Seth Davis Hoop Thoughts

I am seriously shocked it was Seth Davis ... He is one of the biggest Gopher doubters I've ever read.

Yeah Seth Davis hates him some Tubby/Minnesota. I'll take the praise though.

I'm not going to drop the Buckeyes if they don't lose

In my opinion, that's the wrong way to look at it. Where a team was ranked last week or anytime previously shouldn't have any affect on where you currently rank them.

I think it's worse in football where the rankings really mean something. Say, as a voter, you rank Team A 5th in the country to start the year and Team B 10th. By mid-season, both teams are undefeated but Team A has struggled some and the voter really feels that Team B is better. There are some voters who say just what Davis said and wouldn't put Team B ahead of Team A just because they hadn't lost yet.

Edit: Sorry Bleed, this is a little off-topic

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