Seat Selection Questions


Nov 20, 2008
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One week (started on Monday 3/30) into seat selections at TCF, there are a ton of great seats remaining! On the visitors side both sections 110 and 111 (35-50 yardlines) have 95% their seat remaining, on the home side both sections 140 and 141 (35-50 yardlines) have roughly 25% of their seats left. Of course these seats are "preferred seats" that require annual donations.

Shoot, the sections (20-35 yardlines) immediately next to those above sections are still very great seats, they have the majority of their seats remain also! I don't pick my seats until mid-May, but I'm getting a pretty good feeling about being able to get pretty great seats if I'm willing to pay the annual preferred seats donations. I believe more Gopher fans are forgoing the "preferred seats" to avoid spending more money.


1) for those of you have already selected your seats, any of you picked your seats after business hours (ie 10 PM, 2 AM, etc.)?

2) if you have two seats to pick, does the software automatically suggest the BEST second seat for you once you designated the first seat or do you have to select the second seat manually?

I have not picked yet, so I don't know the answer toyour questions, and I have another question...

If you had four seats to pick, would you prefer four in one row, or 2 x 2 (two in one row and two in the row directly in front of or behind the first two)?

No correct answer obviously, only personal preference.

I think I would prefer 2 x 2 as it allows for easier discussions amongst the group....

Just curious that's all....

One week (started on Monday 3/30) into seat selections at TCF, there are a ton of great seats remaining! On the visitors side both sections 110 and 111 (35-50 yardlines) have 95% their seat remaining, on the home side both sections 140 and 141 (35-50 yardlines) have roughly 25% of their seats left. Of course these seats are "preferred seats" that require annual donations.

Shoot, the sections (20-35 yardlines) immediately next to those above sections are still very great seats, they have the majority of their seats remain also! I don't pick my seats until mid-May, but I'm getting a pretty good feeling about being able to get pretty great seats if I'm willing to pay the annual preferred seats donations. I believe more Gopher fans are forgoing the "preferred seats" to avoid spending more money.


1) for those of you have already selected your seats, any of you picked your seats after business hours (ie 10 PM, 2 AM, etc.)?

2) if you have two seats to pick, does the software automatically suggest the BEST second seat for you once you designated the first seat or do you have to select the second seat manually?

1) I would not recommend picking seats after business hours because if you have an issue like I did (reported in prior post under the heading "We are now on the third day"), you can't call the ticket office for help.

2) The software does not automatically suggest the BEST second seat after you pick your first seat.

Good luck!

I guess it depends on your long range goals for the seats. If they're forever going to be for you an friends then 2x2 makes sense but if you are one day going to use them for your family and you don't want to lose your seating position then four in a row makes sense to me. That's clearly not the answer you were looking for but in my life, four in a row makes much more sense.

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