Royston to Sid: "You wrote I was never going to play any more football you are wrong"


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Nov 11, 2008
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Royston to Sid: "You wrote I was never going to play any more football you are wrong"

From Sid:

Kim Royston, the Gophers safety who missed all of last year after breaking a leg, worked out some the other day. "You wrote I was never going to play any more football," he said to me. "You are wrong."

Go Gophers!!

The interns who write Sid's column have now learned the first lesson of journalism. Before you write something about someone, you should probably check with the party in question to see if your point is accurate.

A year later and he's still not working out fully. Rooting for him, but it doesn't look good.

The interns who write Sid's column have now learned the first lesson of journalism. Before you write something about someone, you should probably check with the party in question to see if your point is accurate.

September 3rd isn't here yet and I hope Kim is starting at safety in LA but as of right now Sid and his interns are correct.

September 3rd isn't here yet and I hope Kim is starting at safety in LA but as of right now Sid and his interns are correct.

Which is completely irrelevant in response the the poster you were quoting. "Jounalism" is going down the crapper. The very least these hacks could do is some homework rather than make statements and hoping they become true so they can play the "told you so" card.

The interns who write Sid's column have now learned the first lesson of journalism. Before you write something about someone, you should probably check with the party in question to see if your point is accurate.

In Sid and the Interns' (or whoever translates Sid's drool filled ramblings onto type) defense almost nobody (including Kim or his dad) thought he'd get a 6th year.

Ok, i can check the "in defense of Sid" box for the next decade....I feel dirty.

Me to Sid: "your an idiot, please go away and retire"

Also, in defense of Sid, all last year we kept hearing about how Kim was ready to return, but never did. So the fact that Kim says he is going to be back does not convince me that he will be. Although I hope he will be because we certainly could use him.

Sid was right noone thought e would get a 6th year an he was basing it off that Kim hasn't played yet

September 3rd isn't here yet and I hope Kim is starting at safety in LA but as of right now Sid and his interns are correct.

That's not the point. The point is if you are going to write something about someone, you better qualify it with comments from the person in question or a note that said the person in question was contacted but did not respond with a comment.

That's Journalism 101.

One can conjecture on a blog and I suppose the rules there are a bit different, but this is a major market newspaper.

From Sid:

Kim Royston, the Gophers safety who missed all of last year after breaking a leg, worked out some the other day. "You wrote I was never going to play any more football," he said to me. "You are wrong."

Go Gophers!!

Maybe Royston should cut the fact master Sid-vicious some slack. In a couple hundred years of reporting, you're bound to be wrong at least one time.;)

Has anyone detected doom and gloom from me?

To repeat Forrest Gump "and that's all I have to say about that"

You understand you don't play for Liverpool anymore? You may be confused as you have yet to score for Chelsea.

Ha, good one. I was waiting for this. I spent time looking in the "user cp" area but couldn't figure out how to change the name.


That's not the point. The point is if you are going to write something about someone, you better qualify it with comments from the person in question or a note that said the person in question was contacted but did not respond with a comment.

That's Journalism 101.

One can conjecture on a blog and I suppose the rules there are a bit different, but this is a major market newspaper.

He is writing a column. He doesn't have to have comments from a person to qualify it.

This is my column about Brewster.
He will never be a BCS conference head coach again.
Brewster could not be reached for comment.

Get serious. This is not a big deal

sid is 93 this week, dude needs to go, I believe he is a Detriment to U of Minn and Minnesota.

his whining about wcco losing the gophers was embarassing today, wow,

He is writing a column. He doesn't have to have comments from a person to qualify it.

This is my column about Brewster.
He will never be a BCS conference head coach again.
Brewster could not be reached for comment.

Get serious. This is not a big deal

I was trained as a journalist and guys like Sid (and his interns) have always p*ssed me off with their laziness. It's no wonder the print media is in the trash.

It's one thing to conjecture. I agree that no follow-up with the subject is needed in that case. But if you are flat-out saying "he's not going to see the field again," that's something else entirely.

Ha, good one. I was waiting for this. I spent time looking in the "user cp" area but couldn't figure out how to change the name.


I don't know, it may just be easier to cheer for Chelsea!

I don't know, it may just be easier to cheer for Chelsea!

who the hell is Chelsea and why are we cheering for her?

Sid is the last of his kind, no high school degree yet gets to be GM of NBA franchise and have more big shot close personal friends than almost anyone. Even Charlie Sheen wants to know what Sid drinks.

Let me revise this somewhat for you.

"Me to Sid: you're an idiot. Please go away and retire."

"Sid to Torres9 and Mustang Mountain Man- who is the idiot? Torres9 spells like me and both of you losers are ripping on a guy who is over 90 and still contributes to society- the least of which is being fodder for message boarders"

Ha, good one. I was waiting for this. I spent time looking in the "user cp" area but couldn't figure out how to change the name.


That's the problem with using a player from a professional team as your name. They might move to another team.

Ha, good one. I was waiting for this. I spent time looking in the "user cp" area but couldn't figure out how to change the name.


Don't need to change the name, just the avatar. Unless I'm mistaken, he's still wearing #9 for Chelsea, right?

"Sid to Torres9 and Mustang Mountain Man- who is the idiot? Torres9 spells like me and both of you losers are ripping on a guy who is over 90 and still contributes to society- the least of which is being fodder for message boarders"

I thought I was doing no harm and a public service for the guy. Nice try at trying to rip on a fellow. He could have been 10 for all I know. Now that I now he's 90, doesn't change the fact I helped him across the street. Not once did I rip him. But, since you are thin skinned, I'll just apologize and move on.

Sorry if I offended you in any way.

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