Seth Davis: If Yow shows Tubby the money, he will show up at NC St


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Nov 11, 2008
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Unreal, a year after saying Tubby is going to Oregon over and over, Davis tweeted this not too long ago:

"Last thought: Has Yow reached out to Tubby? I haven't heard. If she shows him the money I think he would show up at her press conference."

Yet, ESPN says Mark Gottfried named HC at NC State:

Go Gophers!!

Unreal, a year after saying Tubby is going to Oregon over and over, Davis tweeted this not too long ago:

"Last thought: Has Yow reached out to Tubby? I haven't heard. If she shows him the money I think he would show up at her press conference."

Yet, ESPN says Mark Gottfried named HC at NC State:

Go Gophers!!

Until Tubby shows the people around here that he can do it, he will not go anywhere.

Go Gophers, Go Tubby

This is what happens when there are no repercussions to saying whatever you want without any proof. It's fine for a message board, but for a "journalist", it's getting ridiculous.

This is what happens when there are no repercussions to saying whatever you want without any proof. It's fine for a message board, but for a "journalist", it's getting ridiculous.

Whole new world. They're using this new medium and aren't bound by the traditional rules of journalism. Number of newspapers sold isn't the standard; it's hits on a site. When an old fashioned sportswriter like Pat Reusse discusses how many clicks he gets, this stuff is only going to get worse.

BS playing against the rosters at UNC and Duke is no fun.

They just like to throw out lots of stuff and see what sticks. If wrong, well.... Just move on. If one of them sticks, ah the sheer brilliance! They don't lose much by simply putting forth an "opinion."

Davis has been banging the 'Tubby will go anywhere to get out of horrible MN' drum forever. He was certain he was going to Oregon last year. He is basing this on nothing more than 'MN sucks he must be dying to leave.' It's pathetic.

I tweeted back "Just like he showed up at Oregon?"

They just like to throw out lots of stuff and see what sticks. If wrong, well.... Just move on. If one of them sticks, ah the sheer brilliance! They don't lose much by simply putting forth an "opinion."

Yep, they could go 0-for-20, then get one right and act like they are a genius.

Unreal, a year after saying Tubby is going to Oregon over and over, Davis tweeted this not too long ago:

"Last thought: Has Yow reached out to Tubby? I haven't heard. If she shows him the money I think he would show up at her press conference."

Yet, ESPN says Mark Gottfried named HC at NC State:

Go Gophers!!

He's not reporting anything, he's just giving his opinion. There is a big difference.

You're all adults, you should be able to filter out what is speculation, opinion and rumor from what is hard fact and reporting. Stop complaining. It's annoying.

He's not reporting anything, he's just giving his opinion. There is a big difference.

You're all adults, you should be able to filter out what is speculation, opinion and rumor from what is hard fact and reporting. Stop complaining. It's annoying.

Who said anything about it being "reporting" or "hard fact"? Stop putting words in peoples' mouths.

What's annoying is Davis' obvious agenda - "Minnesota is a sh*thole, and way beneath his station in life. He would do anything, and take any available job, just to get the hell out of there."

And if that isn't insulting to you as a Gopher fan, then maybe you really aren't one. Oh, wait - perhaps I'm onto something there?

Who said anything about it being "reporting" or "hard fact"? Stop putting words in peoples' mouths.

What's annoying is Davis' obvious agenda - "Minnesota is a sh*thole, and way beneath his station in life. He would do anything, and take any available job, just to get the hell out of there."

And if that isn't insulting to you as a Gopher fan, then maybe you really aren't one. Oh, wait - perhaps I'm onto something there?

It's interesting that you insulted me for putting words in people's mouths, when you blatantly do it to Davis. People in the thread mention "twitter journalism" and "going 0 for 20 but then getting one right" so people are clearly confused about whether or not this is journalism.

I don't find Davis' comments insulting at all. Why do you? If they give him more money than he makes now, he might go. I think that applies to most people and their jobs.

It's the thin-skinned masses like yourself that can't handle a little speculation from one guy that are annoying.

Why do you care what Seth Davis thinks about Minnesota anyway? How insecure are you?

It's just one man's opinion that Tubby might go to a different job if given more money.

Why do you care what Seth Davis thinks about Minnesota anyway? How insecure are you?

Yeah, it's my insecurity. Yup, that's it. Nope, it's not that a lot of people actually take chowderheads like Davis seriously, and that reinforces the notion that Minnesota is a crap job. Things like this get legs of their own, and that filters down to recruits eventually. Will we lose any recruits because idiots like Davis, Doug Gottlieb, etc. constantly rag on Minnesota? No, probably not - but it sure as hell doesn't help.

Yow was more pre-occupied with accusing Gary Williams of sabotage than in hiring Tubby Smith. All I need now is for Seth Davis to tweet it and it becomes official....

What makes this discussion worthy is Davis repeatedly asserted this last year, as if he knew. There has been a change in the last few years. Journalists speculating with the implication that they have inside info.

It does matter as athletes are reluctant to commit if they feel the coach is leaving. So it isn't personal, its business.

This is what happens when there are no repercussions to saying whatever you want without any proof. It's fine for a message board, but for a "journalist", it's getting ridiculous.

The business world in general would not tolerate the results that journalist provide.

No, Dirk, I didn't bring up "twitter journalism". Your guy Seth Davis did a couple weeks ago. He tweeted: "St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports Missouri close to extension w/ Mike Anderson. If true would be another embarrassment to Twitter journalism. " This was before Anderson signed with Arkansas. Apparently it's OK for Seth to throw s@&# at the wall and see what sticks, but when other people do it, it's "twitter journalism". I just think it's fun calling out the hypocrisy of some of these "experts".

I'd try to explain, but banging my head against a wall sounds more appealing. Go ahead and enjoy Seth Davis' takes.

How much money would it take to entice Tubby right now? If he bolts for a small raise, Tubby may earn a rep as a coach who acts tough yet runs away when things get tough. That would be the last thing I want if I were him. However, for a significant raise, he may be able to dodge the rep as people would go “hey, how can you turn down that kind of money!” I wonder how much would be actually enough for Tubby to risk his reputation at this juncture of his career.

BTW, some info about monetary compensation for the coaches who made the Dance this season:

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