Season's Over...Clap...Clap...ClapClapClap


Sharing Common Sense & Reality
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
NIT bound.

Brilliant thread, thanks for you contributions to the meltdown.

I am just going to come back tomorrow. I hope by that point all the posters who have decided that the season is over because we have lost 3 games to decent teams.

What do you want me to say? "Oh, darn, we lost at Miami. I'm sure this experienced team of Juniors and Seniors will suddenly improve enough to win at Purdue or Michigan State?

Get real. This team basically won 2 games it wasnt supposed to over the course of two years (@Wisc, vs. Louisville).

What do you want me to say? "Oh, darn, we lost at Miami. I'm sure this experienced team of Juniors and Seniors will suddenly improve enough to win at Purdue or Michigan State?

Get real. This team basically won 2 games it wasnt supposed to over the course of two years (@Wisc, vs. Louisville).

So I guess Moonlight was correct then? :confused:

The team still plays great defense and they always have a chance to win. I'm discouraged too. But, I enjoy these guys and I'm not counting them out yet.

I am just going to come back tomorrow. I hope by that point all the posters who have decided that the season is over because we have lost 3 games to decent teams.

Portland's not that good and a good team has to beat teams like Miami and Texas A&M. The fact that we lost all three games show this is not an NCAA Tourney team.

They actually do play good defense by-and-large. Which makes this team even more puzzling and inept when you think about it. Sad, sad indeed.

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