Royce's friend should come forward.

Governor Sibley

Section 109 Row 21
Dec 15, 2008
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If Royce's friend stole the laptop, then his unwillingness to step forward at this time is changing Royce's life.

This is one super friend. We should all be so lucky.

Parenting 101

Parenting 101

One of the many wonderful words of wisdom my parents gave me growing up was to choose my friends wisely. Fair or not, you're judged by the people you hang out with. Clearly, Royce has not taken that advice (I'm assuming he received similar advice from his grandpa) to heart. And that works both ways (his friends hanging out with him). I hope this story doesn't end up with a really bad ending.

Fair or not, the Chris Henry story today made me think of Royce. Henry was always in nothing but trouble. I guess by some accounts he was starting to put that behind him, which makes it all the sadder. Unless he comes back to the U, I hope the next time I read about Royce in the paper it's because he got drafted, or at least scored 30 for NDSU.

If Royce's friend stole the laptop, then his unwillingness to step forward at this time is changing Royce's life.

This is one super friend. We should all be so lucky.

It seems to me alot of assumptions are being made about this. How do you know it was one of White's friends that took it. Maybe he and his freinds had nothing to do with it. Profiling and guilt by association may be the truth about what is happening.

I don't know the full detail about it, but being in the building does not make one guilty. Is there evidence placing him or his friends in the room where the laptop that was taken. Do they have fingerprints on the laptop, etc.. Did someone see them leaving the building with it. Some concrete evidence.


Parenting 101

One of the many wonderful words of wisdom my parents gave me growing up was to choose my friends wisely. Fair or not, you're judged by the people you hang out with. Clearly, Royce has not taken that advice (I'm assuming he received similar advice from his grandpa) to heart. And that works both ways (his friends hanging out with him). I hope this story doesn't end up with a really bad ending.

Best words/advice I've ever seen posted on this site. I tell the kids this all the time. Surround yourself with good people. If you hang out with people who smoke cigarettes/drugs, etc, people will assume the same of you; fair or not, accurate or inaccurate, that's just the way it is. I'm unbelievably happy to see that they have taken that to heart and most of their friends are polite, kind, and engaging kids.

It's the same in the work place. Surround yourself with good people. I actually "know" people well that I probably wouldn't hire, people I would at least somewhat consider friends. It's just not good business to hire less than reputable and respectable people.

If Royce's friend stole the laptop, then his unwillingness to step forward at this time is changing Royce's life.

This is one super friend. We should all be so lucky.

Who returned the laptop? Was it the thief or someone else? Why was the laptop returned? Was it a change of heart or was it returned because Royce was named as a suspect?

Still hoping for a good ending to this saga..but who knows. I don't think Royce had the benefit of parent(s)...just a parent. Not an excuse..but it makes a difference. Was hoping Tubby could fill in the final "s".

Anyway...on to reality. We need to open big ten play strong with wins against Penn St and against Iowa (road) before things get tough. A slip up in either game could crush tourney hopes.

RW has made poor decisions for quite some time now.

Decisions that affect his life, and that of his team. Poor reflection thus far of what it means to be a teammate, whether in BB or on the job in the real world.

Frankly, it is shocking that the kid still doesnt quite get it. Not a good decision to use the tech tools to continually amp up the situation. Again, very poor decision.

It appears that he simply needs to grow up and be held accountable for his poor decisions. Too bad he seem incapable of doing just that.

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