Seating/parking upgrade info?

CP Gopher

Active member
Nov 21, 2008
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Anyone have updated news on requests?
I have friends who were in the 19,000-range on Gopher points and requested a seating change. Do they have a chance?

Anyone have updated news on requests?
I have friends who were in the 19,000-range on Gopher points and requested a seating change. Do they have a chance?

How many seats? There was a guy last week who found out his 2 seats could be moved and he was about 27,000 on the Gopher Points scale.

On 5/14 I got the email from the U saying the upgrade process is starting and should take until early June. I still haven't heard from the ticket office either although my point level isn't very high. Based on prior experience, I expect to be contacted in late June.

I was contacted on Monday for my move request. I was in the 19k Gopher point range, but do have $1000 annual donation towards the Gopher fund. Got to move my 2 extra seats to section 115 (from 101). Moved tailgating lot also.

I think there is some sort of combination of donation and Gopher points for priority.

I was one who moved his seats last week. I am in the 28,000 range, and had donation seats last year, but not this year.

You all are way ahead of us on the points list. We put in the request when we renewed and were told if we haven't heard anything by mid June, our seats would probably stay the same. We haven't, and don't expect to, hear anything about request to move out of 117 to a donation seat. I'm guessing that would be our only chance to slide closer to interior. We actually like our seats but just want to see if we can protect our young kids' ears from some of Gopher Nation's finest. Don't want to start that thread though.

I just got the call today and was able to improve my seats a bit.


What's an estimate of your point level 2727? Just points or annual donation as well? Just trying to get an idea where the U is on the list. Thanks.

What's an estimate of your point level 2727? Just points or annual donation as well? Just trying to get an idea where the U is on the list. Thanks.

My request also was filled today. I was told they had filled about 500 of the 3000 requests. I was in the 70+ percentile in points. I hadn't donated anything extra in the current period.

I went online to see how many points I have and it seems to be concealing that information until after the upgrades are complete. I picked my seats near the end of April last year if that tells you anything. I also haven't donated anything extra (beyond the required donation) in the past year.

We just got our options to upgrade from our $100 premium seats to the $250 seat range for our 4 tickets. We were paying the $1000 for parking so we figured we might as well put it all to tickets rather than some to tickets and some to additional donation. We need to decide by tomorrow AM. We can move down between 13 and 18 rows and either straight down or in towards the 50 yard line about 14 seats. All in all I am extremely pleased with our options.

We made no additional donations this year other than our $100 premium per ticket when we re-upped.

A lot of posters are confusing what type of request you have with some affliation to your Gopher Points. These are not two mutually inclusive things. The "difficulty" of your request is paramount, and your Gopher Points are a small factor.

Examples: If you want to add a seat, but stay where you are, that's tough. If you want to add a seat and move, that's easier. If you want to add a seat, move, and upgrade, that's even easier.

If you want to move toward the 50 and stay low, that's tough. If you want to move toward the 50 and don't care where you are in the stands, that's easier.

If you have 1-2 seats, most moves/upgrades will be easier, if you have 3-4 or more seats, harder. Contribution and seniority help, but they are not going to move other folks "out of the way" for you.

Don't worry about your points, worry about how difficult your request is with a 93% renewal rate. Your "perfect move" may take you 2, 3, even 4 seasons.


I got my call on Monday. I was told I was no. 471 on a list of 3500 requests due to points and a $500 contribution to renew my present seats. I wanted to add two more seats in the $250 preferred which I was able to do. These seat are two rows behind my present ones and about ten seat over which is fine with me. I was happy to be able to get them that close. I'm also now in a position to use the U's tailgating lot (I chose lot 37) which was one reason for the added seats request. The tickets are for my son and daughter-in-law. Since I'm an old fart they will do the driving which is nice for me. I can imbibe in a couple of post game brandys if I care to.

Process is too slow

So it's early June and the U is just past #500 out of 3,500 seat upgrade requests. New season tickets go on sale June 15. I'm willing to bet the U isn't done upgrading by that date. Fans wanting to buy season tickets will be told we'll take your money but can't tell you where the seats will be. That always sells a lot of season tickets! ;)

I wish the U had kept the seat selection process online like when we originally picked our seats at TCF. It would be a lot faster and better show seating options but I'm sure U didn't want to spend any money to continue that service.:(

I wish the U had kept the seat selection process online like when we originally picked our seats at TCF. It would be a lot faster and better show seating options but I'm sure U didn't want to spend any money to continue that service.:(

I agree. I think it would have been easier for us to have a time slot to go in and review seats that were available rather than having them tell us options, go look at the seating chart, discuss it, call them and ask questions, have seats disappear, be given a deadline to decide, etc. But it is what it is.

I agree. I think it would have been easier for us to have a time slot to go in and review seats that were available rather than having them tell us options, go look at the seating chart, discuss it, call them and ask questions, have seats disappear, be given a deadline to decide, etc. But it is what it is.

I would imagine the ticket office is handling the seating chart this year not out of any need to cut back on web app development, but to avoid random open single seats. For example you want two tickets and you choose two seats in a row with three open seats. Who buys the lone single seat? No one. The ticket office is using this opportunity to rearrange things to eliminate those orphaned seats while satisfying the existing season ticket holder base demand for improved seating.

I would imagine the ticket office is handling the seating chart this year not out of any need to cut back on web app development, but to avoid random open single seats. For example you want two tickets and you choose two seats in a row with three open seats. Who buys the lone single seat? No one. The ticket office is using this opportunity to rearrange things to eliminate those orphaned seats while satisfying the existing season ticket holder base demand for improved seating.

It's probably a little of both. But I think the reason you raise is the primary one with the reduced cost (since the app they used isn't the U's, its an outside company's) being a very good benefit of the decision.

I would agree that our Gopher Points were not much of a factor because we have nothing close to the thousand point totals mentioned above. We were contacted on June 4 and were able to move our four seats about two sections closer to the middle on the visitors side. Not sure if or how much of an improvement but we are getting away from Goldie's platform in Section 117/115 area. Our only option with the $100 Donation Seats was to move upstairs and though we've heard how good the sight lines are up there, we decided to stay down near the field.

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