Shama: Perra Pushing for U No. 2 QB Spot


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Shama:

As the Gophers move through their practices toward the April 11 Spring Game who is their No. 2 quarterback?

“If it was tomorrow it would be Chris (Streveler) because of the experience factor, but I think Chris would be the first one to tell you he’s gotta continue to perform,” offensive coordinator Matt Limegrover said last week. “It’s no secret that…Jacques Perra from Roseville really opened some eyes with some things he did—just being around the program and now in the spring. There’s a pretty good competition that’s developing there. I think Chris is still the No. 2 but I think Jacques is getting bigger and bigger in his rearview mirror.”

Go Gophers!!

Let's not forget, that in the rear view mirror, Objects are closer than they appear.

That's coke bottle image for certain GHers.

Sorry, that's the side mirror.

When Dr.Don drives he always has head out the window. It is a habit he picked up when he was a practicing proctologist. He believed that the side mirror always gave him the best view of the rear end because it appeared closer.

You've got to do what you can, and let Mother Nature do the rest.

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