???????s for Dave Mona's consideration


Active member
Nov 20, 2008
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As has been evident in recent weeks and especially last Sunday, questions raised on GopherHole have been reviewed and considered by Dave Mona and in some cases were asked during the Sports Huddle shows.

Again, I suggest you give some thought as to what you'd like to hear asked of coach Kill. Although there are no guarantees or promises but thoughtful, stimulating questions (general/techinical) may make it on the air.

I'll post some of my questions for review and consideration later.

Go Gophers!!

(This may have already been asked, not quite sure) Do the coaches feel that there is enough talent on the defensive line to not have to call as many blitzes this year?
(someone else may be able to phrase this question from a more technical standpoint)

How about what are the plans for Lamonte Edwards heading into Spring ball? After playing a little as a RB early he was brought in as a rush end in passing situations and also played linebacker. If he is moved to linebacker permanently where does he fall on the depth chart?

What are your thoughts on the committee for the AD search?

Follow up about Marqueis's involvement on it.

I'm still wondering if coach Kill feels that he now has the numbers to have a spring game...not just a spring practice like last year.

Who's the best player you've ever coached against?

I don't know if he would answer this but:
Do you have any interesting experiences with a recruit and/or their family you could share? Could be during an on campus visit or home visit.

Coach, you had mentioned a few times last year that you'd have liked practices to be faster-paced than you were able to have them. This was due to a number of things, if I recall correctly, but mostly that the players didn't know your systems well enough to have practices be as fast-paced as you'd have liked. This type of practice, of course, gives more players more reps and better conditioning. Do you think you'll be able to achieve this goal in spring practice and/or fall? I'll hang up and listen. Oh... wait...

Going into the second year of your system I am looking forward to seeing a more established identity of a Jerry Kill coached team. What are the traits that fans can anticipate next year? (Please go beyond hardworking and consistency.)

When looking at recruits, how do you balance kids that have solid technique but maybe not the physical gifts with the kids that have the physical gifts but lack proper technique?

1) I understand Dennis Franchione had a big impact in your early coaching career. Is there another coach or person that has significantly influenced your career and coaching philosophy? If so, in what ways have they had a decided influence?

2) In the past, you stated that there's an unbalance in the team's makeup. Given your recent class of recruits, how long do you anticipate it will take to get full balance in the team? Another class or two? What side of the ball needs the most immediate attention - offense or defense?

3) Do you anticipate signing more walkons to this year's group of recruits? How many spots are available?

Go Gophers!!

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