Scholarship Update


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Jan 10, 2011
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The official Gopher football roster has been updated and now excludes Eure and Eskridge. It also still shows Brent Singleton but it does not yet show Foreman, Moulton, nor Crawford. The most interesting fact is that the rumors about Singleton appear to be false.

The roster can be accessed by clicking on the following site:

In addition, the Scholarship Grid at the Gopher Hole has been updated with the deletion of Eure and Eskridge and the addition of Moulton and Foreman. It also still shows Drayquan Crawford on the grid.

The total number of scholarship listed at the top of the grid is 83. This is still consistent with what Kill said at spring practice, i.e. that they still had a couple of scholarships available. They deleted two and added two per above. I have made the point here several times that what people have been saying about the number of Scholarships is not consistent with what Kill said earlier. I don’t know who is right but nobody has been able to prove that Kill and/or the GopherHole Scholarship Grid are wrong.

The GopherHole Scholarship Grid may be accessed by clicking on the following site:

I like your grid, but a couple of corrections are overdue. Ferguson has been an OT since spring practice and Hageman is a DT permanently. Secondly,is Austin Hahn a walk on or scholarship player.

The official Gopher football roster has been updated and now excludes Eure and Eskridge. It also still shows Brent Singleton but it does not yet show Foreman, Moulton, nor Crawford. The most interesting fact is that the rumors about Singleton appear to be false.

The roster can be accessed by clicking on the following site:

In addition, the Scholarship Grid at the Gopher Hole has been updated with the deletion of Eure and Eskridge and the addition of Moulton and Foreman. It also still shows Drayquan Crawford on the grid.

The total number of scholarship listed at the top of the grid is 83. This is still consistent with what Kill said at spring practice, i.e. that they still had a couple of scholarships available. They deleted two and added two per above. I have made the point here several times that what people have been saying about the number of Scholarships is not consistent with what Kill said earlier. I don’t know who is right but nobody has been able to prove that Kill and/or the GopherHole Scholarship Grid are wrong.

The GopherHole Scholarship Grid may be accessed by clicking on the following site:

That grid is wrong. Unless they know something we don't, Collin McGarry is still on team. That makes at least 1 more scholarship.

Also, it is still unclear if Austin Hahn and Aaron Hill still have their scholarships they earned last year. On the Gopherhole grid they are listed as walk ons but we at least know they were on scholarship at least thru last season. Here is link from Gophersports telling of their scholarships being earned Their scholarships would need to be renewed for this year, so it is possible they aren't being renewed. It just seems weird that Kill wouldn't keep them on scholarship. According to MVs grid on FBT, the scholarship count is at exactly 85 w/o Crawford. Link:

My guess is we don't see Crawford enroll this fall. I am not even sure there is a spot for him based on total scholarship count and yearly max you bring in. Obviously, if we are really at 85 and all other incoming freshman make it in, then there definitely wouldn't be spot. But even if there is opening I believe we have already have our anual max of 25 accounted for already without him.

We had 24 recruits that enrolled in 2010. 2 (Lewis, Eure) enrolled early and should have counted toward previous year. That's 22 that would have counted for 2010. I'm pretty sure Beal and Hill's scholarships that were added last year would have had to count in 2010 as well based on NCAA rules. Hahn's wouldn't have counted toward annual counter, since he had been on campus for 2 years before being awarded scholarship. So that would bring total to 24 in 2010, leaving only 1 spot open for one of the early enrollees this year (Campion, Harris, Jones, Rabe, Hawthorne). With one counting toward 2010, the other 25 new players/recruits for this spring/fall (not including Crawford) would count toward 2011. If accurate, that doesn't leave a spot for Crawford, unless another recruit doesn't make it in or someone gray shirts.

Scholarship Grid

I like your grid, but a couple of corrections are overdue. Ferguson has been an OT since spring practice and Hageman is a DT permanently. Secondly,is Austin Hahn a walk on or scholarship player.

Thanks but it is not my grid. It is maintained by something else, possibly a volunteer or a person associated with the GopherHole. The position changes on the grid are not always kept current. Often they are not changed until fall practice or later.

As far as Austin Hahn he was a walk-on and I have heard that he was given a scholarship later. What you need to remember though is that this grid includes all players on the roster, both scholarship and non-scholarship. It does not specifically identify which are which. At the top of the grid is the number of scholarship players for each year.

As far as Austin Hahn he was a walk-on and I have heard that he was given a scholarship later. What you need to remember though is that this grid includes all players on the roster, both scholarship and non-scholarship. It does not specifically identify which are which. At the top of the grid is the number of scholarship players for each year.

The Gopherhole grid does indicate "(wo)" next to each walk on player. All other players without (wo) next to name appear to be included in the totals at the top. Austin Hahn and Aaron will both have (wo) next to their names. This would need to be corrected if they both do have scholly's for this upcoming year and overall numbers at top would also need to be increased by 2.

I like your grid, but a couple of corrections are overdue. Ferguson has been an OT since spring practice and Hageman is a DT permanently. Secondly,is Austin Hahn a walk on or scholarship player.

I agree, Ferguson ran RT with 1st and 2nd team all spring.

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