Shama: AD Mystery at U to End Soon


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Nov 11, 2008
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AD Mystery at U to End Soon

Expect an announcement soon on whether Joel Maturi will continue as Gophers athletic director.

Maturi’s contract ends in June and that deadline will direct a decision by new University of Minnesota president Eric Kaler who has been busy with many issues. If Maturi and Kaler decide a change is the best decision, expect a lot of speculation about candidates.

Among the names will be Stony Brook University athletic director Jim Fiore who is in his ninth year at the New York school, the same institution where Kaler worked until coming to Minnesota last July. Fiore’s teams have won numerous conference championships and he’s known as an effective fundraiser. He’s also consistently balanced the budget for his Division I school.

Fiore’s name was rumored with the North Carolina athletic director opening last fall. He was senior associate director of athletics at Princeton before taking over at Stony Brook. He is a native of Long Beach, New York, and he played college football at Hofstra.

Maturi has been the Gophers athletic director since 2002. He has spent most of his career at Minnesota working for president Robert Bruininks who preceded Kaler.

Among the reasons Kaler was hired as president is his commitment to athletics. Whether it’s with Maturi or someone else, there is a long to-do list of issues facing the athletic department in the next few years including whether to eliminate some sports to save money.

Go Gophers!!

Wow the Stony Brook AD can balance a budget and be a fundraiser also, imagine that.

I don't intensely dislike him as it seems some here do, but personally I hope Maturi decides to call it a career and rides off into the sunset. It'll just be nice and a big relief to have this thing resolved one way or the other. There's nothing quite like not knowing what the heck is going on or where your immediate future is headed.

He'll ride off alright, if it was up to me he'd be tarred and feathered.

We need a very strong personality that has some guts and a spine, willing to stand up for what's right, not just what's cheap/easy/acceptable without a fight.

He'll ride off alright, if it was up to me he'd be tarred and feathered.

We need a very strong personality that has some guts and a spine, willing to stand up for what's right, not just what's cheap/easy/acceptable without a fight.

regardless of how some feel about him, you just perfectly described maturi's personality and approach to the AD job in that sentence. another in a long line of passive-agressive midwesterners who are from or reside in this part of the country. we don't need another personality like that as AD.

I like Joel.

He's always been engaging with me around sporting events when I'm sober and tolerant of me when I'm drunk.

When the Big 10 split into two divisions last year, he even talked with us as young alumni at the game against Middle Tennessee State.

I know we're not fund-raising like other programs and the marketing of the program has struggled, in my opinion--- but I'll never wish anything but the best for Joel Maturi. I think he has a good heart, puts integrity first, and has the best interest of the student athletes and my Alma Mater at heart. Winning would be nice, but I don't want to hire Clem Haskins to do it.

I'd like to have an AD who successfully managed the athletic department of a major university whose football team must not only compete for fan and media attention with four pro teams in town but also trails hockey in interest on campus. And its basketball team is even below that. That would be a good find.

He'll ride off alright, if it was up to me he'd be tarred and feathered.

We need a very strong personality that has some guts and a spine, willing to stand up for what's right, not just what's cheap/easy/acceptable without a fight.

I'll donate my down pillow.

Shouldn't the Shama article be re-titled:

"AD Misery at U to End Soon"

Counting down the days.

Since the "Stony Brook" ad is mentioned as a potential macturian-like prexy k hire, does that mean that we would be moving from an Athletic Department "macturian" nightmare directly into a "stoned-brookturian" surprise over at Bierman?

De-bus and ditch that b(s)jm NOW!

; 0 )

I'd like to have an AD who can hang a championship banner once every 10 yrs or so in SOME major sport, and not hand out contract extensions like they are Christmas cards!

regardless of how some feel about him, you just perfectly described maturi's personality and approach to the AD job in that sentence. another in a long line of passive-agressive midwesterners who are from or reside in this part of the country. we don't need another personality like that as AD.

There is one thing that rarely gets mentioned when people skewer Maturi: No scandals. No Luther Darville. No Clem Haskins. No Courtney James. No phony papers on menstruation. No sanctions. No Pullitzer Prize winning exposes on wrongdoings at the U. Think about it.

He built a stadium, merged a department, balanced a budget and ran a clean program. His biggest sin is that he's a 1970's guy in a 2012 job. Nobody was ever really afraid of him and he was probably a little to loyal. All in all, he gets a "B."

There is one thing that rarely gets mentioned when people skewer Maturi: No scandals. No Luther Darville. No Clem Haskins. No Courtney James. No phony papers on menstruation. No sanctions. No Pullitzer Prize winning exposes on wrongdoings at the U. Think about it.

He built a stadium, merged a department, balanced a budget and ran a clean program. His biggest sin is that he's a 1970's guy in a 2012 job. Nobody was ever really afraid of him and he was probably a little to loyal. All in all, he gets a "B."

I agree. I would say that he's been less than effective the last 3 years and that he made a mistake with the Monson extension and subsequent firing (Mason was a different case IMHO). Other than that, he's gotten a new football stadium built, which will be the biggest key to the department's future success, and he's otherwise been an effective administrator.

The constant vilification of Maturi is over the top.

There is one thing that rarely gets mentioned when people skewer Maturi: No scandals. No Luther Darville. No Clem Haskins. No Courtney James. No phony papers on menstruation. No sanctions. No Pullitzer Prize winning exposes on wrongdoings at the U. Think about it.

He built a stadium, merged a department, balanced a budget and ran a clean program. His biggest sin is that he's a 1970's guy in a 2012 job. Nobody was ever really afraid of him and he was probably a little to loyal. All in all, he gets a "B."

Everything you listed above (save for getting the stadium built) have a name regarding an AD's responsibilities. They are called "table stakes".

And, if you think JM was the primary driving force/impetus/ramrod behind the stadium . . . you are mistaken. More accurate to say that at least he didn't prevent it from happening.

Your issue and argument is that Joel "could have done a lot worse". Many of us look at the situation and envision to what levels can - and should - be reached and demanded with a true and impactful AD that has the gravitas and presence to walk into BIG meetings, meetings with donors, or potential coaches and command attention and respect.

The introduction of the beautiful TCF BANK STADIUM and the incredibly disappointing student attendance and the incredibly visible vacant seats through out the stadium with a home schedule that included iowa, wisky AND Nebraska tells me that macturi has failed MISERABLY.

Throw in all the unsold William's Arena seats and boxes and that's ALL you need to know to throw the bum out of his office. macturi has always been in over his head and is a prime example of the WEAK leadership coming from the prexy's at the U of M. The fact that prexy b continued to extend and support him was unbelievable. That prexy k continues to do so is unforgivable...

; 0 (

Tim Brewster. This disaster would have led to his firing at any school that took football seriously.

The introduction of the beautiful TCF BANK STADIUM and the incredibly disappointing student attendance and the incredibly visible vacant seats through out the stadium with a home schedule that included iowa, wisky AND Nebraska tells me that macturi has failed MISERABLY.

Throw in all the unsold William's Arena seats and boxes and that's ALL you need to know to throw the bum out of his office. macturi has always been in over his head and is a prime example of the WEAK leadership coming from the prexy's at the U of M. The fact that prexy b continued to extend and support him was unbelievable. That prexy k continues to do so is unforgivable...

; 0 (

And this is why we need an AD who has successfully run a program in a market where four pro teams siphon off media attention and fan attendance.

The introduction of the beautiful TCF BANK STADIUM and the incredibly disappointing student attendance and the incredibly visible vacant seats through out the stadium with a home schedule that included iowa, wisky AND Nebraska tells me that macturi has failed MISERABLY.

Throw in all the unsold William's Arena seats and boxes and that's ALL you need to know to throw the bum out of his office. macturi has always been in over his head and is a prime example of the WEAK leadership coming from the prexy's at the U of M. The fact that prexy b continued to extend and support him was unbelievable. That prexy k continues to do so is unforgivable...

; 0 (

Some of the choices made concerning football have been mistakes which have affected attendance in part. There are however other factors: apathetic ticket holders....regardless of winning or losing, the Minnesota legislature, and the start of new traditions. There are many people who won't go unless its 80 and sunny as well. It is very difficult to fill our venues unless conditions are perfect.

Some of the choices made concerning football have been mistakes which have affected attendance in part. There are however other factors: apathetic ticket holders....regardless of winning or losing, the Minnesota legislature, and the start of new traditions. There are many people who won't go unless its 80 and sunny as well. It is very difficult to fill our venues unless conditions are perfect.
None of those things are "regardless of winning or losing." Look at attendance figures for college football and look at win-loss records for the last 15-20 years. There isn't a lot of variation. You'll find a core of support for any program, but the broader populace cares about a winner and loses interest in a loser.

It may take years of genetic change through natural selection to winnow out 28 years of fans in the Dump. The Metrodome created at least two generations of people that think watching sports live should be just like watching sports in your living room.

Hell, we don't even know how to park for an event, let alone tailgate.

Absolutely the most fun I've had at a sporting events in the last 20 years: Iowa 2010, Illinois 2011. Bitter freezing cold. HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE.

It will take time. It will happen. Just not overnight.

The new AD will see this and will react. It will work out. In through the nose, out through the mouth.

Tim Brewster. This disaster would have led to his firing at any school that took football seriously.

This is true. Obviously the jury is still out on Kill, but so far so great. What if Maturi is fired after that Brewster era? What if the Gophers don't land Kill? Maturi has made some bad decisions, but he has also made some positive decisions.

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