Rivals Ranking the Big Ten Coaches

Gee, I'm surprised to see you post this. Mainboard Rivals ripped the ranking to shreds and mocked the author. You should go check it out because the opinion of the masses is probably more in line with reality than the opinion of one guy.

How can Danny Hope be ranked anywhere without coaching a game? Can Pat Fitzgerald get any less credit? Is there anyone that would rather have Bielema as their coach than Fitzgerald or Brewster? Even if you hate Brewster you have to respect that Fitzgerald > Bielema and it's not even close. Ferentz and DickRod being ahead of Sweater Vest and Joe Pa is a traveshamockery. I mean honestly, two guys in the conference have won a national championship and they rank 3 & 4, what is he thinking? I don't read authors that have more respect for a coach that loses to Toledo than one that loses championship games to Florida and LSU.

Gee, I'm surprised to see you post this. Mainboard Rivals ripped the ranking to shreds and mocked the author. You should go check it out because the opinion of the masses is probably more in line with reality than the opinion of one guy.

How can Danny Hope be ranked anywhere without coaching a game? Can Pat Fitzgerald get any less credit? Is there anyone that would rather have Bielema as their coach than Fitzgerald or Brewster? Even if you hate Brewster you have to respect that Fitzgerald > Bielema and it's not even close. Ferentz and DickRod being ahead of Sweater Vest and Joe Pa is a traveshamockery. I mean honestly, two guys in the conference have won a national championship and they rank 3 & 4, what is he thinking?

Please don't put words in my mouth and calm down, all I did was post it, period. I didn't share an opinion on it at all. You better watch ripping Rivals however as I don't want you to get into trouble with your masters over at GI again and have to apologize. For the record I do not agree with the rankings either just thought it would create some good discussion.


this is way off base!!!

"Wisconsin's record has gotten worse each season under Bielema: 12-1 to 9-4 to 7-6. Give the intense Bielema credit in that he has altered his offseason approach, looking to connect better with the players and enhance their development."

I guess that's why 2 of the top Wisconsin recruits have committed to the Gophs so far!

I agree, grunk, Danny Hope has done what? And richrod #2?

This piece of speculation should be ripped on!!!!:cool:

Please don't put words in my mouth and calm down, all I did was post it, period. I didn't share an opinion on it at all. You better watch ripping Rivals however as I don't want you to get into trouble with your masters over at GI again and have to apologize. For the record I do not agree with the rankings either just thought it would create some good discussion.

I think I gave you plenty of talking points: the obvious controversy of Sweater Vest & Paterno being ranked behind DickRod & Ferentz, Fitz getting no respect, Bielema getting too much respect, Danny Hope being ranked before coaching a game. All good talking points.

My opinion is that anybody with less than 5 years of experience can't be judged fairly against people with a longer track record. Obviously at 4 years you know more than at 1 year but it's way to early to tell because it is a reflection of the talent in the program when a coach took over.

I think I gave you plenty of talking points: the obvious controversy of Sweater Vest & Paterno being ranked behind DickRod & Ferentz, Fitz getting no respect, Bielema getting too much respect, Danny Hope being ranked before coaching a game. All good talking points.

My opinion is that anybody with less than 5 years of experience can't be judged fairly against people with a longer track record. Obviously at 4 years you know more than at 1 year but it's way to early to tell because it is a reflection of the talent in the program when a coach took over.

I don't disagree with you on any of your points.

The guy that wrote that piece should be fired. He has no idea what he is talking about.

I don't disagree with you on any of your points.

I always like to read the opinions of people that aren't as close to the program because they sometimes see some things that we don't. As a Minnesota fan it is easy enough to see fault in the rest of his rankings to determine that I don't want to put much stock in his opinion whether it is good or bad.

Any ranking that doesn't put Brewster and Zook right next to each other at this time doesn't make much sense to me. From what they have shown on the field they are fairly comparable. Undoubtedly they are both good recruiters. Zook finished second and got in to a Rose Bowl when they should have been in the Capital One Bowl which is his greatest accomplishment and outside of that they have underperformed. Brewster took a team one year off a bowl loss and 6-7 finish that lost some key players and finished 1-11 before rebounding in year 2 with the help of a great class to return to the same bowl and a 7-6 finish. The rest of the story has yet to be written.

My ranking:
1. Tressel (They have won or tied for the conference championship 4 straight years)
2. Paterno (Too much accomplishments to not honor him)
3. RR (Credit for success at WVU, if going solely on Big Ten he ranks 9 of 10)
4. Ferentz (He has had some very good years but also inconsistency)
5. Dantonio (too early to really know, judging from 2008)
6. Fitzgerald (too early to really know, judging from 2008)
7. Zook (Recruiting success, general underperformance
8. Brewster (too early to really know)
9. Bielema (too early to really know, just making a call--judging from the trend line)
10. Lynch (too early to really know but I have yet to be impressed)

Not ranked: Hope

#5,6,8,9,10 will all move around a lot over the next 2-3 years because we have seen very little from the 4 of them.

Any one who doesn't put Tressel #1 on that list is crazy. What he has been able to do in Columbus is nothing short of amazing. JoePa is JoePa and is the senior statesmen. RichRod is just an asshat. It is never good when the first thing you do when you get to a school is piss of the rest of the conference coaches. I think Fitz is going down as one of the best coaches of his generation when is all done.

But you can't judge Brewster, Hope, Lynch, RichRod really they haven't been there long enough.

Paterno and Tressel have to be #1 and 2. Based on his first year at Michigan I have a hard time puting Rod at #3. The Iowa boy has done a lot with midlevel talent. The rest we will need a couple more years to see.

If you are going to look at big Ten plus history, then Rod would get credit for what he accomplished at his prior school to get to third, Maybe Zook/Ferentz to 4 and 5. Then Dantonio, then the rest are either new to HC job or don't have much history to judge yet...

This is silly. What are we ranking? Good today? Good over a career? Good the past few seasons?

Paterno is a great coach. Tressel and Capt. Kirk are really, really good coaches. Dantonio impresses me. So does Fitzgerald. Brewster, Zook and Madison's Asshat in the Oakley Blades are all hanging in the balance.

If I could have any of those coaches come to our team in his prime? Lord forgive me for what I am about to say: I would take KF and his super classy family.

It will be very interesting to quietly observe what happens in Ann Arbor if the cornbluesstruggle and stumble again in 2009. Especially when OSU puts a whopping on them again. And, IF MSU takes them to the cleaners again in 2009, there will be some in AA who will want both the Athletic Director and the coach out of there. Personally, I would love to see Michigan fall pretty hard. They have it coming. They fired the only coach in the past half centruy to win them a NC. Not even Schembeckler won a NC.

I give Joe Pa. the "lifetime achievement" number 1 ranking. Then Tressel comes in at number two. Of the rest of the coaches in the Big Ten, I'd have to put them Ferentz at number 3, the MSU guy at 4, Fitzgerald at 5. The Bulemic guy at number six. I suppose that Zook would come in at number 7, just because he had one Rose Bowl appearance.

The rest really are too hard to guess about. None of them have accomplished anything as of this point in time.

I saw this morning that this story is one of the front page stories on cnnsi.com college football page.

This is silly. What are we ranking? Good today? Good over a career? Good the past few seasons?

Paterno is a great coach. Tressel and Capt. Kirk are really, really good coaches. Dantonio impresses me. So does Fitzgerald. Brewster, Zook and Madison's Asshat in the Oakley Blades are all hanging in the balance.

If I could have any of those coaches come to our team in his prime? Lord forgive me for what I am about to say: I would take KF and his super classy family.

Exactly, what is the criteria?

I think this article is nothing more than a ploy to boost hits on their website and stir up some controversy on message boards and in blogs around the country. Sort of like all the little nuances the major TV networks use in their shows to get you to watch certain things and ultimately look at advertisements. Unless the author is some strange cross breed between an Iowa and Michigan homer who somehow bleeds both colors I don't think this is the genuine opinion of a so-called College Football "expert." Clearly this ploy works and as the media gets better at it we'll probably deal with more bull-crap.

I don't think there's an Iowa fan out there that would put their coach at #1 and RichRod at #2. And there's no way a Michigan fan would do the opposite.

The guy that wrote that piece should be fired. He has no idea what he is talking about.

Funny you should say that.

Dienhart worked for SportingNews for a number of years as a college football writer. I get SN over all other sports magazines solely for the reason that they cover college football year round. They are the only rag that has an article on college football every week. Their website is the same and OTHERS, such as ESPN, SI, USA TODAY, did the same in response to them.

With that said, Tom always had hilarious and entertaining posts on SN on Sundays after each game the previous Saturday. They were very tongue and cheek and enjoyable. However, the rest of his stuff in the magazines they sell was fluff and, quite frankly, very poorly researched.

He got fired after the 2007 season. When he didn't appear in the summer before the '08 season and was non-existent thereafter, I probed and wrote several emails to SN. I finally got a response from the senior college football writer (MH) who informed me that the editorial staff was very unhappy with the "depth of Tom's reporting".

Interpret that as you want, but I take it that he was fluff and no substance. I loved his Sunday "wish I were him", "glad I'm not him" stuff, but his articles in the rag sucked. I would expect nothing more than Dienhart stuff from Rivals, quite frankly. Although I know most of you hang and live by their star rankings.

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