Samuel Oyenuga


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Nov 20, 2008
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Rumblings that Oyenuga has decommited after the new staff did not show him a lot of love. Maybe making room for Bjorklund?

Link or anything??? Rivals doesn't have why would a DB decommiting make room for an OLineman...its not like we are out of scholarships.

I would think that it is the juco dbs that has him concerned about immediate playing time...who knows what Brew promised him.

His facebook page says this, for what its worth

"ma mom jux gave me the best advice ever.. "go were your wanted, not were you think you wanna be" .....ima aggie now"

Aggie as in new mexico state he explains later

Link or anything??? Rivals doesn't have why would a DB decommiting make room for an OLineman...its not like we are out of scholarships.

I would think that it is the juco dbs that has him concerned about immediate playing time...who knows what Brew promised him.

I hope the idea of immediete playing time in the Big 10 wasn't the chief concern for Oyenuga. The fact that we are bringing in some Dbacks who will be SRs when he is a RS FR, shouldn't have had an impact on where he wanted to be. I hope it was more that he was hearing rumblings of Tamani Carter and possibly that Giles kid (HS Dbacks).

I'm so tired of the poor spelling and grammar in all of the social media posts. Maybe he found out Kill stresses academics to his college athletes.

Maybe Kill didn't really want him for whatever reason...

Sometimes coaches state they'll honor all current scholarship offers. Sometimes they mean it.

Best case scenario for both parties

I think it is embarrassing that schools need to grovel and "show love" to athletes in order to get them to come to their school. And we wonder why kids have an inflated sense of self...

I don't know if this is the case with Samuel, but it frustrates me (I'm an educator and I see the same motif in the classroom -- kids want to be entertained, not taught).

I think it is embarrassing that schools need to grovel and "show love" to athletes in order to get them to come to their school. And we wonder why kids have an inflated sense of self...

I don't know if this is the case with Samuel, but it frustrates me (I'm an educator and I see the same motif in the classroom -- kids want to be entertained, not taught).

"Showing love" has been part of the game in college athletics for more than 20 years. It's moved down to kids as young as 8 and 9 on the AAU/travelling basketball teams in the past 5-10 years.

Of all the commitments, he got me the least excited. I think he would have been overmatched and been a transfer in year one or two anyways. Not saying he wasn't a good player, but I do not think he was a big ten player. Wish him well, but NMSU is terrible.

His other ofter was from Stephen F. Austin. If they show more love go for it.

His facebook page says this, for what its worth

"ma mom jux gave me the best advice ever.. "go were your wanted, not were you think you wanna be" .....ima aggie now"

Aggie as in new mexico state he explains later

Good. Lord.

His English teacher must be very proud.

His "Interest Level" for Minnesota on the Scout sight now indicates "No Interest" and he is no longer listed as A Minnesota commit as well so I think it is safe to say he is gone.
I wish him well.

I would prefer Tamani Carter if Kill can land him. As far as Oyenuga, I don't want a kid to take up a spot if he's not totally commited.

Looks like Carter and May are the guys Kill and staff want for DB's.

I would prefer Tamani Carter if Kill can land him. As far as Oyenuga, I don't want a kid to take up a spot if he's not totally commited.

The Arizona Rivals guy would be surprised if he doesn't pick Minnesota. I watched his highlight video. The funniest part is where he totally reads a play in the red zone, goes to the exact spot the ball is thrown to in the end zone, intercepts the pass, and then returns it for a touchdown.

He told us the answer with "My Mom told me to go where i am wanted, not where I want to go." I.e., the new staff did not pursue him and he figured out he did not fit. If you read what a lot of the kids say who are still available late, it is pretty clear they were dropped by their school or had been slow played all along. I doubt we dropped him technically, but it is great he is smart enough to figure out this staff was telling him he did not fit. His Mom is smart.

With that use of the english language its funny he isn't a sconnie or pigeye.

Ok sorrrry, you know I what I meant. All you spelling bee champs need to take a leap of your high horse and leave the kid alone.

Ok sorrrry, you know I what I meant. All you spelling bee champs need to take a leap of your high horse and leave the kid alone.

I think you meant "off" our high horse, but I get what you were trying to say. What I'm saying is that a college degree is supposed to stand for something. If this type of writing is admissible, then my U of M degree means less. I take that personally, and it means a whole lot more to me than an interception or two. A college degree is not a right.

In reality, I feel bad for the kid. He has some work to do if he hopes to be gainfully employed at some point.

How about this: if that is how a kid writes, I don't think he should be admitted to my alma mater.

please. its my alma mater, too, and i couldn't give two rips about his spelling and grammar in his facebook updates. i never capitalize, never use punctuation and frequently make spelling mistakes when i am telling people 'what's on my mind'.

i bet i could find any number of educated tweeters who constantly press the boundaries of grammar and spelling. in fact, shakespeare constantly pressed the boundaries of grammar and spelling and i bet samuel's english teacher has zero problem with bill.

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