All Titles are Mythical, and there is nothing about the AP poll that makes it more authoritative than other polls or Natl Title awarding institutions. I am sure I am biased about this, but that doesn't mean I am wrong, and I think its wrong to cut cfb history in half and act like Minnesota didn't win the Natl Title in the 2 year prior to 1936 as well.
Minnesota gets so screwed, by when they started the AP poll, by when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and got the US involved, etc.. Just kind of irks me that Sports Illustrated's Sports Almanac, AND ESPN's Sports Almanac and numerous web sites, all list Minnesota as the consensus Champion in 34 and 35, and of course, 36, but then ESPN columnists act like cfb history started in 1936. You can say that they have to start somewhere, why not there, and I say, thats just plain laziness.
At least in another article ESPN did, they listed Minnesota as one of the 7 greatest dynasties ever in cfb history, and there, wow, magically they gave Minnesota credit for those titles in 34 and 35. See, I think they thought it would make a good story about dynasties to include Minnesota in that first article, but then another columnist thought it would make the story about Bama sound even more interesting if this time, they didn't mention Minnesota. So whether it was laziness, ignorance, or a strategic decision, I think less of the person who wrote the article.