Serious question about Patrick Reusse

West Fargo Gopher Fan

Section 114 Row 2
Feb 14, 2014
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Feel free to move this thread. I post because of his ridiculous Gopher Football articles. Does he actually believe what he writes or is it a bit

It's "a bit"....

Anyway Pat used to have some sort of intellectual integrity thing going on. He also used to be a pretty good writer... Now as far as I can tell he doesn't put much effort into either outside of when he is writing about town ball, its just twitter gotchas, and one liners that some sort of generic sports media bot could write.

My dad got the Star Tribune growing up in the 80's. I remember his articles were always negative but they were within reason back then.

Because of Soupcan, I no longer read the Strib except for what gets posted here. Can't say I miss it much.

Every sports media "personality" in this town thinks they need a bit. It is annoying as a sports fan

Pat has always been extremely cynical in his writings. He is quick to criticize but in turn has extremely thin skin. The dude blocked me on his twitter account and believe me, I was not rude or out of line, just critical of one of his jottings. The big boy can dish it out but he can't take it. I hope Jerry Kill and Gopher football become so successful that it just drives him nuts. I have no ill will towards the guy other than how disappointing it is that he is so negative about my University!

Don't fall for it.

He gets bitchy because he secretly half-likes the Gophers.

I heard he's a dried out drunk. Also heard he's a pretty pathetic person who lives a pretty pathetic life. I don't read any articles by him.

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I love Reusse. He is the only sportswriter in Minnesota who can always be counted on to say exactly what he thinks. Every other sportswriter in this state is a complete bore. I wouldn't read any of them even if you paid me. Reusse has generated more interesting sports discussions during the last 20 or 30 years than all the rest of them put together. That is his job and that is the reason why his employers have always loved him. If he wants Reusse can work for the Strib and KSTP for the rest of his life. Just like Sid. Think about it. Reusse should be every GopherHoler's hero. He has always earned his living doing what many guys would do for free.

He has his ups and downs as a writer, but so far this year, any fair article about the Gophers should be negative. It has been a bad season thus far.

It's "a bit"....

Anyway Pat used to have some sort of intellectual integrity thing going on. He also used to be a pretty good writer... Now as far as I can tell he doesn't put much effort into either outside of when he is writing about town ball, its just twitter gotchas, and one liners that some sort of generic sports media bot could write.

Spot on.

This is simply the Minnesota way: guilty introspection and criticism.

He admits its a bit

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His thing has always been "afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted", which is why his career is always about taking shots at those in power, especially coaches, owners (especially Carl Pohlad, Mike Lynn and Norm Green) and certain players he feels need to be brought down to earth. Love him or hate him, he's been consistent with that for 30+ years.

I love Reusse. He is the only sportswriter in Minnesota who can always be counted on to say exactly what he thinks. Every other sportswriter in this state is a complete bore. I wouldn't read any of them even if you paid me. Reusse has generated more interesting sports discussions during the last 20 or 30 years than all the rest of them put together. That is his job and that is the reason why his employers have always loved him. If he wants Reusse can work for the Strib and KSTP for the rest of his life. Just like Sid. Think about it. Reusse should be every GopherHoler's hero. He has always earned his living doing what many guys would do for free.

I agree with much of what you said. But the sentence in bold is flat out wrong. He's troll, he admits it, and I don't think even he believes much of what he says. He doesn't only troll Gopher fans; he tries to get under the skin of every Minnesota sports fan. He likes it, he thinks it's funny, and it has become his thing. I've always liked him, but much less so over the past few years.

He's a great story teller and is very knowledgeable about sports. He uses those talents to elicit a reaction. Clearly, it works.

He has his ups and downs as a writer, but so far this year, any fair article about the Gophers should be negative. It has been a bad season thus far.

Fair enough, but sometimes this guy just seems to enjoy rubbing it in. I think most Gopher fans feel pretty discouraged by this season and don't need some sportswriter telling them that they don't feel bad enough.

I love Reusse. He is the only sportswriter in Minnesota who can always be counted on to say exactly what he thinks. Every other sportswriter in this state is a complete bore. I wouldn't read any of them even if you paid me. Reusse has generated more interesting sports discussions during the last 20 or 30 years than all the rest of them put together. That is his job and that is the reason why his employers have always loved him. If he wants Reusse can work for the Strib and KSTP for the rest of his life. Just like Sid. Think about it. Reusse should be every GopherHoler's hero. He has always earned his living doing what many guys would do for free.
I don't think he says what he really thinks. He says what will get the fan base worked up.

I am a daily listener to Patrick, have met him about half a dozen times. But honestly, I wish this board would just censor his name in every instance. His fans can listen to him for three hours a day, five days a week, follow him on Twitter, read his blogs, and catch him a couple times a week in the dead tree edition. His detractors would be saved coming up with clever insults based on his physical appearance or addiction issues. Why his every utterance needs to be cross posted here is puzzling.

I am a daily listener to Patrick, have met him about half a dozen times. But honestly, I wish this board would just censor his name in every instance. His fans can listen to him for three hours a day, five days a week, follow him on Twitter, read his blogs, and catch him a couple times a week in the dead tree edition. His detractors would be saved coming up with clever insults based on his physical appearance or addiction issues. Why his every utterance needs to be cross posted here is puzzling.

Ask Bleed. :drink:

I don't think he says what he really thinks. He says what will get the fan base worked up.

I think Reusse is a lot more honest than you give him credit for particularly now that he has reached retirement age. Sure he loves to get the fan base worked up. That is how he gets his kicks. But he doesn't BS about what he believes and he doesn't give a rip about what people think or say about him. The recent photo of him at a Twins game with his shirt off is proof of that. There is very little Reusse says on the radio that he doesn't write about in his columns. And one thing his listeners and readers can always rely upon is that he will rip coaches, general managers, and AD's who don't speak with complete honesty and candor about their teams and who don't make excuses for them. Jerry Kill does not meet that standard for Reusse. Not by a long shot.

I think Reusse is a lot more honest than you give him credit for particularly now that he has reached retirement age. Sure he loves to get the fan base worked up. But he doesn't BS about what he believes and he doesn't give a rip about what people think or say about him. The recent photo of him at a Twins game with his shirt off is proof of that. There is very little Reusse says on the radio that he doesn't write about in his columns. And one thing his listeners and readers can always rely upon is that he will rip coaches, general managers, and AD's who don't speak with complete honesty and candor about their teams.

So he really believes Jerry Kill is the number one whiner in the last 60 years in your opinion. Jerry Kill.

He admits its a bit

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Reusse knows exactly what he is doing. The Gopher "zealots" as he termed them can be overly sensitive at times and Reusse knows it.

So he really believes Jerry Kill is the number one whiner in the last 60 years in your opinion. Jerry Kill.

I believe that is what Reusse thinks and I agree with his assessment. For the first two years of Kill's reign in Minnesota he constantly whined that he couldn't win with the players Brewster recruited. It was disgusting. I have heard from inside sources that many of the players who were recruited by Brewster were pissed off by Kill throwing them under the bus in that way. Now Kill is coming up with other excuses for not winning. Apparently, this is how Jerry Kill rolls.

I am a daily listener to Patrick, have met him about half a dozen times. But honestly, I wish this board would just censor his name in every instance. His fans can listen to him for three hours a day, five days a week, follow him on Twitter, read his blogs, and catch him a couple times a week in the dead tree edition. His detractors would be saved coming up with clever insults based on his physical appearance or addiction issues. Why his every utterance needs to be cross posted here is puzzling.

The objective answer to your last sentence/question is just ask the Gopherhole staff. As they are often the ones who cross post links to his stuff here....not always the ones....but often. Seems to be simply for the sake of click bait/advertising page views.......if I am being completely honest and not sugar coating it at all.

Reusse has said many, many times on The Ride with Reusse that agitation is the key to being a sportswriter. What is happening at this very moment in this very thread is what has given him a long and successful career. No one would talk about him if he rambled on about how injuries are preventing this team from doing well and we still have so much potential etc etc. Us idiots are giving him the clicks that the Strib needs to keep him gainfully employed. Call him what you want, but he has successfully gotten us birdbrains to click on his articles over and over throughout the years.

Reusse admits that he likes to needle people and see if he can get under their skin. Every time one of these threads gets started, it's basically telling Reusse that he got what he wanted.

IMHO, Reusse is a good writer, especially when he deals with things he enjoys, like golf, town-team baseball, and small-college sports.
As others have said, he can't stand it when (in his opinion) owners, front office types and athletes try to BS the fans.

I certainly don't agree with everything Reusse says or writes, but I enjoy his stuff a lot more than some of the other media people in the TC market - especially Zulgad and Mackey. At least Reusse has some actual expertise about sports - unlike some of the yahoos on ESPN1500 where they just take somebody and say - "you're our baseball expert," or "you're our football expert."

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