Seat Selections - Who's Last?


Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
I know we had a thread previously on who's selecting their seats and when, but I want to know who's last like me and how far into the summer do you have to wait to select your seats?

My ranking is in the 26,000s (35%tile)
2 Season tickets holder for 3 years

I don't select my seats until 5/19 in the afternoon!

Watching all the great seats being chosen week after week is very painful, it's gotton to a point where I'm afraid to even log on to see what's available! :eek: This next 15 days will be exciting and daunting to wait, but I just have to know when is your selection day? End of May, beginning of June? When does this seat selection process open up to the public?

Anyone out there with a date later than mine!!?? :clap:

5/21 2:35

I have my first two seats, (4-15) the next two I am on the waiting list for. I don't even have a set date yet, but it should be around June 1st.

My first 2 seats were on 4/29. My next 2 seats are on 5/20.

I have four seats, pick on May 21st, but probably will only end up with two. Haven't decided whether to just let the other two go, or offer them to someone else. I have two little kids (5 and 1) and would like to have four tickets in a few years, but during the next 3-4 years the youngsters are tough to take to games, so I might just cut back to two tickets and take one kid or the wife. I hope I don't regret the decision in a few years, when I'll want to take the whole family.

I have four seats, pick on May 21st, but probably will only end up with two. Haven't decided whether to just let the other two go, or offer them to someone else. I have two little kids (5 and 1) and would like to have four tickets in a few years, but during the next 3-4 years the youngsters are tough to take to games, so I might just cut back to two tickets and take one kid or the wife. I hope I don't regret the decision in a few years, when I'll want to take the whole family.

You might want to call the ticket office and explain your situation. If I recall correctly, they used to have a program by which you could return your tickets so that they could be given to the United Way, etc for kids to attend games. I'm not sure if that made the cost of the tickets tax deductible or not but it might have. Similarily, if the U doesn't have that kind of program but you know a youth program in your area that would appreciate the tickets you could do the same thing directly (which should definitely be tax deductible). Obviously you could do this on a game by game basis and sell your tickets when possible. But this would be a way to keep the tix and not worry that a scalper/broker will turn them over to opposing fans that you have to sit next to. Also, it guarantees that you have the seats when you want to take the fam to games going forward. If the Gophers start winning the 2 seats you're thinking of giving up may not be around. Just something to mull over. :)

Keep them'll wish you did.

I know my folks went with 2...but for when we all come up..or to go with the 1 son and GF...they wish they had 4.


May 21st, 2:43 PM.. sounds like I'm the latest so far by about 8 minutes

I have four seats, pick on May 21st, but probably will only end up with two. Haven't decided whether to just let the other two go, or offer them to someone else. I have two little kids (5 and 1) and would like to have four tickets in a few years, but during the next 3-4 years the youngsters are tough to take to games, so I might just cut back to two tickets and take one kid or the wife. I hope I don't regret the decision in a few years, when I'll want to take the whole family.

To second what GoAUpher said above, there are great programs where you can donate your unused tickets for the next few seasons, deduct the value from your taxes, and still have all four when you want them at a later date. GopherLady is associated with Tix for Tots, which is an awesome program. Get in touch with her about donating tickets if you're interested. She'd be happy to talk about it, I'm sure.

Tix For Tots allows you to donate your tickets and receive a tax deduction.

I have four seats, pick on May 21st, but probably will only end up with two. Haven't decided whether to just let the other two go, or offer them to someone else. I have two little kids (5 and 1) and would like to have four tickets in a few years, but during the next 3-4 years the youngsters are tough to take to games, so I might just cut back to two tickets and take one kid or the wife. I hope I don't regret the decision in a few years, when I'll want to take the whole family.

If you can afford it, I would get the four and sell two tickets for a few games each year. Three years from now it sounds like you will want the four seats together.

Keep all 4 seats. This is EXACTLY what I did. My kids are 5 and 3. I bought 2 extra last year so I can bring my kids when they get a little bit older. Last year I either sold them or gave them away to friends and will probably do the same this year. I can also guarantee that they don't fall into the hands of BADger fans.

That all sounds like sound advice. I don't want to give them up, given I know I'll want them later and may not get them. It might depend upon where I end up sitting. If I have to pay a donation for all four seats because that's all that's left, I won't be doing 4 tickets, although maybe if it is a $100 donation seat area.

OK, so we pick in 2 hours. I cant decide between 208, rows 15-16, 213 row 19, or 243 row 19. I really like 208 but there is the question of being to close to the board. Thoughts?

BRG I have the exact same decisions in an hour from now. What are you leaning towards?

208, I want to be on the sunny side and I personally do not see the scorebaord as an issue, just fishing for opinions? How about you?

I have four seats, pick on May 21st, but probably will only end up with two. Haven't decided whether to just let the other two go, or offer them to someone else. I have two little kids (5 and 1) and would like to have four tickets in a few years, but during the next 3-4 years the youngsters are tough to take to games, so I might just cut back to two tickets and take one kid or the wife. I hope I don't regret the decision in a few years, when I'll want to take the whole family.

I will buy 2 of your tickets to one or two home games for a fair price (whatever that might be) if you decide to get 4. I'm sure you could sell off most of your extra tickets to GOPHER fans.

208 will not be too close to the scoreboard. Just click on the automated view in section 208 when you pick the tickets and you will see you view.

16feet, I'll keep that in mind and if I do go with 4, I'll post on here which games are available. And if you wear red or black, don't even think about it. Wisconsin and Iowa games I will keep in the "family" to ensure the evil-doers don't get in with my tickets.

Reference for all quick. I called the ticket office today to verify my address change went through on their system. I currently have 2 tickets I am picking a week from tomorrow, and I have 2 more on the wait list. Here's what I found out:

1) Wait list tickets are expected to start to be filled early to mid June.

2) If you do not click the complete my order button or whatever it is that doesn't allow you to change your seats anymore you will lose those tickets and they will go to the wait list people.

3) There are over 1000 spots on the wait list currently.

4) If you have tickets on the list, and other tickets you'll be ordering the "normal" way you MIGHT be able to have them move your tickets together based on availability. While they don't allow you to change your seats once you click the "complete" button they might make exceptions if you also are on the wait list if there are seats together.

5) If you currently have 2 tickets in your name and you get 2 off the wait list you will NOT be given the opportunity to buy another parking pass. It is one pass per 4 tickets per account. If however you currently have 3 tickets and are waiting for 2 then you'll get another pass.

I'm 210/1000+ on the wait list and they said I have a good shot at getting tickets but wouldn't promise me anything.

16feet, I'll keep that in mind and if I do go with 4, I'll post on here which games are available. And if you wear red or black, don't even think about it. Wisconsin and Iowa games I will keep in the "family" to ensure the evil-doers don't get in with my tickets.[/QUOTE]

that is what i like to hear. alma mater first. you sir are a fine, fine gentleman!

16feet, I'll keep that in mind and if I do go with 4, I'll post on here which games are available. And if you wear red or black, don't even think about it. Wisconsin and Iowa games I will keep in the "family" to ensure the evil-doers don't get in with my tickets.

I like your plan.

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