A lot of posters are confusing what type of request you have with some affliation to your Gopher Points. These are not two mutually inclusive things. The "difficulty" of your request is paramount, and your Gopher Points are a small factor.
Examples: If you want to add a seat, but stay where you are, that's tough. If you want to add a seat and move, that's easier. If you want to add a seat, move, and upgrade, that's even easier.
If you want to move toward the 50 and stay low, that's tough. If you want to move toward the 50 and don't care where you are in the stands, that's easier.
If you have 1-2 seats, most moves/upgrades will be easier, if you have 3-4 or more seats, harder. Contribution and seniority help, but they are not going to move other folks "out of the way" for you.
Don't worry about your points, worry about how difficult your request is with a 93% renewal rate. Your "perfect move" may take you 2, 3, even 4 seasons.