Robert Gregory Back on The Market


Active member
Mar 23, 2010
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Per this tweet:

"@dinkdumpdish: Robert Gregory decommits from the #Hogs after visit to the #Gophers per ESPN"

Not sure the reasoning on taking two QB's in the same class unless Kill either plans to play both, move one, or redshirt one.

Either way, if Gregory commited here, that would be awesome! Looks like a vert talented kid and would be a great great pick up!

Not sure the reasoning on taking two QB's in the same class unless Kill either plans to play both, move one, or redshirt one.

Either way, if Gregory commited here, that would be awesome! Looks like a vert talented kid and would be a great great pick up!

Gregory was asked about his thoughts on Nelson already being committed and he said Kill told him that they had to take another QB to fill the need and now he would come in as a QB and compete but the staff has said there is a possibility of them moving him to WR. He then said he is fine with that and is willing to do whatever is best for the team he ends up at and understands that coach kill had to fill the all-important QB slot with someone else once he committed to Arkansas.

That is a summary btw not exact quotes.

How would this impact Leidner? will he stick and move to another position or might he be gone?

My guess is there will be other QB position shifts/transfers.

my $.02:
Apilate has the size to be a TE or DE and could be a good one if he wants to be.
I can't see Parish sticking around, he is buried on the depth chart.

Gregory seems to be an elite athlete with good potential at QB.
I'd love to see him come in and compete for the spot, it can only make the team better.
If he ends up not winning the starting job then he'll help somewhere else.
This could be a really big get for Kill if he can reel Gregory in.

Similar to the Dexter Foreman signing IMO. You wanna be our QB? Ok, show us what you've got, but if you don't win the job we want to be able and try you out at another position. You're ok with that? Good, come on in.

I see Nelson/Gregory/Foreman/Leidner/Shortell competing for the spot in the spring of 2012, Leidner/Foreman/Gregory in some combo switching positions to get PT and help out, Shortell/Nelson competing in fall camp, our 2013 starter is well versed in the O and well tested by the tryout process.

Parrish could end up somewhere, he is a good athlete, a bit on the skinny side from what i've seen. We'll see if he's interested in switching positions or if he tries to go somewhere else.

Gregory is being recruited as an athlete, if he could beat out the other qb's he would play there, but it seems like they would expect him to be a WR, which we need.
Alipate has never shown the ability to play those other positions, if he can great, but he has not demonstrated that. Parrish is a good athlete, and he is pretty tough(he is thin and I don't think he could take the poiunding in this offense), but moving to another postion would be tough as well. It will be interesting to see what he does.

Gregory is being recruited as an athlete, if he could beat out the other qb's he would play there, but it seems like they would expect him to be a WR, which we need.
Alipate has never shown the ability to play those other positions, if he can great, but he has not demonstrated that. Parrish is a good athlete, and he is pretty tough(he is thin and I don't think he could take the poiunding in this offense), but moving to another postion would be tough as well. It will be interesting to see what he does.

I will be shocked if Parrish is still here next fall. I just can't see him sticking around because it would appear he has no shot of getting in the mix at QB. As for Alipate a lot of his issue seems to be motivation. He may be content just to ride out his scholarship and never take a snap but I don't see him switching positions.

As for Gregory it seems like he has the attitude you want. He wants a shot at QB but understands he may end up at another position if there are more talented guys in front of him. Competition at the QB spot is always a good thing and those guys typically are some of the better athletes out there as well so if he comes on board that would be great.

It seems that we already have plenty of competition at QB. I'd like to see him as a 6'3", 200 lb. WR w/ blazing speed and the ability to cut on a dime.

FYO Gregory's been looking around for a while as Arky is kind of recruiting over him at QB. Don't know if they want him as an athlete or not but it seems like he doesn't have an issue with moving.

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