Search Myths On GopherHole


Oct 25, 2009
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There a couple of myths or misunderstandings about the search that are repeated so frequently that they are now treated as fact by many. Therefore, I thought I'd try to shed a little light on a few subjects:

Myth #1: Dungy will play an important role in the search process, perhaps recommending candidates, helping to evaluate candidates, or even giving his approval to the ultimate selection. The fact is that all Maturi said was that Dungy "is willing to do everything he can" to help find the right leader of the program. That does not mean or even imply that he would have any role in the search process whatsoever. In fact, when asked if Dungy would or could be part of a search committee, Maturi made it clear that you can't approach the search that way if you are looking to make "a significant hire."

Myth #2: Maturi said the Gophers are out to make a Tubby Smith type of hire. This is partially true, but overblown. Maturi said that this is his goal, but he also said "whether there's that interest out there remains to be seen." More importantly, most people focus on the "Tubby hire" statement and ignore that he also said "if we hire a coordinator, and we may, or a mid-level coach, and we may, because that may be the best person who is available to us..."

Myth #3: Reports or tweets from the media about the search have true significance. Maybe, maybe not. But until you see a report that gives some attribution or at least claims "mutiple sources have confirmed...," these reports are about as reliable or meaningful as what a friend of a friend overheard in a bathroom stall. If a report says something like "the latest word is..." it is reasonable to question,"The latest word from who?" (This is part myth, part pet peeve of mine.)

There a couple of myths or misunderstandings about the search that are repeated so frequently that they are now treated as fact by many. Therefore, I thought I'd try to shed a little light on a few subjects:

Myth #1: Dungy will play an important role in the search process, perhaps recommending candidates, helping to evaluate candidates, or even giving his approval to the ultimate selection. The fact is that all Maturi said was that Dungy "is willing to do everything he can" to help find the right leader of the program. That does not mean or even imply that he would have any role in the search process whatsoever. In fact, when asked if Dungy would or could be part of a search committee, Maturi made it clear that you can't approach the search that way if you are looking to make "a significant hire."

I agree that this is a myth. I think Maturi was clever here. First off, make it clear that Dungy isn't going to be the next coach. Then give him a figurehead role to give the search some gravitas and credibility. And I believe that Dungy has reached out to a couple of guys. He is respected in the coaching community (a super bowl ring will do that). I see him more in sealing the deal vs. recruiting candidates.

Myth #2: Maturi said the Gophers are out to make a Tubby Smith type of hire. This is partially true, but overblown. Maturi said that this is his goal, but he also said "whether there's that interest out there remains to be seen." More importantly, most people focus on the "Tubby hire" statement and ignore that he also said "if we hire a coordinator, and we may, or a mid-level coach, and we may, because that may be the best person who is available to us..."

As others have posted, this was a poor job of managing expectations on Maturi's part. You tell someone they're getting Filet Mignon for dinner, you get a long face when you serve them a T-bone. Its still a steak.

Myth #3: Reports or tweets from the media about the search have true significance. Maybe, maybe not. But until you see a report that gives some attribution or at least claims "mutiple sources have confirmed...," these reports are about as reliable or meaningful as what a friend of a friend overheard in a bathroom stall. If a report says something like "the latest word is..." it is reasonable to question,"The latest word from who?" (This is part myth, part pet peeve of mine.)

Very good point. Nothing against Joe Schmit, but I put zero credibility on anything coming from a tweet. Until its an attributed news story on a real website (or better yet, on TV or in print) its BS. Like you said, Twitter is a virtual mens room wall. 90% of all these tweets are people throwing paint at the wall. If the wall turns out to be that color, you can claim you were the one who picked it out.

Another myth

Leach will have a chance to be the next coach of the Gophers...he is not coming folks... the U doesn't want a nut job like him. So please stop asking for Leach..... move on.

Agree 100%. Good points.

I'm also glad that Maturi or Bruininks have said virtually nothing in recent weeks about the search. If they had, some of our more learned, intuitive, and psychic posters would be analyzing each and every syllable coming from any of those quotes. I like the silence. Let people speculate all they want. I'll wait patiently until the end of the season to get overly excited one way or the other.

Myth #3: Reports or tweets from the media about the search have true significance. Maybe, maybe not. But until you see a report that gives some attribution or at least claims "mutiple sources have confirmed...," these reports are about as reliable or meaningful as what a friend of a friend overheard in a bathroom stall. If a report says something like "the latest word is..." it is reasonable to question,"The latest word from who?" (This is part myth, part pet peeve of mine.)

Very good point. Nothing against Joe Schmit, but I put zero credibility on anything coming from a tweet. Until its an attributed news story on a real website (or better yet, on TV or in print) its BS. Like you said, Twitter is a virtual mens room wall. 90% of all these tweets are people throwing paint at the wall. If the wall turns out to be that color, you can claim you were the one who picked it out.


I couldn’t agree more with myth #3. I think we could all play this game and every few days throw another name into the pile. Eventually, I am sure one of us would name the next coach a day or so before it is actually announced.

Joe Schmit is too busy checking out the ladies around the office to care about the coaching vacancy :cool02:

The Candidates Are Really "Stacking Up"

I couldn’t agree more with myth #3. I think we could all play this game and every few days throw another name into the pile. Eventually, I am sure one of us would name the next coach a day or so before it is actually announced.


It goes without saying. We're responding to buzz, rumors, etc, any one of which may only be half-true, or even not true at all. And the grand total of all this speculation may still only = the tip of the iceberg.

But it's fun to talk about. I mean, Ken Niumatalolo will clearly be the next coach of the Golden Gophers, so obviously this is all just for kicks anyway.

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