Reusse Publishes His 2020 Turkey of the Year column (a Gopher wins it)


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Nov 11, 2008
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Lots of nominees, but Mark Coyle is the 2020 Turkey of the Year:

Mark Coyle, athletic director, University of Minnesota: The decision to eliminate three men’s sports — tennis, gymnastics, indoor track — has done so little to improve the athletic department’s financial predicament with the pandemic that it is absolutely folly.

As Fleck and football fritter away millions ($38 million-plus expended in 2019 and ever-increasing), Coyle is saving a couple million and allegedly addressing a Title IX problem that could be fixed with much less gore on his hands.

Sadly, in this one-person operation, the best the chairman could come up with as a token for claiming the TRUMP Award for Coyle was a secondhand MyPillow that was donated. Good shape, and those tear stains should come right out.

Go Gophers!!

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