Shama: Sports Decisions to Command Attention of New U President


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Nov 11, 2008
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Sports Decisions to Command Attention of New U President

Eric Kaler officially starts his job as University of Minnesota president on July 1. Perhaps never in UM history has a new president’s arrival been so anticipated by those who passionately follow the school’s sports teams.

Kaler’s reputation for being supportive of athletics was documented at Stony Brook University in New York where he was provost. And those who conducted the search for the Minnesota presidency to succeed Bob Bruininks put a priority on candidates willing and able to help the Gophers' athletics department.

Jerry Kill talked to Kaler before he accepted the Gophers football job last fall. Kill must have liked what he heard from Kaler or he could have remained at Northern Illinois, or perhaps accepted another major college job other than Minnesota.

The Gophers trail several other Big Ten Conference schools in football budgets and there is an arms race across the country to spend on facilities, recruiting and coaches' salaries. Kaler’s decisions about football and particularly other revenue producing sports at Minnesota will play an important role in the success of Gophers teams.

It’s not just about throwing more money at trying to be successful, but the dollars are important when combined with the right coaching leadership. All signs so far are that Kill and his staff have the expertise, if they have the resources, to make Gophers' football much better than it has been in decades.

Kaler probably has already received input on coaches at Minnesota. He’s had meetings with athletics director Joel Maturi and it’s known that contracts remain to be finalized with Kill, basketball coach Tubby Smith, hockey coach Don Lucia and baseball coach John Anderson.

Kaler will also need to address Maturi’s future because his contract ends next year. Maturi told Sports Headliners he expects his future to be discussed with Kaler this fall. “He has to get to know me. I need to get to know him,” Maturi said.

Maturi has expressed interest in staying on as athletics director but it has to be a situation that is good for the school and him. Among the factors on his side of the decision is the input of wife Lois who has been hurt by criticism of her husband.

Maturi has been a devout advocate of retaining all 25 men’s and women’s sports. It’s a constant challenge maintaining a balanced budget and many athletic departments across the country, including ones that excel in football and men’s basketball, don’t have the large number of sports that Minnesota supports.

Kaler’s position on either maintaining or reducing the 25 teams will be interesting. The educational mantra to provide participation opportunities is strong, but so too is the temptation to reduce some expenditures and direct those monies into football, men's basketball and men's hockey, the programs that captivate fans and really are the “window” to the University as viewed by the public. The athletic department is almost entirely self-supporting, generating its revenues through gate receipts, broadcast rights, fundraising and other sources.

Go Gophers!!

It’s a constant challenge maintaining a balanced budget and many athletic departments across the country, including ones that excel in football and men’s basketball, don’t have the large number of sports that Minnesota supports.

People (the anti-Maturi crowd, especially) keep saying this, and it's just not true. Most of the most successful athletic departments in the country have as many or more varsity sports than Minnesota, and nearly all are quite successful in both basketball and football.

(Based on latest Directors' Cup standings)

1. Stanford - 34
2. Ohio St. - 36
3. Penn St. - 29
4. North Carolina - 27
5. Michigan - 29
6. Oklahoma - 19
7. Florida St. - 17
8. Duke - 26
9. Wisconsin - 23
10. Cal - 27
11. (Minnesota - 25)
12. Notre Dame - 23
13. Florida - 21
14. Texas - 18
15. Maryland - 27

Among the top 15 ADs in the country, the average number of varsity sports is 24.7. This means Minnesota is right in line with other top athletic departments in the country. It is also important to note that the schools with the fewest sports among the top 15 (Florida St., Texas, Oklahoma, Florida) are all in the South, and don't/won't carry sports such as hockey because no one in their areas cares about it, thus skewing the numbers even more in Minnesota's favor. Further, why would the Minnesota AD slash programs when (as he said in this very article) they are on the brink of self-sustenance? How can anyone even make this argument?

Why can't journalists do basic research such as this? I guess that's why Shama doesn't have a real job and uses his blog to advance his ill-formed opinions. I actually enjoyed these articles at first, but they've lately been nothing more than Wayne Rendahl-style agenda-pushing platforms.

When you are failing at providing good to excellent...

products with your revenue producing sports, you are living off the "good will" of the season ticket buying public. Then, when an idiot like bjm actually starts trying to collect additional revenue from the revenue sports paying customers such as seat license fees attached to even purchasing your season tickets for Mens' Hoops, Men's Hockey and Football, you, as an ad had darn well better be sure that your hoops, hockey and football programs are doing damn well to at LEAST middle of the pack well in the conference standings. Sorry, 8th and 11th and 7 place finsihes in the conference standings year in and year out will KILL your season ticket base. Williams Arena STILL is not selling out. How many $250...$500 donations per seat will Long-Time Gopher Football Season Ticket Holders be willing to give the foolish and incompetent badger joel mactrui when he has guided the football program down to the BOTTOM of the Big Ten Standings during his tenure here to date. Coach Kill has a HUGE and monumental task on his hands starting with the 2011 season.

This is an administrative screw-up of the first degree. The sports that have to provide all the revenue HAVE to be finishing in the top half of the conference ONCE in a while...IF you are going to try to FORCE those suckers who have bought season tickets for forever. (That would be me...among many others here.) How on earth can badger joel macturi sleep at night ripping the people off so much...just so he can brag he is overseeing 25 sports????? How many people watch the other sports????? How much red-ink are those other non-revenue producing sports costing for their travel budgets, etc? Why punish the season ticket holders for the revenue sports and continue to sign Pam Borton to long-term extension when she has the Women's Hoops team playing horrible basketball?????

Cut some of the Non-revenue sports so that adequate funding can be directed to the REVENUE PRODUCING SPORTS. Or, pay the price... Don't screw the season ticket holders ANY LONGER badger joel macturi. And put the HEAT on some of those underachieving Title IX programs to start being competetive.

; 0 (

Blah, blah, blah

O.K. Wren. Does Kaler get your thumbs up or down, before he even officially starts on the job? I know it is impossible for you to admit that anyone you approve of to have any faults, and anyone who falls into your cross-hairs-of-hate to be anything other than worthless.

So now is the time for you to enlighten us all, and tell us the future based on your opinion of Kaler.

I will judge Prexy K in his mamagement of the sports programs in the following way:

1. How long will it take him to throw badger joel macturi under the bus? bjm is TOO old for another extension. He needs to go. It may not be possible for the U of M to run 25 programs AND compete in the Revenue Producing Sports. IF Prexy K doesn't understand this...he will eventually become prexy k in my opinion. ; 0 )

2. All programs MUST be competetive within the Big Ten Conference...IF they are participating in the Big Ten Conference. Hockey soon will be doing exactly that. It MUST compete, along with all the other revenue sports within the Big Ten Conference...non-revenue sports and Title IX sports included..if anyone even cares enough to follow the programs other than the revenue producing sports. That will be the jobs of the coaches of the non-revenue and Title IX recruit fans for their programs. No fans = "why bother?"

3. Student athletes MUST graduate at ever increasing numbers. All athletes need to at least WANT to be college students as well as athletes. Anyone who is just "hanging out" until they sign a professional contract probably won't ever be signing a professional contract any way and they need to demonstrate a willingness AND a DESIRE to be a college student at the University of Minnesota and participate in the educational process willingly and work HARD to earn a degree.

4. The barometer of how Prexy K is doing in administrating the athletic department will be measured in the number of Big Ten wins vs. Big Ten losses achieved by the athletic teams. That number will indicate IF Prexy K has brought in a GOOD to EXCELLENT AD. That AD will insure that the coaching positions in ALL Programs are adequately filled with excellent Big Ten level coaches who have experience and expertise in running their individual programs AND in insuring the student athletes are meeting all expectations, competing within the Big Ten Conference with conduct and sportsmanship consistant with the ideals of the University of Minnesota and are having positive student athlete experiences at the University of Minnesota.

The Big Ten wins vs. Big Ten losses, the academic achievement and advancement, and administrative direction will insure the running of positive, CLEAN programs will all tell us EVERYTHING we will need to know about the condition of the Athletic Department as compared to all of the other essential elements of the under graduate programs at the University of Minnesota. IF the perxy takes pride in his undergraduate programs at the U of M he will insure that EVERY undergraduate program is consistant with his expectation for the University of Minnesota.

A Prexy is in charge of EVERYTHING that happens at the U of M and the buck stops at his/her desk. The Regents will virtually always rubber stamp what ever the prexy may tell, the perxy IS the KEY Employee at the University of Minnesota. IF something goes wrong...we take it to the prexy. If all goes right, the prexy is ONLY doing the job of the prexy. I'll bet that Prexy K will even agree with that statement...IF he truely is prexy material... Being a GOOD Prexy is NOT an easy job. A GOOD Prexy NEVER stays too long. A Good Prexy never becomes a lame-duck prexy.

Prexy K is going to have to earn my respect. He has a tough gig. I wish him the very best!

; 0 )

People (the anti-Maturi crowd, especially) keep saying this, and it's just not true. Most of the most successful athletic departments in the country have as many or more varsity sports than Minnesota, and nearly all are quite successful in both basketball and football.

Among the top 15 ADs in the country, the average number of varsity sports is 24.7. This means Minnesota is right in line with other top athletic departments in the country. It is also important to note that the schools with the fewest sports among the top 15 (Florida St., Texas, Oklahoma, Florida) are all in the South, and don't/won't carry sports such as hockey because no one in their areas cares about it, thus skewing the numbers even more in Minnesota's favor. Further, why would the Minnesota AD slash programs when (as he said in this very article) they are on the brink of self-sustenance? How can anyone even make this argument?

Whether or not the AD is self-sustaining isn't relevent to how many sports the U has. If they cut 8 sports, they'd have that much more money they could throw at football, basketball and hockey and still be self-sustaining. Or they could add 8 more, cut the above budgets and still be self-sustaining. They are two separate issues.

I think they should look at the worst money losing sports and see if there are ways they can slow the bleeding or perhaps replace them with less expensive sports or consider their relevence and whether they still make sense.

But I will agree that the number 25 in and of itself isn't the issue. It is more of a question of how much we are spending on 22 or so non-revenue sports vs. 3 revenue, and whether shifting that would improve all sports in the long run.


People (the anti-Maturi crowd, especially) keep saying this, and it's just not true. Most of the most successful athletic departments in the country have as many or more varsity sports than Minnesota, and nearly all are quite successful in both basketball and football.

(Based on latest Directors' Cup standings)

1. Stanford - 34
2. Ohio St. - 36
3. Penn St. - 29
4. North Carolina - 27
5. Michigan - 29
6. Oklahoma - 19
7. Florida St. - 17
8. Duke - 26
9. Wisconsin - 23
10. Cal - 27
11. (Minnesota - 25)
12. Notre Dame - 23
13. Florida - 21
14. Texas - 18
15. Maryland - 27

Among the top 15 ADs in the country, the average number of varsity sports is 24.7. This means Minnesota is right in line with other top athletic departments in the country. It is also important to note that the schools with the fewest sports among the top 15 (Florida St., Texas, Oklahoma, Florida) are all in the South, and don't/won't carry sports such as hockey because no one in their areas cares about it, thus skewing the numbers even more in Minnesota's favor. Further, why would the Minnesota AD slash programs when (as he said in this very article) they are on the brink of self-sustenance? How can anyone even make this argument?

Why can't journalists do basic research such as this? I guess that's why Shama doesn't have a real job and uses his blog to advance his ill-formed opinions. I actually enjoyed these articles at first, but they've lately been nothing more than Wayne Rendahl-style agenda-pushing platforms.

There you go again, trying to confuse us with facts! I am sure wren isn't going to buy it, you Maturi apologist!

Hey Wren, how long does President Kaler have (in your world) before he gets judged on his job performance. Just wondering as I have read your posts for years and am still trying to figure out how your mind works, scary thought I know. From the tone of your post above it almost seems to me you have a very negative complex toword whomever the president at the U would be, I mean the man has not even started his new job and to you he is the new Prexy, Prexy B at that, sounds personel and disrespectful. Let's give the man a chance to prove what he can do, I know I know Big Ten wins Big Ten wins Big Ten wins....take a breather for once.

Prexy K starts with a blank slate...

I don't automatically kow tow to a newly appointed figure-head. Why should I Gopher SOB????? He will be starting on July 1, 2011. Well big deal. The University of Minnesota has a LOT of issues right now. They have been run by prexy b, who has been a lame duck for over a year. This past year was a BAD time to have a lame duck as a university prexy. So, I am going to see how Prexy K does in identifying the problems, prioritizing the problems and in appointing his own team to assist him with finding acceptable solutions for the problems he identifies and prioritizes. A great deal of the most pressing problems Prexy K will have to deal with concern finances. Prexy K is going to have to be one hell of a GREAT fund raiser. He will have to try to get money from the state know...the ones who are facing HUGE deficits. He will have to try to get money from the private sector. He will have to try to build in corporate, public and private partnerships without attracting the wrath of the graduate level academic rating squads. Corporate partnerships vs. independent research grants...conflicted interests...innovation...stem cell research...genetic research vs. political censurship re: stem cell research...genetic research...and so it goes. ANY graduate/research institution that caves in to certain political dogma that eleminates stem cell and other types of genetic research KILLS the future of a research institution and severely limits the future of the research institution imho... ; 0 )

Just how well will Prexy K deal with THOSE kinds of issues?????

And, then we have the NCAA and NCAA Athletics: Where will he stand on the revenue sports vs. the non-revenue/Title IX non-revenue sports? Will he continue to say "screw the season ticket buyers for the revenue sports the way prexy b did???? It's up to him. He can do what ever he darn-well pleases. And THAT is why I start him out with a blank slate. I am merely an old, long-time season ticket holder for Gopher Football. The administrators over the years have all decided to take courses of action that have NOT been considerate of the season ticket holders for Gopher Football. They have choosen to milk the football revenue for all they can get and over the decades have NOT adequately supported the football program. They abandoned Memorial Stadium...they split the income produced by football with all the non-revenue and title IX sports. They have not CARED if the football program was competetive within the Big Ten Conference.

Now, with the Big Ten Newtwork, there is a LOT of money being generated by Men's Hoops, Football and eventually Men's Hockey will also be actively participating on the Big Ten Network. I don't think that I am out of line to expect Prexy K to insure that the Gopher Revenue Sports Programs are highly competetive within the Big Ten Conference. That does NOT mean bottom third finishes much more often than middle of the pack finishes. Will Prexy K insure that the Gopher's revenue sports programs ARE competetive within the Big Ten Conference Revenue Sports Competitions?

So, Prexy K is going to have to show me. You do as you please Gopher SOB. I'll do as I see fit. Things should work out pretty well that way. But, I am not going to start out calling Prexy K the greatest Prexy since sliced bread...As far as I am concerned, he is going to have to EARN my praise.

Re: the term "prexy." It seems to me it isn't a negative term in any way, shape or form. It is a term. It conveys a position of leadership in a bit less formal way than calling someone President K or president b. Based upon what I see on this board, it would appear that people know who I am talking about when I use the term "prexy." Actually, it was kind of an old term, used by students of a university to refer to their old, venerable "old-shoe" comfortable college president. It's really a good...more comfortable term...a bit of slang. Slang is dang good!

; 0 )

I'm more interested in how he handles the academic side of the University more than the athletics.

I'm more interested in how he handles the academic side of the University more than the athletics.

Now if we were talking about Augsburg College I would agree with you. Otherwise, win Gophers win. :p

products with your revenue producing sports, you are living off the "good will" of the season ticket buying public. Then, when an idiot like bjm actually starts trying to collect additional revenue from the revenue sports paying customers such as seat license fees attached to even purchasing your season tickets for Mens' Hoops, Men's Hockey and Football, you, as an ad had darn well better be sure that your hoops, hockey and football programs are doing damn well to at LEAST middle of the pack well in the conference standings. Sorry, 8th and 11th and 7 place finsihes in the conference standings year in and year out will KILL your season ticket base. Williams Arena STILL is not selling out. How many $250...$500 donations per seat will Long-Time Gopher Football Season Ticket Holders be willing to give the foolish and incompetent badger joel mactrui when he has guided the football program down to the BOTTOM of the Big Ten Standings during his tenure here to date. Coach Kill has a HUGE and monumental task on his hands starting with the 2011 season.

This is an administrative screw-up of the first degree. The sports that have to provide all the revenue HAVE to be finishing in the top half of the conference ONCE in a while...IF you are going to try to FORCE those suckers who have bought season tickets for forever. (That would be me...among many others here.) How on earth can badger joel macturi sleep at night ripping the people off so much...just so he can brag he is overseeing 25 sports????? How many people watch the other sports????? How much red-ink are those other non-revenue producing sports costing for their travel budgets, etc? Why punish the season ticket holders for the revenue sports and continue to sign Pam Borton to long-term extension when she has the Women's Hoops team playing horrible basketball?????

Cut some of the Non-revenue sports so that adequate funding can be directed to the REVENUE PRODUCING SPORTS. Or, pay the price... Don't screw the season ticket holders ANY LONGER badger joel macturi. And put the HEAT on some of those underachieving Title IX programs to start being competetive.

; 0 (


1. I guess in the mind of some people, being on the brink of solvency is success.

2. Thus far reading this thread, the one thought that comes to my mind is we are so solvent, that we cannot even afford to send our Minnesota Marching Band on the road anymore. A Big Ten University with enrollment >= 45,000 cannot afford to send their band on the road, for even one football game. How embarrassing is that?

3. Any word on when the thermonuclear reactor The Loon used to report on for heating the women's rowing team boathouse and Mississippi river is going to come online?

People (the anti-Maturi crowd, especially) keep saying this, and it's just not true. Most of the most successful athletic departments in the country have as many or more varsity sports than Minnesota, and nearly all are quite successful in both basketball and football.

(Based on latest Directors' Cup standings)

1. Stanford - 34
2. Ohio St. - 36
3. Penn St. - 29
4. North Carolina - 27
5. Michigan - 29
6. Oklahoma - 19
7. Florida St. - 17
8. Duke - 26
9. Wisconsin - 23
10. Cal - 27
11. (Minnesota - 25)
12. Notre Dame - 23
13. Florida - 21
14. Texas - 18
15. Maryland - 27

Among the top 15 ADs in the country, the average number of varsity sports is 24.7. This means Minnesota is right in line with other top athletic departments in the country. It is also important to note that the schools with the fewest sports among the top 15 (Florida St., Texas, Oklahoma, Florida) are all in the South, and don't/won't carry sports such as hockey because no one in their areas cares about it, thus skewing the numbers even more in Minnesota's favor. Further, why would the Minnesota AD slash programs when (as he said in this very article) they are on the brink of self-sustenance? How can anyone even make this argument?

Why can't journalists do basic research such as this? I guess that's why Shama doesn't have a real job and uses his blog to advance his ill-formed opinions. I actually enjoyed these articles at first, but they've lately been nothing more than Wayne Rendahl-style agenda-pushing platforms.

I find it interesting and instructive that with the exception of Stanford, which is, has, and probably always will be flush with money, and UC Berkeley, the two Bay Area Universities, no other PAC-10 Conference Universities are in your list. Therefore, I beg the question, "If it is not important to USC, UCLA, Oregon, or Washington, pray tell why it should be so important to us?"

People (the anti-Maturi crowd, especially) keep saying this, and it's just not true. Most of the most successful athletic departments in the country have as many or more varsity sports than Minnesota, and nearly all are quite successful in both basketball and football.

(Based on latest Directors' Cup standings)

1. Stanford - 34
2. Ohio St. - 36
3. Penn St. - 29
4. North Carolina - 27
5. Michigan - 29
6. Oklahoma - 19
7. Florida St. - 17
8. Duke - 26
9. Wisconsin - 23
10. Cal - 27
11. (Minnesota - 25)
12. Notre Dame - 23
13. Florida - 21
14. Texas - 18
15. Maryland - 27

Among the top 15 ADs in the country, the average number of varsity sports is 24.7. This means Minnesota is right in line with other top athletic departments in the country. It is also important to note that the schools with the fewest sports among the top 15 (Florida St., Texas, Oklahoma, Florida) are all in the South, and don't/won't carry sports such as hockey because no one in their areas cares about it, thus skewing the numbers even more in Minnesota's favor. Further, why would the Minnesota AD slash programs when (as he said in this very article) they are on the brink of self-sustenance? How can anyone even make this argument?

Why can't journalists do basic research such as this? I guess that's why Shama doesn't have a real job and uses his blog to advance his ill-formed opinions. I actually enjoyed these articles at first, but they've lately been nothing more than Wayne Rendahl-style agenda-pushing platforms.

Hypothetically, if it could be guaranteed that cutting sports at Minnesota would result in football, men's basketball and men's hockey having increased success but would result in dropping out of the top 15 of the director's cup standings - would you sign up for it?

I sure as heck would. Give me the pen now.

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