Reusse: More they hire, better Kill looks

One quibble:

One can fairly say "Florida thought it was going to get Stoops, Petersen or someone of that ilk & got surprised."

Unfortunately, Reusse being Reusse, he implies (1) Muschamp was stripped of his "head coach in waiting tag" because (2) his defense was responsible for Texas going 5-7 this year.

Big 12 team stats

10th (of 12) in points scored, 5th in points allowed

1st in total defense, 3rd in rush defense, 2nd in pass defense, 5th pass defense efficiency, 4th in sacks, 6th in red zone defense

The story of the 2010 Texas football team is turnover margin: they were MINUS 18 (the 2010 Gophers were PLUS 2).

One part of that is on the Texas defense - they only forced 12 turnovers the whole year ... one per game isn't going to cut it.

But - the Texas offense turned the ball over almost twice as much as the 2010 Gophers (30 Texas, 17 UM).

Kill is a good hire. So is Muschamp.

I think it's amusing that he absolutely dogs on Haywood after he had said he was better than Kill after we made the hire.

Kill, Hoke and Muschamp are all great coaches. Big names don't always work out. Just ask Michigan.

Ruesse didn't like Brewster from the get go(more about that later). He likes Kill. Nothing earth shattering here.

In the end I think Minnesota and Michigan will have come out with the best coaches. Not off just coaching ability alone, but both are excellent FITS for their respective jobs. Not every school can totally say that imho.

It was a positive article so I will try not to bash it too much, but Reusse gets slammed on these boards because he lacks the forsight to actually see that it was a good hire at the time. The majority of us knew that Peterson and Patterson were nearly impossible for ANY school to get, much less the U. Additionally, the majority of us thought that Harbaugh was a pipe dream for any team in college football.

I'm glad that the hiring looks better now than on the day Kill got hired, but that's largely due to Reusse's ignorance on the college game.

While I think that Coach Kill could be the answer for our coaching woes of late (I wrote a final paper in a class to this effect), I also think we need to give it some time before annointing him the "greatest coaching hire this year". He has all the coaching experience you could want, and the loyalty among his assistants to boot, but we need to give him some time. Statements like that only set you up for disappointment.

While I think that Coach Kill could be the answer for our coaching woes of late (I wrote a final paper in a class to this effect), I also think we need to give it some time before annointing him the "greatest coaching hire this year". He has all the coaching experience you could want, and the loyalty among his assistants to boot, but we need to give him some time. Statements like that only set you up for disappointment.

I tend to sort of disagree with you.

I think it is awhile before we can annoint him a great coach and someone who will help us win. But when you hire someone, you need to look at the coach for what his resume is at this time. From what we know today, I think Kill you can already say that he was a good hire.

I tend to sort of disagree with you.

I think it is awhile before we can annoint him a great coach and someone who will help us win. But when you hire someone, you need to look at the coach for what his resume is at this time. From what we know today, I think Kill you can already say that he was a good hire.

I know that after Brewster was hired, people on here mostly were very positive and said what a great hire that was too, though. Most coaches are the same way - in fact just about every coach that was hired here people felt very good about initially but eventually the euphoria turned sour after reality sank in. That is why when people complained when Kill was first hired here and said how horrible of a hire it was I thought this might actually be a POSITIVE sign!!! He is like the complete opposite of Tim Brewster -- again that is probably a positive sign too.

We won't know if this was a great hire until we see how it all plays out. I have no problem feeling positive and hopeful about it - it's kind of nice to feel that way. My biggest question about him is can he recruit with the big boys and get us some guys who will help us because he has to recruit a whole different tier of athletes to win consistently at this level. So far so good on that. I know he should do just fine with game planning, adjustments and coaching -- he has proven that. For now though I think you can call it a good hire and hopefully much better than what many Gopher fans initially thought.

Reusse has said that Coach Kill reminds him of some of the folks he grew up with in Fulda

"Dutch" Kill and his entourage

There's no questioning Kill is a salt of the Earth type guy. I think it's easy to get behind him.

I tend to agree. The Minnesota Golden Gophers did not just hire Jerry "Dutch" Kill, they hired almost the entire Northern Illinois Huskies coaching staff. The continuity, longevity, and loyalty of assistant coaches under "Dutch" Kill is as impressive as anything I have seen outside of Penn State, that is, until Jerry Sandusky quit after waiting decades for Joe Paterno to retire. What I really like about "Dutch" Kill and his entourage of assistants is that they appear to be highly intelligent, hard working overachievers who did not possess the physical traits to land athletic scholarships at BCS schools. They don't come from OU, USC, UCLA, Texas, Michigan, Notre Dame, Alabama, or OSU. They come from the backwoods schools everybody forgot about. These folks are classic underdogs that I am going to love to pull for and cheer for. I predict this is going to be a blast!

Winona Phantom we salute you!
Michigan – 0
Minnesota – 22
24 October 1953
SKI-U-MAH! matter how hard you try, this whole "Dutch" thing isn't gonna catch on. Sorry.

Nice post otherwise, though!

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