Sagarin Predictions: Week 6


Captain of Awesome
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Small shifts can have big consequences in the predictions. Even though things went pretty much as expected last weekend (at least, according to the numbers) our overall record has shifted from 8-4 to 5-7 by virtue of Maryland's, Illinois' and Northwestern's improvement and our decline. All three games remain in toss-up territory for the time being, but all of them are leaning toward the opponent as of now.

As of right now, to get to 4 conference wins, the Gophers are going to have to take the majority of the remaining toss up games, and win both the "should win" contests at home against Purdue and Rutgers. It's not impossible - but the task is tall. That said, a win this weekend (outside of obvious HATE reasons) would go a long, long way toward making this season successful and get things back on track before the rough stretch in November.

A reminder on how I arrive here, I take Jeff Sagarin's predictor ratings (found here), and calculate what the computer says the spread should be, for now through the end of the season. Negative numbers favor the Gophers, positive favor the opponent.

Previous weeks are below:
Week 2
Week 3
Week 5

vs Oregon State W (predicted -8; actual -7)
vs Indiana State W (predicted -17.5; actual -30)
vs Colorado State W (predicted -17.5; actual -7)
@ Penn State L (predicted +4; actual +3)
vs Iowa +8
@ Maryland +7
vs Rutgers -11
@ Illinois +0.5
vs Purdue -15.5
@ Nebraska +16
vs Northwestern +2
@ Wisconsin +19

Final record: 5-7 (2-7)

Likely in the W column (>7-point advantage to Minnesota): vs Rutgers, vs Purdue
Toss ups (no team with a greater than 7-point advantage): @ Maryland, @ Illinois, vs Northwestern
Likely in the L column (>7-point advantage to opponent): vs Iowa, @ Nebraska, @ Wisconsin

Did Iowa drop at all this week? 8 point road favorites seems pretty generous.

Did Iowa drop at all this week? 8 point road favorites seems pretty generous.

It is generous. For some reason, Iowa hasn't dropped nearly as far in the Sagarin ratings as it has in some other ratings. Their last three games are: loss at home to NDSU, a 14-7 win at Rutgers (where their second touchdown was created by a turnover deep into Rutgers territory), and a loss at home to Northwestern. They're still living off a crushing of Iowa State. They shouldn't be much higher rated than the Gophers right now. The early betting lines showed them as only a two point favorite.

5-7?! Can you imagine :mad:

5-7?! Can you imagine :mad:

I can more than imagine. It's staring us straight in the face. That said, I'm coming to accept it. Wishing we were better only leads to more frustration.

5-7?! Can you imagine :mad:

Yup, unless the team lifts itself by its bootstraps and slugs it out. Kill was a holler guy and a disciplinarian. Is his absence a problem? Looks like our best shots are Iowa, Illinois, Purdue, Rutgers.

Will be interesting to see how Maryland plays Penn State. First true level of competition for them all season.

"OMG...the sky is FALLING!" said chicken little as he dutifully set his hair on fire for good measure...

Did Iowa drop at all this week? 8 point road favorites seems pretty generous.

1.5 as of now. I have only bet on one game at a Vegas sports book in my life, but I would take those odds.

Sagarin damn near wins again with us

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