definitely a bummer.

FBT was the best gopher blog by far I have come across and MV always had great insights in everything gopher related. FBT will be missed, but looks like MV has alot of great things going on for him. for that.... Thank you and good luck into your next endeavor

Nooooooooooooooo! FBT is/was the best Gopher blog

That's a damn shame. Best Gopher site out there, bar none.

Oh well. Thanks for the last few years, MV. Look forward to seeing your stuff on the Daily Gopher (and hopefully with it an uptick in the content and quality there...though they've been doing better work lately as well.)

Enjoyed it for position ranking by year...bummer.

Screw MV. He never cleared this with us. I say we put it to a vote whether he is allowed to shut it down. O.K. I'm moving pretty quickly through the 5-stages and will miss FBT and wish MV well. Thanks for all your insights MV! I'm glad you'll still be around a bit at the D.G.

Shame. I felt like he was the last bit of sanity in the Gopher fanbase. I guess I'll have to come here to you nuts for my gopher football news.

Stinks to see. FBT was a great site. MV did great work. It will certainly be missed! Looking forward to the work he will be doing at the Daily Gopher!

Just follow the daily gopher. All his content will follow over there, so anything people miss from his site TDG will have. He's just moving up in the world...

MV was a great blogger, and FBT was one of the better blogs around the B1G no doubt. Thankfully he isn't completely getting out of the game, TDG will have a lot of his stuff from now on.

This is a bummer. Always enjoyed FBT, even started listening to the podcasts recently. It's always tough to maintain regular content on a blog that is really a one man show (yes, I know MV had a few guest posters). God knows I tried with mine (Give 'Em Hell Goldy). Absolutely overwhelming at times to keep churning out content on your own, while trying to maintain a full-time career, kids, etc.

Glad MV's talents will be available to us at TDG, and that although his blog is no more, his passion for Gopher football is not diminished.

MV and Frothy podcasts were the best. I hope he can still do them.


Sounds like he may be taking over the podcasts from TDG, but no official announcement yet. I loved FBT, but am happy that he'll keep putting out content. I'll just have one less Gopher site to hit daily.

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