Saturday weather


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Long range forecast calls for a cool Fall evening:

6pm: 51 degrees, NW wind 9mph, 10% chance of rain, 60% chance of being cloudy
Sunset 7:09pm
Midnight: 45 degrees, NW wind 7mph, 10% chance of rain

With temps in the 50's sliding into the 40's through tailgating and game... I'm thinking I will step up to a sweatshirt this week. No big deal.

Absolutely perfect FB weather. At least we won't have to worry about anyone cramping this game...

Could be 45 around kickoff. Fun fact: We are undefeated at TCF with games 45 and below.

Hope the rain holds off. They are predicting 50% up here for Saturday.

My kind of weather, perfect.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!

Fun fact: We are undefeated at TCF with games 45 and below.

Awesome. It would be awesome if we could keep that going for another twenty or so years: partly because those are very likely BigTen victories, and also because it's something we can build an identity around.

Long range forecast calls for a cool Fall evening:

6pm: 51 degrees, NW wind 9mph, 10% chance of rain, 60% chance of being cloudy
Sunset 7:09pm
Midnight: 45 degrees, NW wind 7mph, 10% chance of rain

I get the wear my new hoodie!

45 at kickoff - that's a hoodie over a long sleeve shirt weather. Can't wait!

Love games under the lights in the cool air. My all time favorite game at TCF was against MSU in late October.

I'm all for the cool weather, but rain and/or wind would really mess with our massive tailgate plans for Saturday night. We are pulling out all the stops.

Let's keep out priorities straight.

My phone weather prediction has raised the rain chances to 30% through most of tailgate time (from 10% that had been displayed earlier in the week). However, the mighty 'CCO forecast on the radio on the way into work this morning didn't give a hint of rain at all for Saturday afternoon on...

I have tailgate plans too so rain would be an unwelcome sight.

The National Weather Service now say 20% chance of rain before 1 PM.

it is not going to rain on saturday afternoon or evening. if at all, there could be minor, very light sprinkles early saturday morning. tailgating plans will be just fine and game time weather will be just fine. don't be surprised to see sunny skies in minneapolis by early afternoon or possibly even late morning.

these weather threads crack me up. stop fretting and just be prepared. problem solved.

forecast has been upgraded to be even better. After it is all said and done, it is looking like tomorrow will be a lot like today, and today is a pretty nice day.

Temps in the mid 50's at kickoff. Me likey.

The latest (just updated) 52 at kickoff dropping to 45 by the time the Gophers put their finishing touches on a victory. Wind from the NW at 9 dropping to 5 at game end.

Syracuse will be in the low 70s today. Welcome to the Midwest!

Wow it's going to be great weather, assuming no rain. I saw some ads on line today for tickets on the "sunny side" ... Lol.

right now, has the Orange at +1. I wanna bet on that one in Vegas. how do I do it?

I just called a betting line, my line is minnesota +3

Lots of people betting on the Orange.

Betting on Red Rocket (Shortell) not being able to carry the load. Rubbing my hands with excitement!

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