Shama: Purdue has single game tickets available for $5


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Shama:

A lot of college football programs, including the Gophers, are discounting tickets to boost sales. Big Ten rival Purdue has single game tickets starting at $5.

Go Gophers!!

They should offer a discount to season ticket holders...

The more tickets are discounted, the more dumb I feel for paying the high required donation prices.

The more tickets are discounted, the more dumb I feel for paying the high required donation prices.

Agreed. They should give some perks back to the season ticket holders who are paying up the wazoo if they are going to slash ticket prices for everyone else. Or why would anyone stay a season ticket holder?

But Gopher season ticket holders are still getting screwed by the U because Purdue is selling tickets to their home games for $5.

$5 is for Non- Conference "Family Zone Youth" tickets.

Quite similar to the HHH Metrodome Days when they had to do everything they could to get people in for those lousy Non-Conference teams. Don't know about $5, but they had plenty of $10 seats. Bought and gave away a number of those "$39 for 4" specials.They included tickets, a hot dog and a drink! If the U had decided to go with 65,000 seats they'd be doing the same kind of things again now too.


PRIME $75 $75
SIDELINE $55 $55
FAMILY ZONE - YOUTH $5 $10 football single games

If I recall, Michigan was giving away tickets two years ago. Free with the purchase of a bottle of Coke.

If I recall, Michigan was giving away tickets two years ago. Free with the purchase of a bottle of Coke.

Yes, it was for the MN game. They must have been confused thinking we were a non-conference opponent. Seriously and sadly it was a desperate attempt to keep their sellout streak going.

Yes, it was for the MN game. They must have been confused thinking we were a non-conference opponent. Seriously and sadly it was a desperate attempt to keep their sellout streak going.

Well they were in the middle of and AD who didn't get it ... he made all sorts of crazy choices.

Purdue has single game tickets starting at $5.

Even at $15 for adults, that's insane! I don't see how their server's don't crash from the rush of people snatching up tickets at that price. I'd gladly pay $15, even if I didn't care about the team. That's just a steal to watch a college football game in a major conference.

It's even more insane when I looked and saw that it's not just non-conference. Looks like you can still find tickets for a Purdue conference game for $20 as an adult. Plus, they have multiple sections (like 10-15+ full sections) empty for some of the games.

Then, they have giveaways for every game??? How is this team in a major conference? How do they even afford to keep the lights on?

Mind blown.

Even at $15 for adults, that's insane! I don't see how their server's don't crash from the rush of people snatching up tickets at that price. I'd gladly pay $15, even if I didn't care about the team. That's just a steal to watch a college football game in a major conference.

It's even more insane when I looked and saw that it's not just non-conference. Looks like you can still find tickets for a Purdue conference game for $20 as an adult. Plus, they have multiple sections (like 10-15+ full sections) empty for some of the games.

Then, they have giveaways for every game??? How is this team in a major conference? How do they even afford to keep the lights on?

Mind blown.
Revenue sharing from Bowl games and TV money, that's how Purdue and us to an extent keep the lights on. Purdue does draw well for basketball though

I was checking ticket prices for our away games today and found very decent seats at Illinois for $10 and Maryland for $8.

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I was checking ticket prices for our away games today and found very decent seats at Illinois for $10 and Maryland for $8.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

Don't bite. It's early and the season hasn't even begun. These are probably marked up about 800% compared to what they'll be going for on game day.

Quite similar to the HHH Metrodome Days when they had to do everything they could to get people in for those lousy Non-Conference teams. Don't know about $5, but they had plenty of $10 seats.
I remember seeing Syracuse and Michigan in 2012 at TCF for $10 as well.

Don't bite. It's early and the season hasn't even begun. These are probably marked up about 800% compared to what they'll be going for on game day.

There was a dollar sign in the thread title - I figured we would find you here. Why are you so miserable?

I hope that never happens here!

At least when we spent money on an AD we picked someone with some experience.

Brandon was a private sector dude who showed up and ran a University athletic department like Domino's pizza.

I mean that guy:,0,0,0,0,0,1

If anything that guy was a good warning for us NOT to pull in some local private sector dude. Maybe someone at Minnesota learned from that mess.

At least when we spent money on an AD we picked someone with some experience.

Brandon was a private sector dude who showed up and ran a University athletic department like Domino's pizza.

I mean that guy:,0,0,0,0,0,1

If anything that guy was a good warning for us NOT to pull in some local private sector dude. Maybe someone at Minnesota learned from that mess.

Yeah, I get what you're saying. Although not so direct, Teague was like Brandon in being aloof toward fans. Both were only concerned with extracting as much $ as they could from their fan base. Brandon just took it to another level and was a dope for telling fans to find another team a lot like our own Dope68 here on GH.

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