Roof takes Gophers ex-11th best receiver with him...


Nov 24, 2008
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Scout is saying that Spry is an Auburn Tiger. I didn't know that his pops was the track and field coach there. Roof and Spry...jerks.

Taikwon Paige is the one I'm worried about leaving. Sounds like he was pretty uncertain about his commitment after he found out Roof was gone.

It's kind of funny. I teach in a western suburb and this year there was a new 3rd grade student I got to know. The first day I met the kid he came up to me and shook my hand like #28 of the Vikings and said to me, "Hello sir...I'm xxx Roof. Anything you need from me or anyway I can help, just let me know." The kid was built like an 8th grader and once I found out it was Roof's kid, I let him know that I was dang proud to teach a kid like him and I was a big fan of his dad's.

I don't know what's going to happen to the kid, but I'm guessing he's going to transfer to Alabama and have to sit out his 4th grade year.

Scout is saying that Spry is an Auburn Tiger. I didn't know that his pops was the track and field coach there. Roof and Spry...jerks.

Good luck, Ralph, both in athletics and in your life.

Thank you for your efforts to try and help bring Minnesota back to it's glory days in football. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. I know transitioning to college away from home can be a very trying time in a young mans life.

For choosing the Gophers over your other offers, even though it didn't work out, I'd like to say thank you. To think that you chose the maroon and gold over Auburn, Tennessee and 'Bama means a lot. I only wish it had worked out better for you.

I sincerely hope you leave with a good feeling about the area, the university, it's staff and it's fans.

Best of luck to you....

Lol, how many points did Auburn score this year? 100?

Gus Malzahn is the new OC at Auburn, so if Ralph plays there, it will also be in a spread offense.

I can not believe Auburn would give Spry a scholarship. Is he walking on? The guy looked and played like he belonged on the JV at Eden Prairie.

Because he reminds me of you, gopherbadgerman....jesus, a little sarcasm. Go back to bed.

He had no other offers, unless you're talking about offers to walk on.

sad, but true. He was a complete throw in who seemed to have potential his frosh year then decided to start playing like a girl and dropping everything

I had hopes for these guys..

I'm sorry it did not work out. Good luck at Auburn. Ted we barely knew ya, and Ralph, you looked great on film but it never translated on the field. As a former resident of Alabama, I hope you have success and just beat the Tide early and often for me.

On secong thought...

The Paige point might be a good one, do we lose him because of this? I haven't looked but wasn't Auburn one of the other schools interested in him?

Our offense took a turn for the worse when Spry stopped playing. Coincidence?

Our offense took a turn for the worse when Spry stopped playing. Coincidence?

Spry had the speed and ability to get open in space and could catch the ball. His problem was what happened after the catch. He fumbled while trying to carry tacklers to get extra yards, which is going to happen. It seemed his biggest problem was running straight into defenders after the catch. The two things I don't know about him is if he is a consistent at running routes and if he can block well.

He seems to have football ability and toughness. If Auburn can coach him to hold onto the ball and make better decisions after the catch, I wouldn't be surprised if he did very well at there.

Decker got hurt in the same game Spry didn't play. lol Our offense was already sucking up to that point. lol Maybe you didn't notice b/c you were too busy being silly lol

Taking out an experienced receiver did not help our already struggling line up, no matter how much people hated him. I wish him luck, and I hope he finds some success.

I don't disagree with that at all. I personally didn't have nearly the same bitterness toward Spry as others though. I just think the offense was shaky, but they were at least moving the ball some and stuff, but then it just flat out bottomed out when Decker went out. If Decker was healthy that entire time, the offense doesn't crumble like that I don't think.

Spry looked like he was in a little over his head in the BigTen...I hope he is ready for the speed down there.

I am not bitter. The guy is just not a Big 10 or SEC athlete. A SWAC school is where he belongs if he wants to play football in Alabama.

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