.

Let's win consistently first before putting demands on season ticket holders.

Whatever it is...ticket sales were going in the other direction since Kill quit. Sure it is a small number but my gosh we needed to stop the hemorrhaging.

We have no idea what ticket sales are- if 1000 people don't renew out of disdain for the administration the trend continues

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Wisconsin, Nebraska and Michigan State play here this year.
Ticket sales will be higher.

"Since Kill quit." So one season.

Also coming off a disappointing 5-7 season with about as bad a home schedule as is possible. I agree that attendance was disappointing last season, but it will be much higher next year just by adding Wisconsin, Nebraska and Michigan State.

This...and the seat donation doubled.

As a former ticket office employee, a couple of tidbits.
- There is a bit of an uptick between bowl games and NSD for season tickets, but not very much. I would say 253 is actually pretty impressive. You have to remember that right now, new season ticket holders cannot chose an actual seat yet. Most people will not actually buy until they can see what seat they will be sitting in.
- Ticket office is currently busy with all of the winter sports, so there probably isn't a lot of man power to be cold calling old season ticket holders.
- Biggest push for new season tickets is usually in the spring around the spring game, and thru the summer. At this point, people can see where exactly they will sit and can arrange to sit with friends. Our biggest time was actually usually during the month leading up to the first game. That is when football is on the minds of fans, and most are ready to make that commitment.
- This number of 253 does not include anyone who has dropped their tickets. Anyone who claims they did not renew their season tickets is lying. Nobody has been given that opportunity yet. So dont believe any of those people.

Someone that actually knows something weighs in - Thank You!

As a former ticket office employee, a couple of tidbits.
- There is a bit of an uptick between bowl games and NSD for season tickets, but not very much. I would say 253 is actually pretty impressive. You have to remember that right now, new season ticket holders cannot chose an actual seat yet. Most people will not actually buy until they can see what seat they will be sitting in.
- Ticket office is currently busy with all of the winter sports, so there probably isn't a lot of man power to be cold calling old season ticket holders.
- Biggest push for new season tickets is usually in the spring around the spring game, and thru the summer. At this point, people can see where exactly they will sit and can arrange to sit with friends. Our biggest time was actually usually during the month leading up to the first game. That is when football is on the minds of fans, and most are ready to make that commitment.
- This number of 253 does not include anyone who has dropped their tickets. Anyone who claims they did not renew their season tickets is lying. Nobody has been given that opportunity yet. So dont believe any of those people.

Thanks for some real insight.

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