?????s for the Sports Huddle


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Nov 20, 2008
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corcoran1 made the following comment in the most recent Sports Huddle Summary: "If he is on every week until FB, they may want to spend Five Minutes and actually think up a new question to ask. Normally DaveM does a good job of that, but today no one was prepard except CKill."

Fair enough. Maybe it'll take less than five minutes for some GopherHolers to come up with some good questions. Don't know if they'll be used, however, it's certainly worth a try.

Dave Mona visits this site regularly, and he has used some of the submitted questions. That said, it's Sid's show and he asks the majority of the questions, which - we know - can become quite repetitive. I'd hope he'd consider asking coach Kill some new questons that are of interest to Gopher followers.

So, to use Sid's words, have at it all of you geniuses!! I'll post my questions, later.

Go Gophers!!

Are any of the fall camp practices going to be open to the public?

1. Do you pay attention to what the scouting services say about recruits? Do they provide any value at all?

2. Do you ever scout athletes in other sports at U? An example would be wrestler Joel Bauman, who was a very good RB at Kerkhoven Murdock.

That's already been answered. All of them will be.

Interesting! I missed that. I thought I had heard they'd be open at first and then closed as the games got closer since they'd be installing packages at that point.

Interesting! I missed that. I thought I had heard they'd be open at first and then closed as the games got closer since they'd be installing packages at that point.

Not unless something changed. I'm sure they'll close week of games but other than that it's been addressed many times.

How many Gophers players are working out with Larry Fitzgerald & Co.? Are the NFL players willing to help out the Gophers players in terms of hints about conditioning, routes, getting separation, etc.?

How many true freshman will you have this Fall, and how many of them do you expect to redshirt?

Of your true freshmen, which ones do you think have the best chance to see significant playing time this season?

Let's see if I can actually frame this question so it is understandable.
I believe I understand how gap control defenses try to defend against power running games e.g. Wisconsin, Iowa, and MSU, even though it is very hard to do. What is the theory behind how a "penetrate the gap first approach " stops power running games when at least superficially this defense seems more suited to stopping pass first offenses? Since we are in a division where most of our opponents are run first teams this seems like a challenge to our scheme.

Knowing that the coaches have no contact with the players at this time. Will you (the coaches) gather any information from the captains on their practices when contact is again allowed? If so what kind of information are you looking to get?

Which players will be attending The Big 10 Preview in Chicago? And are you prepared to offer an opinion on Penn State?

I believe the first has already been answered: Gray, Ed Olson and Cooper.

If it was up to you, what kind of music would you play during practice/before games?

I'll try this one again.

Does the coaching staff want/intend to get the backup QB a set # of snaps during games?

(I feel it's important to get your backups some action in game conditions, so they'll be more prepared to play in the event of an injury to the starter.)

short ornery norwegian said:
I'll try this one again.

Does the coaching staff want/intend to get the backup QB a set # of snaps during games?

(I feel it's important to get your backups some action in game conditions, so they'll be more prepared to play in the event of an injury to the starter.)

Depending on^^^^

Are there any tickets left for date night with coach kill and rebecca, and what is the phone number people should call to get tickets?

Is Gjere recovered and going to play?

Who is this we're talking to?

Section2 said:
Are there any tickets left for date night with coach kill and rebecca, and what is the phone number people should call to get tickets?

Is Gjere recovered and going to play?

Who is this we're talking to?

I've read the answer is no, since they wouldn't have time to make you a personalized jersey in time.

Recruiting: The Big 10 powers have loaded up in the number of recruits with Michigan leading the way with 22 commitments, OSU 15, PSU 14, etc. However, Iowa, which traditionally would evaluate before tendering an offer has had a change in recruiting philosophy and has 16 commitments, whereas before they'd have half dozen at most at this time.

You've said you want to evaluate the players before tendering an offer, and on an earlier earlier Sports Huddle segment you said you expect 5 or 6 additional commitments after your next camps. With more and more BCS commitments at an earlier time, is their pressure to do what Iowa has done this year? Do you pay attention to what your counterparts in the conference are doing in recruiting?

You've talked about the importance of having team balance, does that carry over to recruiting classes? Do you recruit to specific needs, first? Or do you focus on athleticsim, first, and try to get the best athlete (possible multiple positions)?

Team Improvement: Is there a specific phase (offense, defense, special teams) that you expect to see marked improvement this year? What phase do expect great improvement, and if not, you'll be extremely disappointed?

Go Gophers!!

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