Seeking your Input!


Active member
Nov 20, 2008
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Just as I did last year - following the completion of the annual GopherHole Survey - I'm seeking your input related to questions you'd like to see in the survey. Last year, five members gave me their suggestions, which were used in the Fun Questions category of this year's questionnaire. I still have a couple that I could use next year. Nevertheless, I want to keep the survey fresh, interesting, informative and fun. So, if you have any suggestions that you'd like included in next year's survey, please let me know.

Also, any thoughts on getting greater participation? We had a lot of first year participants (new members to GopherHole), however, several veteran posters did not participate. We know the survey has peoples interest by the number of views of the survey and the subsequent summaries. We'd like to see greater participation, however. Especially when it comes to your ideas on improving GopherHole and covering areas of interest. The GopherHole Staff welcomes your ideas, and the survey is one way in which your thoughts can be seen and acknowledged. All opinions are valid, meaning they're worthy of review and consideration

Thank you for considering my request!

Go Gophers!!

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