Rumor Alert: PSU/SABEN


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Nov 20, 2008
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Rumor Alert: PSU/SABAN

Saben to Penn State. reader loldaveyjones writes:

"I told you yesterday Jones that it was not Munchak. If you want the truth and not the usual garbage you spew, it's Nick Saban. How do I know? Someone in my family recently donated $$,$$$,$$$. The contract is for 6 years, $48million. The school is paying $5m/yr, and the rest is coming from the Nike contract. He'll be making 60% more than anyone in college football.

Sounds ridiculous right? No it's not. Saban and his wife are from West Virginia and Nick grew up going to Penn State games with his dad. Saban also never really wanted to leave Michigan State as his closest friends are Tom Izzo and Dantonio. From what I was told, it was Lubert, Parker, and Delaney who were the power brokers behind this deal. This is a huge power play for everyone involved...Penn State, Nike, and the Big Ten.

I keep hearing theres going to be an announcement on Jan 3rd or 4th. That's not true either. The official announcement won't happen until the middle of January. Saban will have two weeks to try and salvage this recruiting class, but from what I was told this is of no concern. I'll be back in January to remind you once again I was right."

There's no way Penn St. can be in play for guys like Saban and Munchak. After all, Ole Miss is a better job than Penn St.

From what I can tell, Penn Live is a semi-legitimate news site. Did they honestly take a comment posted by a nameless user on the Internet and publish a story based on a reader comment?

From what I can tell, Penn Live is a semi-legitimate news site. Did they honestly take a comment posted by a nameless user on the Internet and publish a story based on a reader comment?

It says at the bottom: "NOTE: This type of post does not appear in the newspaper and is not intended to portray itself as news. It is simply highlighting reader comments and spurring discussion. There are hundreds of posts on the web site highlighting user comments."

They aren't acting as though this is any sort of news, just simply posting an interesting comment, and asking everyone if they think this guy is full of it, which I think he is lol

Seems like a long shot but nothing would really surprise me in the realm of college football and coaching decisions. The only reason a name like Saban would make any sense is based on how quiet the search has been to this point and the fact that it seems like they are in no hurry to name a new coach. If it were Saban nothing could be said until after the NC game. Now that these stories are going to start floating out there though we will get the patented denial by Saban of course.

Would be pretty unreal to see Saban and Urban joining the conference for next season.

It says at the bottom: "NOTE: This type of post does not appear in the newspaper and is not intended to portray itself as news. It is simply highlighting reader comments and spurring discussion. There are hundreds of posts on the web site highlighting user comments."

They aren't acting as though this is any sort of news, just simply posting an interesting comment, and asking everyone if they think this guy is full of it, which I think he is lol
If it appeared in the newspaper, that wouldn't be a problem, as nobody under the age of 65 would see it. They say they aren't treating it as news, but they kind of are by giving it attention and using it to try and generate web traffic. I wonder if they'll take this comment from the bottom of the story and publish something based on something user "Jake LaMotta" (wow, is it really him?) wrote: DID YOU BUMP YOUR HEAD ON A LOCKER WHILE SANDUSKY HAD YOU BENT OVER?

I don't find this too hard to beleive. Saban has proven he has no real loyalty to any one program. Alabama had been getting top 5 to 10 recruiting class just about every year, but could not put it together before Saban. Penn St gets good recruiting classes and would wake up under Saban. It is not like Saban would be taking over Indiana! It would be a good opportunity to add to his legend as a coach and make more money. I could see it happen.

I would take issue if the head of the Big Ten played any part in trying to get a big name coach to one school. Why didn't he get Saban to come here last year?! Hopefully this rumor is indeed false but with one on their search committee taking off for 2 weeks, they must know who the next coach is going to be.

Reminds me of the time we thought we were getting Al Golden or Brady Hoke.

Wow...that is some blatant page view trolling right there.

I hope it does happen. Would love to see Bielema go against Urban Meyer and Nick Saban every year. Anything that makes it tougher for Bucky I'm all for.

Penn State can't afford Saban... think about all the civil penalties they're going to be forced to pay those victims.

Some of Penn State fans are funny with their delusional comments. Half think it will happen and the other have are writing about program integrity.

So he is going to move from a team that contends for nat'l titles to a team that might be on probation and bowl ineligible?

Somehow i doubt it.

I think the real rumor should be that the U is going to put together $100 million for a 10 year contract for Saban.

So he is going to move from a team that contends for nat'l titles to a team that might be on probation and bowl ineligible?

Somehow i doubt it.

Why would Penn St. be put on probation and/or be bowl ineligible?

Why would Penn St. be put on probation and/or be bowl eligible?

I think the "lack of institutional control" card may be in play here. Not your typical football reason, but a legitimate possibility...

If this happens, I'm calling for an Occupy Penn State protest. That's crazy money for a college football coach.

Saben to Penn State. reader loldaveyjones writes:

"I told you yesterday Jones that it was not Munchak. If you want the truth and not the usual garbage you spew, it's Nick Saban. How do I know? Someone in my family recently donated $$,$$$,$$$. The contract is for 6 years, $48million. The school is paying $5m/yr, and the rest is coming from the Nike contract. He'll be making 60% more than anyone in college football.

Sounds ridiculous right? No it's not. Saban and his wife are from West Virginia and Nick grew up going to Penn State games with his dad. Saban also never really wanted to leave Michigan State as his closest friends are Tom Izzo and Dantonio. From what I was told, it was Lubert, Parker, and Delaney who were the power brokers behind this deal. This is a huge power play for everyone involved...Penn State, Nike, and the Big Ten.

I keep hearing theres going to be an announcement on Jan 3rd or 4th. That's not true either. The official announcement won't happen until the middle of January. Saban will have two weeks to try and salvage this recruiting class, but from what I was told this is of no concern. I'll be back in January to remind you once again I was right."

Ridiculous dream. They will be lucky to hire anyone that is warm to the touch.

sadly i can see this happening..... i dont think its going to... but what better way to get the fans back on your side and to keep the $$ flowing in then to make the hire of all hires.... i will not be suprised if/when this happens...

I highly doubt Nike is willing to pay $3 per season to Nick Saban. What would be the motivation? If it was in Nike's interest to prop up a program, why would it choose Penn State? Especially now? I could see Saban pulling a money grab if some other school offered him crazy money to leave Alabama, but I doubt that school would be PSU. I could see Texas making such a move.


I hope that's not true....

I hope dpod photoshopped that.

Would anyone really be surprised if ESPN put that up there? This is the same group that cribs off of other news outlets' scoops and hides it behind "ESPN sources say" or similar BS. Tossing a rumor up on the front page isn't too hard to believe.

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