Seantrel Henderson suspended

Golden is already on vacation? Seriously?

May as well sit out a few more on the sidelines back home, right?

Is there anything new on the Henderson to MN front? it's been rather quiet lately..

I would love to have Kill say "no thanks..."

Honestly, you seem like a high school kid who just got dumped and says "I never liked her anyway." Henderson was the top recruit in the country. If he actually wants to transfer, which I highly doubt, you would (and should) welcome him with open arms. The kid is a stud.

He should be fired immediately if he does that.

I agree. Kill should be fired without coaching a single game because he, as the head football coach, might feel that a player transferring in may not be a good fit.

We need kids with tallent and heart, not with tallent and a big head and a screwed up father, I feel sorry for the kid, but wouldn't want him either.


We want kids who want to be Gophers. For Seantel, first it was USC, then he flirted with OSU and finally ended up at Miami. The facts show that the Gophers were far down his list.

It seems like Henderson is a good kid. If he did want to transfer back to MN (not likely) then I don't see why Kill would have a reason to summarily reject him unless it seemed like Henderson's heart wasn't in it. I don't really see how Henderson's situation is much different than Kim Royston's other than the media frenzy that surrounded one of the recruitments.

take him in a heart beat ...if

I feel we have no chance to get him because if he transfers it will most likely be another big name program. However, if he did decided the limelight was a little too bright in some of those other areas I think it would be great. Kill would have to spell out to him what would be expected and if he could live under those terms .... sign him up. Just keep him away from Mc Kinnie of the Vikings.

Take him in a heartbeat with the understanding that at the first sign of trouble you kick him off the team. Guy has great potential. Is already an above average college OT. The issue is that players (and parents) like SH tend to never reach their full potential. They also tend to be a pain in the butt to deal with and at times cancerous to the team (see kris humphries).

There also might be issues with SH qualifying to transfer to the u of m. There may be a reason he went to a private school instead of a public one.

good points

Good points Rosemountain ... agree on all.

It's awesome to still see Sean in the mix. What's he gonna do when the combine rolls around? Do the bench press for Seantrel and then act as his spokesperson?

The Hendersons are a joke. If I were a Gopher I'd want him to stay the hell away. The last thing a program that's rebuilding needs is a kid like Seantrel with a father like Sean.

Honestly, you seem like a high school kid who just got dumped and says "I never liked her anyway." Henderson was the top recruit in the country. If he actually wants to transfer, which I highly doubt, you would (and should) welcome him with open arms. The kid is a stud.

Wrong, Kris Humphries in cleats, pass.

Wrong, Kris Humphries in cleats, pass.

Disagree. Little Krissy and his dad were both @ssholes, and everyone knew that coming in. I have yet to talk to the person who thinks that way of Seantrel.

I agree. Kill should be fired without coaching a single game because he, as the head football coach, might feel that a player transferring in may not be a good fit.

Reasonable response to an obviously sarcastic post.

Like who else? Care to cite a source for this?

Years of experience dealing with kids who have 'baggage' AKA bad attitutdes, know it all parents who think they are entitled, academic issues.

Are you seriously trying to question me on that? Go to NYC parks and you will see dozens of basketball players who didn't reach their full potential in the game for one reason or another.

Now, I do not know if he has a bad attitude. I do know from observation that he has parents that think they are entitled (or at least a father). I do know from people I have talked to that would know that he is not exactly the greatest student on the planet. I do know (from observation) that he was a guy who often did not finish blocks in HS. I do know (from observation) that he was a guy whose college decision was more about gaining attention than it was selecting a college (whether that was his problem or his parents is something I cannot say).

Two Thumbs Down...

It's awesome to still see Sean in the mix. What's he gonna do when the combine rolls around? Do the bench press for Seantrel and then act as his spokesperson?

The Hendersons are a joke. If I were a Gopher I'd want him to stay the hell away. The last thing a program that's rebuilding needs is a kid like Seantrel with a father like Sean.

On Seantrel ever playing for the U of Minnesota. Talented player? Yes. Problems coaching him? Yes. Family interference with his football career? Yes. Ultimately, are they all after NFL money? yes.


Years of experience dealing with kids who have 'baggage' AKA bad attitutdes, know it all parents who think they are entitled, academic issues.

Are you seriously trying to question me on that? Go to NYC parks and you will see dozens of basketball players who didn't reach their full potential in the game for one reason or another.

Now, I do not know if he has a bad attitude. I do know from observation that he has parents that think they are entitled (or at least a father). I do know from people I have talked to that would know that he is not exactly the greatest student on the planet. I do know (from observation) that he was a guy who often did not finish blocks in HS. I do know (from observation) that he was a guy whose college decision was more about gaining attention than it was selecting a college (whether that was his problem or his parents is something I cannot say).

So your big issue is with Sean, not Seantrel. The only issue that I see you having with Seantrel is that he didn't work as hard as he could, which happens to 18 year-old kids every day. All of your other objections are directed at his father. And I don't know the extent of what is true or not with all the stories that were going on about him.

There also might be issues with SH qualifying to transfer to the u of m.

Or there might not be a single issue. Have you heard something?

I think you made a pretty sweeping generalization about Seantrel and I don't see the same warning signs as you. His father may be an issue, but he's going to be at whatever school SH is, so someone is going to figure out how to handle him. Although I haven't read (I didn't look either) if there were any issues with daddy in Miami this past season.

So your big issue is with Sean, not Seantrel. The only issue that I see you having with Seantrel is that he didn't work as hard as he could, which happens to 18 year-old kids every day. All of your other objections are directed at his father. And I don't know the extent of what is true or not with all the stories that were going on about him.

Or there might not be a single issue. Have you heard something?

I think you made a pretty sweeping generalization about Seantrel and I don't see the same warning signs as you. His father may be an issue, but he's going to be at whatever school SH is, so someone is going to figure out how to handle him. Although I haven't read (I didn't look either) if there were any issues with daddy in Miami this past season.

I have no issues with either as I would let him on the team if he wanted to be. But I would go into it knowing that there could be problems, and if there were any problems at all I would cut him immediately.
Not all of the bad things I have heard are about his father.

I guess making sweeping generalizations from years of experience and from comments people have made to me from people who would know what they are talking about is off limits.

I don't understand why people get so defensive when I say it is possible (or even likely) that he doesn't live up to his full potential. You realize that if he was a late 1st round pick and a 2 time Pro-Bowler would not be living up to his potential right?

I guess making sweeping generalizations from years of experience and from comments people have made to me from people who would know what they are talking about is off limits.

And I guess asking for clarification on sweeping comments is off limits too.

I don't understand why people get so defensive when I say it is possible (or even likely) that he doesn't live up to his full potential. You realize that if he was a late 1st round pick and a 2 time Pro-Bowler would not be living up to his potential right?

For me, on this board I don't care about the NFL. The minimum acceptable level for him is being a good student and teammate. I would consider living up to potential to mean an all conference type player.

If he was a top flight wideou(i.e. Floyd) you take a chance with the baggage. But given that we can get top 250 lineman every year, Henderson is not worth all the other issues that you have to deal with(which is the fact that his dad is crazy and they are going to ask for money, which as USC will confirm, leads to the NCAA knocking at your door)

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