Out of whack isn't the right description. ABOMINATION is the correct word. Why not sell the Liberty Bell for scrap and buy a brand new bell? Why not tell people on a pilgrimage to Mecca that they should go to Bakersfield for a change? Why not ask the Pope to worship a different God every few years? Why not tell us to change our mascot to a skunk in a popcorn box?
How many legs does a dog have if you call a tail a leg? Four, calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg. The Rose Bowl is the Rose Bowl. You move the game somewhere else, and even if you call it the Rose Bowl, it's not the Rose Bowl. The Sun Bowl, the second oldest bowl game after the Rose Bowl would command a lot more respect from me than the so-called Rose Bowl if the Rose Bowl would move.
Besides, there is zero, 0.000, nada, zip, no chance of this happening.
The Metrobowl in the Metrodome is a far better idea than this.