Rules on recruiting a junior


Sep 11, 2010
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what are the rules for recruiting a junior? can they be offered scholarships? I heard earlier tonight a instate recruit was offered one earlier tonight

Considering that Lane Kiffin offered a scholarship to a 13-year-old, I'm quite confident that age is irrelevant in that regard.

Someone who knows more about the particulars than me can expand further, but I assume recruiting rules are the same regardless of age, except for in-home and campus visits. I don't think those can be done until the prospect's senior year. Tommy Olson accepted a scholarship from Brewster when he was a sophomore, and met with him in-home, but the latter was incidental to the recruitment of his older brother Eddie, Jr., so I assume the contact rules did not apply in that case.

ok, thanks. I sure hope this kid goes to the U

I don't think written scholarship offers can be given yet but verbal offers are fair game. Verbal and written scholarship offers are non-binding by both sides anyway so it isn't like there is a big difference other than the paper it is written on.

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