Scoggins: Gophers' defense makes up for blunders by Claeys and Leidner


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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Whatever his usual postgame routine is, Tracy Claeys should’ve stopped by the locker of every defensive player Saturday and personally thanked each guy for overcoming his mind-boggling blunder.

Mitch Leidner should’ve been right behind him.

The Gophers head coach and senior quarterback botched the final few minutes of the first half with horrific game management that would have looked more egregious with a different outcome.

Coach and quarterback were able to breathe easy after the Gophers defense saved their bacon with an about-face second half to secure a 44-31 win over Purdue at TCF Bank Stadium.

The Gophers improved to 7-2 by extending their winning streak to four games to remain in contention in the Big Ten West. But, seriously, does any team look as flawed in victory sometimes?

Go Gophers!!

Why does this sh!thead write about gopher fb??? Why don't the star have a pro gopher writer???

This 7 and 2 record is all done with smoke and mirrors. Apparently the public is catching on as the crowd was terrible again. People see this coaching staff and have figured it out. The anger about this team has turned into people not giving a damn. I don't even think a 9-0 team would fill the stands. The apathy is here and it is now spreading.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe the defense should be thanking Leidner and the offense for recovering from the multiple 60+ yard touchdown passes that they gave up.

This article is a joke.

What was worse, the decision by Claeys to run a pass play with 15 seconds left and Leidner as his QB, or the horse**** pass by Leidner?

I'll go with Claeys. If he makes the smart move (draw play to Smith), Leidner's awful pass can't happen.

This 7 and 2 record is all done with smoke and mirrors. Apparently the public is catching on as the crowd was terrible again. People see this coaching staff and have figured it out. The anger about this team has turned into people not giving a damn. I don't even think a 9-0 team would fill the stands. The apathy is here and it is now spreading.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That appears to be the truth this far into the season. If the Gophers win next weekend, then the respect will start building.

This 7 and 2 record is all done with smoke and mirrors. Apparently the public is catching on as the crowd was terrible again. People see this coaching staff and have figured it out. The anger about this team has turned into people not giving a damn. I don't even think a 9-0 team would fill the stands. The apathy is here and it is now spreading.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do you continue to troll around here?

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Maybe the defense should be thanking Leidner and the offense for recovering from the multiple 60+ yard touchdown passes that they gave up.

This article is a joke.

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While Scoggins is a hack, there is an underlying belief that we are playing a weak schedule to get to 7 wins...mostly because we are. We should have beaten PSU and we simply stunk against IA...if perception is to be changed we need a signature win against NE or Wisc and we must be NWU. Finishing 2-1 and 9-3 overall would and should be considered our best season since 1960 and get us a ranking and January bowl game. Win the bowl game and it is our first 10 win season since 2003 and 6 conference wins (including 3 on the road) for the first time since 1973.

Why do you continue to troll around here?

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Because unlike so many Gopher fans I do not accept mediocrity and I like to get under the skin of those that do. Someday you may get it.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because unlike so many Gopher fans I do not accept mediocrity and I like to get under the skin of those that do. Someday you may get it.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh no said the troll, I am a fan because I hold my team to a higher standard that you loser fans who just applaud when we win...

Plenty of blunders on both sides of the ball. Stupid article.

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