Seantrel Henderson = Not that good


Section 133 Row 28!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
My bro got around SH for a sack last night. Go Mustangs! :clap:

...well at least he will be able to share that with his kids some day.

I wouldn't be surprised if we cool on him a bit after this...

if your boy is #44 word is he spent most of the night on his back to the point where he even started shying away from contact and he got the sack when SH slipped

if your boy is #44 word is he spent most of the night on his back to the point where he even started shying away from contact and he got the sack when SH slipped

That "word" is incorrect. Were you even at the game?

People will leave no stone unturned in their efforts to flame others on this board.

if your boy is #44 word is he spent most of the night on his back to the point where he even started shying away from contact and he got the sack when SH slipped

ChemE may have been boasting a bit, but your comment is totally uncalled for. There are better ways to get your point across than humiliating a player who got a sack against the number 1 high school recruit in the country.

Congrats to him, I'm sure it was pretty exciting.

My bro got around SH for a sack last night. Go Mustangs! :clap:

Good for him. Please forward your post to Pete Carroll, Urban Meyer, Jim Tressell, ESPN, Charlie Weiss,, Scout and Rich Rodriguez.

Do NOT forward to Tim Brewster.

Thanks for your support!:clap:

ChemE may have been boasting a bit, but your comment is totally uncalled for. There are better ways to get your point across than humiliating a player who got a sack against the number 1 high school recruit in the country.

What comment? I just said what someone else said happened. He spent most of the game on his back and then was shying away from contact. Didn't take any shots at the kid, just said what was said. As you mentioned SH is the #1 recruit in the country. No shame in getting your butt kicked in that matchup

That "word" is incorrect. Were you even at the game?

Obviously if I was there I wouldn't have said 'word is'. Don't really see what your point is. I wasn't there, just saying what I heard and it was really in jest as I don't care one way or another

What comment? I just said what someone else said happened. He spent most of the game on his back and then was shying away from contact. Didn't take any shots at the kid, just said what was said. As you mentioned SH is the #1 recruit in the country. No shame in getting your butt kicked in that matchup

My mother always told me that if I didn't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. It's probably a good credo to live by, and would probably apply in this case. The fact that you chose to point out someone's negative through someone else's positive is funny...what's even funnier is that you tried to defend yourself by going on attack mode even further...especially since you weren't even there to see it first hand.

My guess is you would have also gotten your lunch handed to you by Henderson as question is whether you would have gotten the sack...

Do they even post stats from high school football games?

Congrats to you bro ChemE. Don't know why this is such a big deal to some here.

My mother always told me that if I didn't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

Good words to live by...

alltimetwinsfan said:
My guess is you would have also gotten your lunch handed to you by Henderson as question is whether you would have gotten the sack...

Ooops. That wasn't a very nice thing to say, imo.

if your boy is #44 word is he spent most of the night on his back to the point where he even started shying away from contact and he got the sack when SH slipped

Obviously if I was there I wouldn't have said 'word is'. Don't really see what your point is. I wasn't there, just saying what I heard and it was really in jest as I don't care one way or another

I was just verifying that you weren't at the game to prove to others reading that my opinion had more merit than yours since I was actually watched the game. What was the point of your original comment? To make a sarcastic rip on my brother and get a cheap laugh? Not a big deal, just an unnecessary low blow IMO.

For what it's worth, I think you are usually one of he better posters on here and tend to agree with your take on all things Gopher related. I'm willing to forget this ever happened (although I might have to boast again when MV meets Irondale in the section quarterfinals and #44 blows past Jimmy Gjere for 3 sacks :) ).

I was just verifying that you weren't at the game to prove to others reading that my opinion had more merit than yours since I was actually watched the game. What was the point of your original comment? To make a sarcastic rip on my brother and get a cheap laugh? Not a big deal, just an unnecessary low blow IMO.

For what it's worth, I think you are usually one of he better posters on here and tend to agree with your take on all things Gopher related. I'm willing to forget this ever happened (although I might have to boast again when MV meets Irondale in the section quarterfinals and #44 blows past Jimmy Gjere for 3 sacks :) ).

Honestly I didn't realize you meant your actual brother and in that case, my bad for the whole thing. I really didn't think people would get all worked up over a little bit of trash talk about a game I even stated I wasn't at. I was just taking a little jab in fun but I guess some people take things way too serious. Anyways the whole thing behind my post (and something I thought others would pick up on) was that this morning someone on GI posted about how dominant SH was last night and how CDH was running behind him all game and #44 was the guy he was going against was getting it pretty bad but SH gave up a sack after slipping or stumbling or something like that. I just found it funny that 2 people posted about the same event in the same game and you posted (jokingly) that SH wasn't that good right after someone else posted how dominant he was against the same guy (your brother). I'd think that people would know I'm not the type to come around flaming but apparently some people just aren't that bright, especially since its not even like I dissed anyone.

My mother always told me that if I didn't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. It's probably a good credo to live by, and would probably apply in this case. The fact that you chose to point out someone's negative through someone else's positive is funny...what's even funnier is that you tried to defend yourself by going on attack mode even further...especially since you weren't even there to see it first hand.

My guess is you would have also gotten your lunch handed to you by Henderson as question is whether you would have gotten the sack...

I went on attack mode? lol. Yea, saying 'No shame in getting your butt kicked in that matchup' is really going on attack mode:rolleyes:. And to answer your question, no I wouldn't have gotten the sack since I played safety and LB in high school, yes SH would've kicked my butt (5'10, 195lb in HS)

Stop being an idiot.

I fail to see the idiocy in my post but I can see the idiocy in calling someone a name that implies they lack intelligence when your point of reference implies no such thing

This whole thread is petty.

If people weren't so sensitive it wouldn't have been an issue. More power to the kid that got a sack off of SH. Everyone feels the need to be a daddy today

Reading this thread has been a complete waste of 5 precious minutes of my life.

My mother always told me that if I didn't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. It's probably a good credo to live by, and would probably apply in this case. The fact that you chose to point out someone's negative through someone else's positive is funny...what's even funnier is that you tried to defend yourself by going on attack mode even further...especially since you weren't even there to see it first hand.

My guess is you would have also gotten your lunch handed to you by Henderson as question is whether you would have gotten the sack...

Ironic post is ironic.

So the OP says that SH isn't that good because #44 got a sack. Then OB41 gets attacked for pointing out someone's negative through someone else's positive.

Please tell me I'm not the only one that sees the irony in this.

i read in the strib last week and thought about posting. the story on the CDH/stillwater game was that the CDH offensive line was getting beat by stillwater all night. CDH's QB is out with a hockey injury (forgot his name--alt?) and the story said that the backup was getting chased around all game. i know that there are five guys playing the line and SH might have been the strong link, just found it interesting.

ok, went back and re-read the story and it said that stillwater was blitzing heavily, so take that for what it is.

"The man stepping into Alt's cleats was senior Joe Miller, who had thrown only five passes at the varsity level this season. Stillwater's blitzing defense chased Miller all evening, sacking him five times. The Raiders lost two fumbles in the second quarter and Stillwater's Justin Bernardin intercepted a Miller pass to end Cretin's final possession."

Ironic post is ironic.

So the OP says that SH isn't that good because #44 got a sack. Then OB41 gets attacked for pointing out someone's negative through someone else's positive.

Please tell me I'm not the only one that sees the irony in this.

Very was done on purpose to prove a point.

From one Mounds View guy to another, Congrats, but tough loss for the 'Stangs.

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