Section 208


Active member
Nov 23, 2008
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Looking for some input on the views from this section. I haven't sat in the Upper Deck at TCF and never on this side of the field.

-Anyone have any general observations on section 208?
-How are the views from the upper deck at TCF compared to the dome?
-Is there a big drop in quality after the 1st 10 rows, the 11-20, or 20-30?

I'm in 208, row 11, and love it. You can see everything, and you're still much closer to the field than the 2nd deck at the dome. But if you stand up, you'll probably get yelled at.

I have 4 in 208 in row 24. The view is far better than the dome.
Good view
Seat backs are nice
Sun makes a huge difference on cold days

Laid back crowd
Long walk up (lots of stairs)
Hard to hear the band
Quieter (not as many fans behind you to make noise).

Hope this helps

Yes it helps. I had upper deck really high seats for the Vikings on the 15 and it was high. My wife didn't like UD at the dome and sitting high, but from my experiences at TCF it looked like even the higher levels in the UD would be much better than those at the dome.

I'm in the upper 20's of sec 208. It's fine - I'm at about the 10 yard line. My seats are pretty high up which is the biggest thing I don't like about them, but aside from that the view is very good. I don't mind the section at all but just wish I was lower. The scoreboard is very visible. The crowd is pretty laid back as mentioned above which for me is in general a good thing. I have little kids and don't want people standing in front of us the whole game. The drawback is there are quite a few people in the section that are 50+ and are SUPER quiet and a few constant whiners. (for example, there was a guy behind me last year that complained EVERY time we ran the ball - even if it went for a 15-yard gain).

Top row in 208 here, on the end. Im right on the 20 of the open end. My dad and I stand most of the game (but were in last row so no one gets mad). Theres not alot of kids in the section from what I remember, I just turned 17 and I think im the youngest season ticket holder in the section. Views from the top row are about equal to upper deck front couple rows in the dome Id say. Sun is perfect on chillier days. Only thing that sucks there isnt many food vendors on the top concourse so I have to walk all the way down and all the way back up to top row if I want to get a cheeseburger or pretzel.

I liked the views from the highest rows in all the seatback sections. I'd compare them to the middle-front rows in the upper deck in the dome as far as view goes.

Top row in 208 here, on the end. Im right on the 20 of the open end. My dad and I stand most of the game (but were in last row so no one gets mad). Theres not alot of kids in the section from what I remember, I just turned 17 and I think im the youngest season ticket holder in the section. Views from the top row are about equal to upper deck front couple rows in the dome Id say. Sun is perfect on chillier days. Only thing that sucks there isnt many food vendors on the top concourse so I have to walk all the way down and all the way back up to top row if I want to get a cheeseburger or pretzel.

That's why you get food right before kickoff. =D I'm in the first row in the lower section, so we have some stairs to hit up as well (not sure how many compared to you) and I've learned to grab cheese curds outside the Bank. Once I get in, grab a drink and a dog or something for right away, and then, if I have the hands / pocket space, grab a subway that I can keep close by so I don't have to hit up any lines during the game. The only time I get up between kick off and the final whistle is a bathroom break. And most of the time I can hold it.

We sit in Sec 208, I can't remember if its 15 or 18. We are very happy with our seats and have a great view. We are on the end of the aisle. We can see everything.

Sec 208, row 22 here...I concur with pretty much all that is posted above. I really like the vantage point in which you can see the plays develop. My dad has seats in 108 and that aspect certainly is missing sitting closer to the field and lower to the ground.

I love being on the "sunny side."

I REALLY wish we could hear the band better, though. And yes, 208 is a quiet, non-standing section. I can remember a number of times that I am standing up and cheering for a big play and I look around and see a total of 4 people in the section standing with me.

Sec 208, row 22 here...I concur with pretty much all that is posted above. I can remember a number of times that I am standing up and cheering for a big play and I look around and see a total of 4 people in the section standing with me.

That would be Berget13 and myself ;-)
go Gophs!!

Sec 208, row 22 here...I concur with pretty much all that is posted above. I really like the vantage point in which you can see the plays develop. My dad has seats in 108 and that aspect certainly is missing sitting closer to the field and lower to the ground.

I love being on the "sunny side."

I REALLY wish we could hear the band better, though. And yes, 208 is a quiet, non-standing section. I can remember a number of times that I am standing up and cheering for a big play and I look around and see a total of 4 people in the section standing with me.

You'll have a four more people standing up with you on big plays this year. Our group of four is moving from 243 to 208, row 21. Glad to hear the views are good, my wife has been coveting the sunny side of TCF for the last two years.

I checked it out today at the scrimmage and 208 will be good. The first 20 rows are the location to strive for, I wonder how long it would take to get that low. I think the top rows of the lower deck are nice too.

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