Reusse Sheds Light On Tubby Wanting Out Rumors


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Nov 23, 2008
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I was listening to 1500 this afternoon and Reusse revealed that Tubby is not happy at the U, specifically with Joel Maturi. Word is they had a sit down this week and Tubby noted that when he was hired there was a promise of a practice facility. It's nowhere in sight and behind the baseball field in priorities. Reusse and Soucheray suggested giving him Old Mariucci sitting vacant.

Here's my two cents on the Tubby being mad because he doesn't have a practice facility ordeal. College basketball coaches are the most oblivious beings in existence, next to buffalo. We are in the middle of a recession, tuition is spiking, faculty and staff are about to take a pay cut, and now he's frustrated because he doesn't have a luxurious practice facility? Something is wrong with this logic. As being the highest paid governmental employee in this state, he should be able to take some concessions just like everyone else, because I can grantee you damn well that Smith will never get a pay cut like the rest of the faculty and staff are about to experience.

Don't get me wrong, I love Tubby. But if his rumored frustration is true, well, he should open his eyes to the current economic situation.

Considering recent events, I'm taking anything anybody in the Twin Cities media says in regards to Tubby and his relationship with Maturi, the university or any other program with a major grain of salt.

I'm not trying to say that Reusse isn't correct. He may very well be. But given how much utter nonsense has been spewed all over the place as of late, including by two of Reusse's Star Trib buddies in Medcalf and Souhan, I think I'll take the coach's word for now.

I was listening to 1500 this afternoon and Reusse revealed that Tubby is not happy at the U, specifically with Joel Maturi. Word is they had a sit down this week and Tubby noted that when he was hired there was a promise of a practice facility. It's nowhere in sight and behind the baseball field in priorities.

My Reusse is making revelations? I assure you that ol' clogged arteries has no sources inside the Gopher Athletic Department that could provide this kind of info.

Maybe this "word" was from his dimwit buddy Soohan, who also revealed that Tubby was in Alabama earlier this week when he was here watching the HS tournament. Hell, KFAN was using him as a source for their Tubby to Auburn/Florida/Oregon/Georgia Tech stories this week.

When will it end?

I think people need to recognize that Tubby has a very small window for movement. He is almost 59 and is coming off decent but not great years at Minnesota and previously voluntarily left one of the marquee positions in the NCAA.

He is still wanted by programs similar to Minnesota but if they miss NCAA next year will anyone want a 60 year old coach?

Tubby has the big name but age is going to become more and more of a stumbling block. I don't think many fan bases will get totally pumped over a +60 hire (unless he is coming off a big NCAA run).

Reusse revealed that Tubby is not happy at the U, specifically with Joel Maturi.

I don't see how this is possible. Maturi is a giant among men, one of the great leaders of our time.

(Reusse--who is not my personal hero--is not known for silly gossip...)

Here's my two cents on the Tubby being mad because he doesn't have a practice facility ordeal. College basketball coaches are the most oblivious beings in existence, next to buffalo. We are in the middle of a recession, tuition is spiking, faculty and staff are about to take a pay cut, and now he's frustrated because he doesn't have a luxurious practice facility? Something is wrong with this logic. As being the highest paid governmental employee in this state, he should be able to take some concessions just like everyone else, because I can grantee you damn well that Smith will never get a pay cut like the rest of the faculty and staff are about to experience.

Don't get me wrong, I love Tubby. But if his rumored frustration is true, well, he should open his eyes to the current economic situation.

I personally do not agree with this point of view. If Tubby's market value as a basketball coach is $2M per season, then that's his market value. However, as an employer, if you entice someone with the credentials of Tubby, you better keep the promises that you have made. Yes, there are extenuating circumstances that occur (in this instance the economy), but Joel needs to keep to his word and get this done. Tubby's going into year 4 and there isn't even a plan in place for this facility, at least nothing public. Think about it, if your employer promised you an annual bonus as a way to get you on board, wouldn't you be pissed if they didn't live up to their side of the agreement?

My Reusse is making revelations? I assure you that ol' clogged arteries has no sources inside the Gopher Athletic Department that could provide this kind of info.

Maybe this "word" was from his dimwit buddy Soohan, who also revealed that Tubby was in Alabama earlier this week when he was here watching the HS tournament. Hell, KFAN was using him as a source for their Tubby to Auburn/Florida/Oregon/Georgia Tech stories this week.

When will it end?

Exactly my thoughts. I'd be curious as to where this 'word' came from as well.

Reusse, Souhan, and friends all seem to be so sure that its a forgone conclusion that Tubby is gone. If so, then its time to stick your neck out and write it up in hardcopy, instead of hiding behind blogs and radio microphones.

I personally do not agree with this point of view. If Tubby's market value as a basketball coach is $2M per season, then that's his market value. However, as an employer, if you entice someone with the credentials of Tubby, you better keep the promises that you have made. Yes, there are extenuating circumstances that occur (in this instance the economy), but Joel needs to keep to his word and get this done. Tubby's going into year 4 and there isn't even a plan in place for this facility, at least nothing public. Think about it, if your employer promised you an annual bonus as a way to get you on board, wouldn't you be pissed if they didn't live up to their side of the agreement?

Agreed. I assume any discussion regarding a practice facility at the time of Tubby's hiring was couched in terms of "best efforts" rather than a guarantee or firm timeline. However, in a competitive environment such as NCAA BB it is critcally important that Maturi and the U follow through if they hope to retain Tubby. Especially in trying economic times it is even more important to focus on the revenue-producing programs, perhaps to the short-term detriment of the non-revenue programs.

You don't have to like Reusse. He is very hard on the Gophers, which makes him unpopular here. (He has written some excellent pieces on the Twins lately.)

In any case, he's not nearly as much of a gossip when it comes to things like this as Souhan or god forbid, Myron, who I wouldn't trust half as much as several posters on this board. There's no reason to think he's making this up. And he has been a reporter/columnist in this market for 35 years. Only by Sid's standards is that not an awfully long time. It's not that unreasonable to think he has decent sources inside the Athletic Department.

Let's face it. Maturi did promise Tubby this would get done. It's not getting done. And telling him it's going to be at least 3 more years is pathetic. There's no doubt he's upset about this. He's all but said so himself "there are things we need to get better at 'facility-wise.' That's as close to publicly calling Maturi out as Tubby's going to get.

Frankly, at this point, Tubby aside, I don't want Dithering Joel Maturi making the next football hire either. And there's a decent chance that'll need to be done in November. I'd very much like to see ol' Joel politely retire and get someone in here who truly up to the job.

You don't have to like Reusse. He is very hard on the Gophers, which makes him unpopular here. (He has written some excellent pieces on the Twins lately.)

In any case, he's not nearly as much of a gossip when it comes to things like this as Souhan or god forbid, Myron, who I wouldn't trust half as much as several posters on this board. There's no reason to think he's making this up. And he has been a reporter/columnist in this market for 35 years. Only by Sid's standards is that not an awfully long time. It's not that unreasonable to think he has decent sources inside the Athletic Department.

Let's face it. Maturi did promise Tubby this would get done. It's not getting done. And telling him it's going to be at least 3 more years is pathetic. There's no doubt he's upset about this. He's all but said so himself "there are things we need to get better at 'facility-wise.' That's as close to publicly calling Maturi out as Tubby's going to get.

Frankly, at this point, Tubby aside, I don't want Dithering Joel Maturi making the next football hire either. And there's a decent chance that'll need to be done in November. I'd very much like to see ol' Joel politely retire and get someone in here who truly up to the job.


Like him or not Reusse doesn't really gossip. For those of you who don't trust Pat, don't forget that JohnnyGopher was saying Georgia Tech was a serious threat when it looked like Hewitt would leave. Johnny is more reliable than anybody on this board, and I think Reusse is probably right about what he is saying. We dodged a potential bullet with Hewitt deciding to stay, but I have no reason to doubt that Tubby is unhappy.

If it is true then Tubby is turning out to be a whiny, cry baby who is acting like a twelve year old. The next sports facility that gets built at the U is the new baseball stadium. That has a much greater priority right now. Tubby is going to have to wait his turn. If he decides to leave then good riddance to him.

I was listening to 1500 this afternoon and Reusse revealed that Tubby is not happy at the U, specifically with Joel Maturi. Word is they had a sit down this week and Tubby noted that when he was hired there was a promise of a practice facility. It's nowhere in sight and behind the baseball field in priorities. Reusse and Soucheray suggested giving him Old Mariucci sitting vacant.

There is another way of interpreting this. It doesn't have to be "Tubby is unhappy because he doesn't get what he wants." It can be him saying "Current reality is that there is an arms race in basketball recruiting that requires impressive practice facilities to remain competitive for top prospects." The athletic director or the president of the University or the average fan can assess the credibility of that statement and what can appropriately be done about it, but I don't think it means that the coach is acting like a spoiled child if he raises the issue and uses what leverage he has to bring about desired results. And it doesn't necessarily mean that he focuses his unhappiness on the athletic director. Could be, but maybe not.

But let's consider the ability to raise funds. Does the baseball team have any big boosters? I would think that the basketball team would have a much easier time raising money. Does anybody care about the baseball team? Can they work out some deal to play at Target Field?

reusse shed light on something? i was under the impression that all that slobbish hack did was block out the sun with his immensely rotund figure! :)

Maturi is over his head folks. The Maturi supporters on this post are naive and do not realize the prize we have in Tubby. A real AD would get out of his way and find a way to execute on the plan and vision Tubby has set for the BBall program. Maturi is a weak mealy mouthed AD who who does not demonstrate any true leadership qualities but is a typical University style bureaucrat. mason was the fund raiser behind the football stadium--which under this knuckleheads leadership doesnt sell out..maturi has set this program back a long way....look at the results for Womens hoops, Mens Hockey, football...If you were Tubby would you have any confidence? JOEL...please retire and go away on top of the Tier 2 sports world please......


As Reusse has spent the last 20 or 30 years making fun of and hating on the U of M you have to wonder what kind of source he could have within its walls.

On the other hand the fact that the practice facility has been a topic since Tubby got off the plane and no shovel has been turned, it is a significant concern our AD should be working on.

Still PR is a BFA IMHO.

i get a kick out of the guys who bash the poster or reusse instead of dealing with the facts.......come on...Promises made and promises not kept I view as an ethics issue with Joel. He should be suspended immediately! ALways Guilty until proven innocent.

Maturi is over his head folks. The Maturi supporters on this post are naive and do not realize the prize we have in Tubby. A real AD would get out of his way and find a way to execute on the plan and vision Tubby has set for the BBall program. Maturi is a weak mealy mouthed AD who who does not demonstrate any true leadership qualities but is a typical University style bureaucrat. mason was the fund raiser behind the football stadium--which under this knuckleheads leadership doesnt sell out..maturi has set this program back a long way....look at the results for Womens hoops, Mens Hockey, football...If you were Tubby would you have any confidence? JOEL...please retire and go away on top of the Tier 2 sports world please......

Are you certain this coudn't be fixed by dropping all sports programs other than football, basketball and hockey?

From what I hear, the practice facility is VERY much in sight.

But let's consider the ability to raise funds. Does the baseball team have any big boosters? I would think that the basketball team would have a much easier time raising money. Does anybody care about the baseball team? Can they work out some deal to play at Target Field?

Learn the facts before putting this out there. John Anderson personally has been raising money for some time now. Big donors? Dave Winfield, Paul Molitor...

People care about the baseball team, and if the football doesn't have to share with the Vikings, why do you suggest the baseall team has to share with the Twins. Furthermore, the Twins schedule isn't definite, it's fluid according to weather. Why would the Twins agree to letting them play there?

Honest to God...

As funky as old mariucci was, it had class. Hate to see it sit vacant. Great alternative.

First off, where is this idea coming from that "old Mariucci" is sitting vacant? It was renovated along with Williams Arena in the mid 1990s, and it houses gymnastics, wrestling, volleyball and other events.

Secondly, with everything the way it is economically, if this practice facility takes a little longer to get done, then that's just the way it is. The money for it doesn't exactly just appear out of nowhere. Further, if I had a choice between that or a new baseball stadium, the actual playing facility beats out a practice facility every time, regardless of how important the coach or team may be.

I don't know if this has been said before, but I think it would be good idea to let the Vikings get their stadium financed through the state first. While its being built, they play at TCF, have them foot the tab for both the new baseball field and practice facility. If the fb shows real progress and gets wins and a couple more great recruiting classes have the Vikings foot the expansion bill too. It's win win for everybody.

I don't really know anything about the situation, but with the number of U of M alumni, basketball or not, how are there not enough people willing to donate a significant amount of money for the practice facility?

First off, where is this idea coming from that "old Mariucci" is sitting vacant? It was renovated along with Williams Arena in the mid 1990s, and it houses gymnastics, wrestling, volleyball and other events.

Secondly, with everything the way it is economically, if this practice facility takes a little longer to get done, then that's just the way it is. The money for it doesn't exactly just appear out of nowhere. Further, if I had a choice between that or a new baseball stadium, the actual playing facility beats out a practice facility every time, regardless of how important the coach or team may be.

It's called The Sports Pavilion. The women's BB team played their games there until they moved to the larger Williams Arena during the Lindsey Wallen era.

As Reusse has spent the last 20 or 30 years making fun of and hating on the U of M you have to wonder what kind of source he could have within its walls.

This was the point of my post. The Slob is persona non grata in the Athletic Department, and rightfully so. He currently does not have any sources (if he ever did) that could relay this type of "revelation" to him.

At best this is a 2nd or 3rd hand bit of info, at worst it's just more BS from Fatty. Remember him spouting off about Brew's recruiting classes on the radio? Claiming that 1/2 of the 2008 class would never set foot on campus, his implication that something was fishy with the recruitment of Gray, how none of the Skyline guys would qualify, etc.

Generally he's smart enough not to put this kind of slander in print, so he can't be called to the carpet later on. That's the difference between being a real journalist and being a "journalist" in this town like PR, Barreiro, and Sooohan.

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