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I hope he is right. I'd love coach Kill to be healthy and feeling good.
I want all of those things as well, but I'm not sure why he would decide to coach at this level again when he determined here at the U that he couldn't do it anymore and be healthy. What changed?
What is a scalding hot take?
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<b>It would probably have to be at a smaller school where there would be less pressure. </b>From an AD standpoint I can't see anyone outside of smaller conferences looking at Kill's history and giving him a chance with the fear that he will have to step down mid season again.
The bolded part may seem logical, but does not apply here. Jerry Kill wouldn't "take it easy" even if he was coaching a HS team. He doesn't know any other way to do anything other than the way he coached when here. JK could buy a Subway franchise and he would work himself into the ground. It would be the best run, most efficient Subway in the whole damn Country, but he would still work 60-hour weeks trying to make it better.
I wouldn't be surprised if he coaches again. Odds are pretty good he will end up having to give it up again too.
In either event, this whole story (as reported) does not quite add up for me yet.
Maybe I'm being too suspicious.
I'm genuinely curious which parts don't make sense to you. For lack of a better term, the guy looked like a dead man walking when he announced his retirement. If he was operating like that the few weeks prior, I totally understand why he hung it up. The whole story, as sad as it was, made complete sense to me.
Who would even hire him at this point given the health issues?
Certainly no school with even a slightly respectable program.
I think Jerry Kill has more integrity than that.I think stud55 is saying that JK took the extension bonus and raise and then used the health concern toend the contract without financial penalty. Why? cuz JK is gonna be accepting a HC job in 2017 for 3 mill/yr.
I think stud55 is saying that JK took the extension bonus and raise and then used the health concern toend the contract without financial penalty. Why? cuz JK is gonna be accepting a HC job in 2017 for 3 mill/yr.
I think stud55 is saying that JK took the extension bonus and raise and then used the health concern toend the contract without financial penalty. Why? cuz JK is gonna be accepting a HC job in 2017 for 3 mill/yr.
If that was his plan, it is the worst scheme I've ever heard of. He goes out in the middle of a down season. He triples a potential school's concern about his health. He quits on the eve of his easiest schedule. If that was his plan, he's insanely stupid. I don't think Jerry Kill is insanely stupid.
And yet that's basically what everyone believes Urban Meyer did.
And yet that's basically what everyone believes Urban Meyer did.
Basically code for, "Notice me, please notice me."