Season Predictions (picking games)


Feb 22, 2010
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What's up everyone.

So, as we all know, the season starts on Tuesday. Well, the exhibition part of it anyway. So, I went ahead and made some predictions on how I think the team will do this year.

What do you think the season will bring for the Gophers. It really can't be worse than last year can it? I would be highly shocked if it was.

Thanks everyone. Now let's just get the season started already. I can't wait.

There are 18 conference games, not 17. You predicted 10-7. If you want your blog to have credibility, certainly one should know that the B1G plays an 18-game conference schedule.

There are 18 conference games, not 17. You predicted 10-7. If you want your blog to have credibility, certainly one should know that the B1G plays an18-game conference schedule.

Good call Selection. How dumb am I? Don't answer that. I added the Penn State game. I have it down right here on my desk, not sure how I skipped over it. Change that to 11-7.

Oh well, thanks for catching it. Also, great work on here. You are one of the main people on here that I read. You always have great stuff.

Thanks again and have a good day.

I'm here to help. :) Stuff happens.

11-7 would be a pretty solid mark. Would be nice to finish a B1G season well north of the .500 mark. I'd have Gophers' high-water mark at 12-6. 11-7 or 10-8 sounds about right.

12-6 would be nice and, depending on the teams we beat to get there, should set us up for a Dance birth no matter what happens in the big ten tourney. That would be nice for once. So, who do you think will carry the team this year?

I have a lot of faith in Andre and Joe. I just think they are ready to go now and give our team a lot of depth

It does appear the Gophers have some depth (knock on wood), and they have a horse (2nd-team preseason All-American) capable of leading them out of the oasis. I think the key to the season will be how we execute in the half-court once conference play starts. That's where a capable PG/facilitator would come in handy. Mbakwe's nowhere near as valuable if there's no one to get him the ball in the right spots.

Yeah, I know Tubby says he wants to run and we know the players love to run....but we have heard that before. I hope that they do run more. I know people will say that the B1G is a slower league so we have to play that way.

I don't agree with that at all. Play to our strengths. If that is run and gun than so be it. Have Andre drive, if nothing there, kick out to Oto or Hollins for a 3. We will have Ralph and Trevor down there to get the boards.

I'm just sick of the slow pace. Playing as many guys as Tubby does, there is no reason for us to be slow or tired. The slow stuff hasn't work since he has been here so hopefully he means what he says this time around.

I don't doubt that the Gophers want to run & press more. It would be great to see, for sure. I'm just skeptical they'll be able to pull it off with much effectiveness after December.

Running and gunning is great, but how many times can you actually do it in a game? Only after some turnovers and missed shots. We still need to implement a smooth offense that doesn't involve 3 or 4 people standing around watching the ball, which we've been seeing the last couple years.

11 wins in B1G play is pretty optimisitc being that in the last 12 years that most wins in a conference season has been 10.

PG play as always will be the biggest factor and with no true PG things might get tough in conference play.

11 wins in B1G play is pretty optimisitc being that in the last 12 years that most wins in a conference season has been 10.

How many Gophers players from the last 12 years are playing on the team this year?

PG play as always will be the biggest factor and with no true PG things might get tough in conference play.

I've never heard anyone call Ahanmisi anything other than a PG.

Gophers need to win at least one of the first two road big10 games for a really good Big10 season!

book said:
Gophers need to win at least one of the first two road big10 games for a really good Big10 season!

Not really ... They could lose those 2 and then finish 16-2. Which I'd say is a successful big10 season.

that would be about 7

Yes, and there have been somewhere in the neighborhood of, what, 50 Gophers players in the last 12 years? What relevance do the last 12 years have to this year's squad?

Yes, and there have been somewhere in the neighborhood of, what, 50 Gophers players in the last 12 years? What relevance do the last 12 years have to this year's squad?

Not sure what you're picking at. The fact that we have been stuck in mediocrity for that long is relavent in a general sense. 10 vs 11 wins is kind of the hump from 'bubble team' to 'in' the tournament a lot of years. It would be nice to achieve it for once.

I'd like to see 11-1, 11-7 for a 22-8 regular season. Here's hoping.

Not sure what you're picking at. The fact that we have been stuck in mediocrity for that long is relavent in a general sense. 10 vs 11 wins is kind of the hump from 'bubble team' to 'in' the tournament a lot of years. It would be nice to achieve it for once.

It makes no sense when people say, "Well, so-and-so team has been [great/good/average/mediocre/terrible/pathetic] for the past X years, so they're going to be [great/good/average/mediocre/terrible/pathetic] again this year. It's lazy and requires no critical analysis whatsoever. Any simpleton with the internet can make that kind of "prediction". If teams are forever doomed to repeat their recent history, what's the point of even playing the games?

It makes no sense when people say, "Well, so-and-so team has been [great/good/average/mediocre/terrible/pathetic] for the past X years, so they're going to be [great/good/average/mediocre/terrible/pathetic] again this year. It's lazy and requires no critical analysis whatsoever. Any simpleton with the internet can make that kind of "prediction". If teams are forever doomed to repeat their recent history, what's the point of even playing the games?

They're not 'doomed to' but Gopher basketball has been almost as cursed as Gopher football the past few years. I'd say this is the 3rd year in a row we've been hopeful that 11 BT wins was realistic. So far, it's not happening for various reasons. It's proven to be a hump we can't get over. I think that's all the OP was pointing out when you jumped all over him.

It's really hard to guess what the record in conference will be because of the new players that will have to distribute the ball to our bigs. As Selection says, the key will be how our guards distribute the ball to players with scoring opportunities, w/o too many turnovers. I'll add that if we also improve upon our *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#ty FT shooting from last year, that will also be a key. I'm thinking 10-11 wins is possible IF the guards distribute for assists and we make over 70% or our FT's.

It makes no sense when people say, "Well, so-and-so team has been [great/good/average/mediocre/terrible/pathetic] for the past X years, so they're going to be [great/good/average/mediocre/terrible/pathetic] again this year. It's lazy and requires no critical analysis whatsoever. Any simpleton with the internet can make that kind of "prediction". If teams are forever doomed to repeat their recent history, what's the point of even playing the games?

if there is a post that you disagree with that makes the poster lazy, unable to provide any critical analysis and a simpleton.

the all knowing dpo and his delusions of grandeur. a simpleton like me should bow down to thee and let you know how privileged I am that you would even respond to a post that was so lazy on my part.

Bucknell could be a tough first game.

Bucknell could be a tough first game. 6'11" Mike Muscala of Roseville can score and they are one of the best 3pt shooting teams in all of college basketball. With tubby being forced to play lots of freshmen who must learn his ball-line defense I just hope we dont start dubbling down and leaving the 3pt line wide open. If they arent hitting shots, we should be able to get rebounds and run them out of the gym so it's imperative they don't get good looks.

Minnesota doesn't exactly have a stellar past in the Champaign. It is likely the Gophers lose at Illinois and then they beat Illinois in Minneapolis.

Both teams have a lot of new guys. At this stage (preseason) I'd like the Gophers' chances in Champaign-Urbana better than Ann Arbor, even though the Gophers have had much more success (recently) in Crisler Arena than Assembly Hall.

gopherbadgerman said:
CBS Sportsline picked them 9th

They got a vote in the AP top 25 ... What's your point? No one knows what will happen?

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