Reusse hires thugs

May 1, 2009
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One of Reusse's broadcast partners on KSTP, Jay Kolls, reportedly was cited for public urination over the weekend.
That means for the past year, more of Reusse's team has been in trouble with the law than Brewsters.

Kolls..... he married that man in drag who used to do the weather on 4.

thats hilarious because I emailed to Patrick this exact same thing and he responded saying it's a tie


I listened to Reusse this morning for a few minutes. He basically summed up his entire existence with one line - "I hate celebrations."

He was saying that in reference to the celebration following LeBron James' game-winning shot. He thought they should have just walked off the floor and been thankful they won the game. He said it was embarrassing that they celebrated. I thought to myself - if you can't celebrate that shot - then why even follow sports? I mean that is the ESSENCE of sports - pro sports especially. It is entertainment. If you can't celebrate and find joy in the fantastic times - then why even worry about competing? It isn't curing cancer or something so important. It's a game designed to have fun. When you make game-winning shots - you should have fun. Yet, Reusse's entire existence is summed up by saying, "I hate celebrations."

He must be such a joy to be married to. My gosh, I don't envy his gal.

from tjgopher..."I listened to Reusse this morning....".[/

it's surprising how large reusse's following both his columns in the strib...and in his radio programs on kstp...:cool02:

concerning whaley...i was hoping his recent transgression(s) wouldn't have been made public...:eek::eek::eek:

it's surprising how large reusse's following both his columns in the strib...and in his radio programs on kstp.

In actuality his following is shrinking. He writes much less now for the Strib and his regular weekday radio show's ratings are horrible. His Saturday show is okay if only because there isn't any decent alternative at that time.

Either way, I'm not sure I could lead my life in such a worn-out, cynical, throw a wet blanket on anything that might be fun way.

But to each his own. Reusse likely has very few friends and likely likes it that way.


I'm out of the loop. What happened with Whaley? Was it something different than being shot?

They've never built a statue of a critic

And, they won't start with Patrick Reusse. The formula is getting old. The "witty cynicism" is over used and the underlying pessimism is tiring. Wouldn't it be great if we had a journalistic talent like Will or Albom putting out quality prose on a daily basis in the Twin Cities..?? We've made it too easy on the likes of Reusse and Barreiro. They have a safe little hamlet to sit back and shred people on a daily basis with little or no backlash.

Everyone has the right to their opinion. We can only hope when they have a microphone to broadcast, or a pen to write that opinion, that it's done with some diligent investigation. My guess is that most of Pat's info is word of mouth.

Quote: "In actuality his following is shrinking. He writes much less now for the Strib and his regular weekday radio show's ratings are horrible. His Saturday show is okay if only because there isn't any decent alternative at that time."

I don't know about the ratings but Reusse's morning drive-time radio show is the best in the Twin Cities. He talks about everything (not just sports) and he gets very good guests. The show is highly entertaining with a lot of laughs.

Quote: "In actuality his following is shrinking. He writes much less now for the Strib and his regular weekday radio show's ratings are horrible. His Saturday show is okay if only because there isn't any decent alternative at that time."

I don't know about the ratings but Reusse's morning drive-time radio show is the best in the Twin Cities. He talks about everything (not just sports) and he gets very good guests. The show is highly entertaining with a lot of laughs.


from tjgopher..."I listened to Reusse this morning....".[/

it's surprising how large reusse's following both his columns in the strib...and in his radio programs on kstp...:cool02:

concerning whaley...i was hoping his recent transgression(s) wouldn't have been made public...:eek::eek::eek:

YAWN. man, you are sooooo tiring dinkything. and soooo predictable. something tells me that your personality matches up with fat pat reusse's perfectly. perhaps you are his long lost fat ass twin brother portly peter reusse........

oh and please take it easy on the emoticons as has been requested before. the mods are going to have to put a daily limit on their use just for you!

Quote: "In actuality his following is shrinking. He writes much less now for the Strib and his regular weekday radio show's ratings are horrible. His Saturday show is okay if only because there isn't any decent alternative at that time."

I don't know about the ratings but Reusse's morning drive-time radio show is the best in the Twin Cities. He talks about everything (not just sports) and he gets very good guests. The show is highly entertaining with a lot of laughs.

not surprised to see upnorthgo4 is a fat pat fan. could have called that one from a mile away.

oh my! a hogeye fan who loves the minnesota gopher bashing fat pat reusse?!? big surprise there.

okay now we just need one of our becky badger regulars here on the gopherhole to tell us they love fat pat reusse as well and the "circle of turds" will be complete. :rolleyes:

I dispute the tie.

thats hilarious because I emailed to Patrick:pig: this exact same thing and he responded saying it's a tie


Brewster is responsible for 85-100 college age men. Reusse:pig: had to hire 3 middle aged persons in a semi-professional field. 1/3 of Reusse's:pig: team got ticketed for urinating behind a bar in Hudson, WI. If it were reversed and a Gopher football player got the same ticket, it would be a talking point for a week on Reusse's:pig: show.
And, come to think of it, why is a man of Reusse's age and position justifying bad behavior by his forty something producer by criticizing the behavior of a 19 year old. Pretty pathetic.

oh my! a hogeye fan who loves the minnesota gopher bashing fat pat reusse?!? big surprise there.

okay now we just need one of our becky badger regulars here on the gopherhole to tell us they love fat pat reusse as well and the "circle of turds" will be complete. :rolleyes:

Bronko! How the heck are you? Say hi to Myles for me the next time you flame the Badger Board.

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