Roof leaving...crushing blow...

What Up Guy

Nov 24, 2008
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We need continuity on that side of the ball...considering how awful we were in 2007, the guy was a miracle worker. That sucks he left, sucks big time. I wont hold anything against him though, best of luck at Auburn.

It's crushing no doubt. What does Reesing have to say about this?!?

A very good DC...... yes

A miracle worker...... we were still 80th in the nation in total D??????

Still, sad to see him go, but its just an opportunity for a young up and comer

We need continuity on that side of the ball...considering how awful we were in 2007, the guy was a miracle worker. That sucks he left, sucks big time. I wont hold anything against him though, best of luck at Auburn.

I know I was thinking to myself in the Metrodome on November this guy's a miracle worker. When I was watching TV on New Year's Eve and the Kansas quarterback just set a school record for most consecutive completions, I was thinking to this guy's a miracle worker. When a back up quarterback rushed for 200 yards when Minnesota was 7-1, I was thinking to, this guy's a miracle worker.

Roof was a significant upgrade, no doubt...and a portion of the above was helped by the ineptitude on offense. There's also no doubt that Brew can find a guy that can have a similar impact....if not a bigger one, considering an upgrade in talent.

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